Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Easy Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Easy Pulled Pork Sandwiches -

Aggie at Aggie's Kitchen had a Food and Football Roundup on her blog this weekend. You need to check it out because she featured some fabulous food from amazing cooks. Her sister-in-law's Easy Pork Sandwich caught my eye and I couldn't resist giving it a try. We had BIG games going on Saturday, especially the LSU/Auburn game! Geaux Tigers!!! This sandwich is slow cooker easy, so full of flavor and I even got high fives from my hubby and the homegirlz.

We used a 3lb. Boston Butt. A hint here for easy clean-up anytime you use your slow cooker, use the slow cooker bags!

In a large bowl, mix together 2 bottles of your favorite barbecue sauce (We had 1 bottle of K.C.'s Masterpiece Original and 1 bottle of Jack Daniel's Original BBQ sauce), add 1 cup of chopped onions, 3 to 4 tablespoons of honey and 1/2 teaspoons red pepper flakes. Have your sweetie pour the sauce over the roast and let it cook for 8 to 9 hours on low.

Remove the cooked roast to a pan and shred.

Skim the fat from the sauce left in the slow cooker. I had some time, so I poured the sauce into a bowl and put the bowl in the freezer for approximately 1 hour so the fat would congeal and I could de-fat the sauce more accurately, then I re-heated the sauce on the stove. Pour 1 cup of sauce over the meat and toss.

Dress with your favorite condiments and your favorite sides - TOUCHDOWN!!!!

Thank you Duckie at A Duck in Her Pond for this adorable and thoughtful award!


Amanda said...

Fabulous! I love pulled pork. I made a recipe last week that was actually half a pork roast and a small chuck roast combined. It was very good :) Love your blog, you have my tastes! I am adding you to my blog roll, hope you'll add me too. Thanks for commenting on my blog!

Greg C said...

That does sound good. I would spash on a little hot sauce for the extra points. :)

Prudy said...

That looks wonderful and you sure got a gorgeous piece of meat. You can see the perfect marbling in the pic. I don't always buy the insert bags but I always spray the inside of my slow cooker, then when I'm done I fill it with soapy water and put it back on high till it bubbles. Not quite as easy as the bags, but cheap.

Maria said...

Josh has been begging for pork lately, I don't eat it but I am sure he could polish off a whole crockpot of this stuff:)

Lori said...

Oh wow, that looks good. Pulled pork is one of my favorites. It must smell great while it's cooking!

Anonymous said...

looks good... i bet hubby will like it... thanks for sharing...

gigi said...

Oh, I am all about easy and no clean up! Thanks for sharing this one too. I'm heading to town and thought I'd pick up a boston butt to put on in the morning. I really like the idea about using the bags. Touchdown is right!

Pam said...

I love pulled pork sandwiches and yours look and sound wonderful. What a great idea to freeze the sauce so you can remove the fat - I've never thought of that!

April said...

I love pulled pork! I am going to try this!

The Blonde Duck said...

You deserved the award! The sandwiches look great!

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious! I agree with the slow cooker bags. Makes clean up a snap!

La Bella Cooks said...

Wow, I had to tear my eyes away from the slab of meat! I'm ready for lunch so it was hard to do, but your end result looks delicious. A big congratulations on your award. It's darling!

Apples and Butter said...

Wow. That looks delicious. I love a good pulled pork sandwich. It reminds me of eating BBQ in Memphis when visiting relatives. I'm guessing I can make this low and slow in the oven if I don't have a slow cooker?

Marjie said...

Pulled pork is great, even for those of us without a slow cooker!

Megan said...

Love a good pulled pork! I made a Dr. Pepper one couple weeks ago. Love the Autumn badge. Love the season.

Aggie said...

This looks great Katherine! I've been craving it since Jamie sent it to me and now that I've seen yours I am going to have to make it this weekend. Glad you enjoyed it!

Debbie said...

The pulled pork looks wonderful. I will have to make this for my husband...he loves pulled pork.