Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beef Stew

Disclaimer - this isn't your mom or your dad's beef stew.

This stew is just too darn good and totally worth the time, effort, blood, sweat and tears. I made this last night and we didn't eat until almost 8:15 PM. Although everyone was groaning and starting to look emaciated. Groaning turned into looks of enternal love and devotion for the cook.

Beef Stew -

Cut up a 2 to 3 lb. chuck roast or pot roast into 2 inch cubes and season generously with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Preheat a large heavy pot Dutch oven over medium-high heat with 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil and 3 tablepsoons of butter.

While the pan is heating, place about 1 cup of all-purpose flour in a large bowl. Dredge the cubed meat through the flour and shake off the excess. Place the meat into the heated oil/butter and brown on all sides, be careful not to over crowd the pan. You will have to brown the meat in batches. Once all the meat has been browned remove it to a plate and set aside.

Add one bottle of red wine, preferably burgundy to the pot and bring up to a simmer while you scrape the bottom of the pot with a spoon. Make saure you scrape up all those tasty bits. Once the wine is heated through, add the browned meat, 8 sprigs of fresh tyme, 6 cloves of smashed garlic, 3 wide peels from an orange, 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves, freshly ground black pepper and salt, to taste, 2 bay leaves and 2-1/2 cups of beef stock. Bring the mixture up to a boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer and cook uncovered until the liquid starts to thicken just a little, about 20 minutes. Cover and cook on low heat for 2 hours.

After 2 hours, add 5 medium sized red potatoes quartered or 8 small new potatoes halved, 3 peeled and sliced carrots, 1/2 lb. frozen pearl onion/green pea melody and a pinch of sugar to reduce the acidity of the wine.

Turn the heat up slightly and simmer, uncovered, for 30 more minutes, until the vegetables and meat are tender. Season with salt and pepper and remove the thyme sprigs.

Cook 2 cups of white rice.

Spoon a serving of rice in a bowl and ladle stew over rice. Garnish with a slight drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, freshly chopped flat leaf parsley and a dollop of Horseradish Cream Sauce. Serve some crunchly, garlicy bread on the side.

Horseradish Cream Sauce -

Whisk together 1 cup of reduced fat sour cream, 2 teaspoons prepared horseradish, salt and pepper to tasted and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil in a bowl. Garnish dollop with chopped chives.


  1. Never say the word Sweat around the kitchen. For some reason that grosses me out. I recently wittnessed a woman giving out food samples at the market and she was dripping sweat on the food and I almost puked. Sorry I had to share that. now the beef stew looks great.

  2. Girlfreind you knocked yourself out with this one! Sounds amazing. Lucky family! I warmed leftovers and ran off to photo class.

  3. That looks worth the extra effort. Perfect for these cool nights.

  4. That looks quite delicious, and I love stew over rice!

  5. This looks so good. This is the perfect time of year for beef stew. I love the horseradish cream sauce sounds amazing.

  6. You're like my soup guru now! I love coming here and seeing what you're cooking!

  7. this one will warm the heart and soul!

  8. I just love stew! It's on the menu for Halloween, because it can just sit and simmer until the kids are ready for real food. Love your picture, too. Now I can't wait for Friday night dinner!

  9. Mmmm! Sounds perfect for the cold nights we've had lately!

  10. I've always thought that the best things in life were worth waiting for. This stew definitely qualifies!

  11. I made a stew recently and have been craving another batch. Yours has sent me over the edge with that fantastic horseradish cream on top. I am definitely trying that next time. What a wonderful addition!

  12. Great comfort food girl!!! One can have a lousy day but knowing that this dish awaits you,the troubles melt away!

  13. Now THAT stew looks awesome and sounds fantastic. I have not made beef stew for quite a while and your recipe sounds so good. Thanks, I will have to try this one!

  14. It sounds wonderful, I bet it smelled really good while cooking and drove your hungry family crazy! I want a Dutch oven!!!

  15. i love beef stew and this looks so good! yummy!

  16. I love beef stew. It's so nice to have a bowl of something warm, especially since it's freezing! It's definitely worth the extra effort. I think it's perfect served with rice.

  17. I guess I should buy 2 bottles of wine for this dinner. :) Sounds so good. This one will be made!

  18. I'm sure this dish is delicious, but I have to comment on your photo. This is without a doubt your best food photo yet! Keep up the good work, little sis!


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