Friday, May 21, 2010

Last Call!

Just wanted to remind all of you about our First Ever East Tennessee Blogger Get Together on Saturday, June 5 at Big Dude’s near Greenback,TN.

If you are planning to attend send an email directly to Larry at by May 21, TODAY so you can get the skinny on this shindig!

Circle Saturday, June 5 with a GREAT BIG SMILEY FACE on your calendar:

Date: June 5, 2010 – rain or shine

Time : Noon – til everyone leaves, eat at 1:30

Who: Any fellow blogger who’s willing to make the trip and significant other, or not.

Food: We thought we’d provide a few main dishes and let everyone else bring their favorite. If bringing something is inconvenient, please don’t let that keep you from coming. We’ll have the kitchen available if you need it and there is a frig, power, and a grill at the dock for keeping items hot or cold.

Drinks: We’ll provide tea and soft drinks but feel free to BYOB.

Come out and join us and meet your fellow bloggers!  We'll have a awesome time and see who can put their money where their spatula is when it comes to cooking and grilling!


  1. I have the directions and we'll be there. Can't wait to meet everyone.

  2. Sure wish that I could be there! Have a bon ton and a cocktail for me, cher!

  3. I wish we could be there. We have a wedding to go to in Nashville. Can't wait to read about it!

  4. Food bloggers, can we say a lot of good food!

  5. Sounds like such fun! I wish I lived closer!


Thanks for stopping by, I enjoy reading your comments.
