Monday, November 3, 2008

Off to State!!

The past several days have been amazingly wonderful. My husband's brother and sister-in-law came to town Friday and are visiting the area for their anniversary. We spent the last couple of days with with them and it has been fabulous.
To top it off, our freshman's soccer team beat Pigeon Forge Saturday morning 3-1 and they are leaving town tomorrow to head to the state playoffs. I am tearing up as I am typing this, I can't believe my baby is this grown up. We will be in Chattanooga with Lauren this week (added bonus, our in-laws will be there too) and probably won't be cooking or posting much this week. Keep your fingers crossed that they make it through.
In the meantime go through the archives, there's plenty there that you may not have seen yet. I served Ribeye with Penne Pasta Friday for the in-laws!


  1. Yeah for the soccer! We traveled to VA Beach this weekend for hockey. What are we going to do with ourselves when they leave?

  2. Lots of luck in the games. We'll miss you!

  3. Oh my gracious! How wonderful and continued good luck to the team!!
    Family visiting is so much fun! Enjoy!

  4. Hooray for your daughter! Enjoy the visit with family, and the playoffs in Chattanooga.I hear the riverfront is even more awesome since our last visit there; hope you have some time to enjoy it!

  5. Good luck! I hope you have a wonderful time and they win!

  6. Best of luck to your daughter!!! Thanks for leaving the instructions about downloading more than one pic per post. I appreciate it and will give it a try!!!! Have a great time....

  7. Good luck on the soccer. Kick some (edit) sorry had to edit myself. That just didn't sound right.

  8. Woo Hoo! Best of luck, can't wait to hear about it.

  9. Good luck at State... hope you guys win. The steak and penne looks tasty!

  10. that dinner for your in-laws sounds delicious! hope you girls' team wins!


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