Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Poppin' Squash Casserole

While grocery shopping Saturday, I hit pay dirt.  I found a package of Smithfield's andouille sausage.  The Smithfield products I have tried have been sensational. I am not a sponsor of theirs paid or otherwise, and the andouille, while not authentic tasting to real andouille in the least, was a pretty good spicy sausage.  it lacked the smokiness of real andouille.  Not know the sausage was spicy, I thought it would be good in a sausage casserole I had been thinking about.

Heat a skillet over medium-high heat and add1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and on tablespoon of butter.  Once the butter has melted, add a couple of generous handfuls of baby bella mushrooms.  Don't move them around too much, you want them to sear and turn golden brown very quickly.  Once the mushrooms begin turning golden brown, add 1/2 lb. of sliced andouille sausage or your favorite smoked or spicy sausage.

Allow the sausage to cook for about 5 to 7 minutes then add in 1 medium diced vidala (or yellow) onion and saute until the onion becomes soft.  Add 2 teaspoons of minced garlic, stir to thoroughly combine.

Peel and slice two yellow (summer) squash and two zucchini and add to the skillet.

Saute for another 5 minutes, you want the squash to brown slightly but not turn squishy.

Add in one can of Original Rotel Tomatoes and Green Chilies!

Stir to blend.  Season with salt to taste.

Pour into a buttered casserole dish.

Top with Manchego or Monterrey Jack cheese and some seasoned bread crumbs.  Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. 


  1. Katherine, This sounds like a perfect casserole to make when all of our yellow squash and zucchini come in. I'm thinking about coming to your get together. Would love to meet all of you.

  2. Katherine, the only things I don't have to make this recipe is the andouille sausage and the mushrooms. I'm going to the store and I'm gonna make this tonight!

    You know I only live a two hour drive from Vidalia, GA. where those onions are grown! I buy them in the 25lb bag! They are a must around my house, especially with fresh home grown squash, yum! Can't get enough ;)

  3. We were just in GA and saw bags of those onions, but no way to bring a bag home, so I have to go see if they are at the store now.

  4. A delicious casserole, always love spicy andouille sausage!

  5. We love andouille sausage and I will have to try this! It sounds delicious and like a great thing!

  6. I know my boys would not gripe about squash if it had sausage in the dish with it! Great creation!

  7. I bet that was good stuff! I might even eat my veggies with a dish like this!

  8. I'm a fan of andouille and this casserole looks delicious. I can just taste the flavor just by looking at it. Now I am craving a bite!

  9. Oh wow. It was looking great and then you topped it with cheese...and now I've got to have this!

  10. This is a winner, Katherine! Love your name for it....the mushrooms and sausage had me drooling and then you added some healthy veggies and topped it off with cheese!! There's nothing not to like in this dish. Wow!

  11. Looks like a fabulous summer casserole and I love the layers of flavors in it. Wish I could mail you some real Andouille, but this sausage looks really good.

  12. fun casserole, i love the squash in there!

  13. Cool dish, sounds like such a comforting dinner during summer storms. What a small world as well, I noticed that your get together is going to be near Greenback where my mother-in-law grew up.

  14. Vicious! My husband would go nuts for this! And real andouille or not who can not love a fab smoked sausage? This looks fabulous!

  15. This sounds like one FLAVORFUL casserole! I love that it pairs the andouille with summer squash...god I can't wait for zucchini season to be upon us!

  16. After new Orleans, I'm in love with this sasusage!

  17. I am literally *drooling* over this!

  18. Love sausages in casserole! Looks so hearty and tasty!

  19. Our grocery recently started carrying this sausage too. It's great!

  20. Yummy!!!
    You always manage to make me hungry again, even after having so much food for lunch. Looks so good Katherine!

  21. I made this tonight! Wow! It was wonderful and a big hit at my house!
    Love ya!

  22. This sounds great, especially with the addition of Rotel! I can't find this sausage in my town, so far, so I'll have to sub. But I love all the veggies that you've used. Yum!

  23. I will watch for this type of sausage and keep it on my radar to try next.

  24. So much flavor - all packed into one scrumptious dish! The sausage is one of my favorites.Love the addition of the squash and those sneaky-spicy tomatoes.

  25. This looks awesome, Katherine! Ro*tel is having some kind of a contest right now. Memory fails as to whose blog mentioned it but you should google it and enter this recipe.

  26. I have so got to try this.. it sounds wonderful and the perfect way to use summer zucchini/squash!!

  27. gigi sent me over here, and i am so glad.
    that looks delicious!
    thank you!!!!

  28. Sounds yummy. I just picked up some squash - fresh from mom's garden. And I have sausage - this'll work for my dinner. Thanks

  29. can't get enough squash! this looks great

    (plus there is easy cleanup!)

  30. Ooh what a lovely casserole dish! Looks delicious!

  31. MMMM MMMM - this looks great, what a terrific use of some of my favorite summer squash :)

  32. WOW oh WOW!! Some of my favorite things all in one dish!!

  33. What a dang good idea, I have all the ingredients in my fridge!

  34. Hi there Katherine, thank you so much for writing about RO*TEL. We love this recipe and think you should enter it into our recipe contest for a chance to win $2,000. For more info visit http://www.rotelacrossamerica.com

    - The RO*TEL Across America Team


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