Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Girard Salad Dressing Giveaway!!!!

Do you know what I like better the getting to tryout new foodie products?  Sharing them with you!!!!

The kind people at Girard's are not stopping at sharing coupons, they are sponsoring a giveaway that one of you lucky readers will win!   One lucky winner will win a beautifully boxed package of four of Girard's gourmet salad dressings.

Just think how much fun you will have experimenting and creating your own signature dishes.

Leave a comment on this post by midnight EST Thursday night.  The winner will be announced Friday morning.  If you do not have a google ID, please be sure to give me your email address so you can be contacted if you win.

Good luck!


  1. count me in! I love salads of all types and I would use the heck out of these dressings...

  2. I LOVE their dressings. Eating a salad right now with their White Balsamic.

  3. I'm thinking we've tried their dressing as the bottle looks familiar. Can't remember how I like it.

  4. Just in time for the new bout of dieting my mean Dr. insists that I do!

    After my appointment on Monday, I got the call.....lose weight, exercise, diet and new meds.

  5. Oh....pick me! Pick ME!!! lol. I'd love to have these. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  6. You know I got these dressings but they did not tell me to give any away...hmmm

    I have not tried them yet, so I hope you let us know how good they are...

  7. Can you purchase this brand in the grocery store in the Knoxville area? They sound really good.

  8. Please add me to the list of interested people! The parent company (at least I think it's the parent company: marzetti.com) is apparently running a sweepstakes, as well.

    I'm going to have to look for that brand of dressing if I don't win. It sounds really good.

  9. I would love to win this.... :)

  10. I love trying different salad dressings. I've seen the Girard brand but I have never tried it. Would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway.

  11. Well I have only gotten to try their dressings once, so count me in!

  12. Great giveaway! Count me in, cher!

  13. Throw my name into the hat! I love a good dressing and I have heard great things about Girard. I bet they would make great marinades for grilling too.

  14. I would LOVE to try these!! I'm a huge salad fan so I could sure use a good dressing!! :)


  15. I love trying new products, and have a ton of garden fresh veggies that could use a kick!

  16. I would love to try these! I eat many salads and love trying new dressings.

  17. What a yummy giveaway Katherine!


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