Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tuscan Chicken

Tuscan Chicken—ha! What a name. Truth be told, this dish doesn’t even have an official name. I just make it, serve it and listen to my husband and children give their official seal of approval (thumbs up); then I eat it myself. For some strange reason, when I post a recipe, I feel like it's official and needs a name.
I made this last week and had it staged up so pretty for a picture. Well, as pretty as I can stage things up. When I turned on my camera, the battery was dead! I hurriedly grabbed my husband's SLR camera, everything looked great through the viewfinder, but for some some strange reason (that camera hates me) the picture wouldn't snap. This picture is a recreation the next day when my battery was fully charged. I nuked a plate up in the microwave.
Heat 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil over medium-high heat in a large high-sided skillet.
Slice three boneless, skinless chicken breasts into hearty chunks. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Place 1 cup of flour into a shallow dish. Dredge the chicken through the flour and sear on each side in preheated skillet. You will have to do this in batches. Set the seared chicken aside.
Add 3 slices of chopped pancetta (or bacon) to the pan and saute until crisp and golden brown.
While pancetta is browning, cook 3/4 lb. of pasta to al-dente.
Remove pancetta from pan and add 1/4 cup of chopped shallots to pan and saute for about 2 minutes. Carefully add 1/2 cup of white wine to pan and cook 1 minute. Reduce heat to medium, add 4 tablespoons of butter and allow it to melt. Add 2 cloves of minced garlic and about 4 ounces sun-dried tomatoes. Sauté for approximately one minute, stirring frequently (do not brown).

Whisk in 1-1/2 cups of heavy cream and 1/2 milk. Once thoroughly combined, whisk in 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan and 1/2 of grated Gouda cheese. Once cheese melts, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary. Bring to a low bubble and add chicken pack to the pan and allow to simmer for about 15 minutes.

Add cooked and drained pasta to chicken and sauce and toss until sauce coats pasta.

Served garnished with pancetta and chopped chives.


  1. Katherine,

    I just love this recipe. Anything with sun dried tomatoes. I think your photos are great!

  2. I think your photo looks great too! The plate is very beautiful but most of all, this sounds perfectly yummy!!

  3. A nice name for a yummy dish :)

  4. Sounds divine! Great ingredients. ps, following you now!

  5. This is the kind of recipe I love. It's hard to beat the ingredients you used for your pasta.

  6. This looks great - I love anything that has sun dried tomatoes in it.

  7. Don't you just hate uncooperative cameras? It looks super yummy!

  8. Yum...that chicken dish looks delicious. I would love to have that sometime....I love how you create your own recipes...I am a "follower." I have to have a recipe in front of me....then I cook it!!!

  9. I love me some sun dried tomatoes! This looks good so good and your picture is just perfect! (love the plate)

  10. I wouldn't have known it was re-heated if you hadn't told ;) Sounds wonderful...I love anything with the word Tuscan in it.

  11. Oh I believe you Katherine, sometimes photo doesn't do any justice at all, but I always read the recipe and judge from there. Reading through your recipe, I know that this Tuscan Chicken is worth trying! Sounds delectable!

  12. Oh, I think I need a plate of that right now!

  13. Even nuked, it still looks mighty tasty ;)

    I often consider that the true test of a lasting dish--how well it works the next day...

  14. I have a primitive Tuscan cookbook, and what I learned is Northern Italy eats very differently than Southern Italy! Your recipe sounds delicious!

  15. I could eat that. I know I could. I Like chicken cooked about any way.

  16. Wow Katherine this looks delish. I love you picture. The chicken sounds so flavorful can't wait to give it a try.

  17. WOW, this looks terrific, I love the taste of white whine in it. Nice pictures!

  18. Whatever you call it, it sounds delicious!

  19. The photo looks great and the food sounds delish! I love pasta with sun dried tomatoes!

  20. sounds tasty...I've been cheating my camera battery for days now so I can relate, the photo looks great, you'd never know it was the next day

  21. Oh, don't you just hate it when you are all ready for the shot and the camera is dead like that! Ugh!

    This looks like it has such wonderful flavor and it's also beautiful to look at! I love the plate too!

  22. that chicken looks so moist and juicy!

  23. I feel a compulsion to name foods when I post them, too. Otherwise, it would just be what the kids say: "You know that meat where...." This looks good, Katherine!

  24. Tuscan chicken is the perfect name for this dish. It looks so creamy and delicous.

    P.S. You are welcome at my dinner table any time!

  25. Yum!!! This looks so good! I LOVE sun dried tomatoes!!!

  26. Mmmmmmm bacon. I mean, mmmmm pancetta. Okay, maybe not quite the same ring, but this looks incredible either way! I will definitely be bringing this taste of Tuscany to my kitchen soon :-)

  27. Katherine, you always have something impressive to serve. Mind if I stop over one evening? I love the tomatoes on top and a sprinkling of the pancetta is just perfect. Being Italian myself, I do love the title ;)

  28. Mmmmmmmmm.... my mouth is watering. I can't wait to try this one!

  29. This sounds super tasty! Next time Hubby is out of town i think i might try this. Thanks! :D

  30. If it looks that good nuked, I can only drool at the orginial...

  31. What a great recipe and a terrific photo. Can't go wrong with chicken and sun-dried tomatoes. No wonder you get a thumbs up.

  32. I love every ingredient in this dish - of course it's wonderful. As is the photo. Okay. Now I'm hungry.

  33. That sounds so good! I LOVE cream dishes. I run, cycle, and work out just so I can eat like this!

  34. haha, I always feel like my recipes need names too. Tuscan chicken looks great! You had me at dredge in flour and sear. ;)

  35. Tuscan Chicken sounds like a name that looks delicious. I actually love leftover, nuked pasta!

  36. This looks really great, Katherine! Creamy and delicious!

  37. I'd call it Creamy and Delicious cause that's what it looks like to me!

  38. This looks simply delicious!

  39. I love sun dried tomatoes! Your photos looks great, I am definitely jotting this recipe down.

  40. Love the name and the recipe! The sun-dried tomatoes and pancetta sounds good here.

  41. ooh! another great pasta recipe! and with sundried-tomatoes, too!

  42. Looks totally cest' bon, cher! I know what you mean about cameras and batteries going dead at the most inconvenient times.

  43. I am in love with this dish. Sun dried tomatoes always add so much. It truly looks wonderful!

  44. No matter what the name is, you had me at bacon (ok, panchetta) :)

  45. Oh how yummy! All the ingredients look so good!

  46. I'm going for sushi in an hour and yet for some reason this sounds even better than THAT. Am I actually craving chicken?? Haha. Lovely dish, Katherine, name or no name.


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