Monday, May 18, 2009

Raspberry Blueberry Tart

This is one amazing cookbook. I won this cookbook in February from Laurie at That's Not What the Recipe Says. I have been pouring over this book for months and wanted to share with you this creamy and decadent tart with a shortbread crust.

Place 2-1/4 cups of all-purpose flour, a pinch of salt and 1/2 cup of packed brown sugar into the the bowl of a food processor. Using the metal blade, pulse a few times to blend the ingredients.

Add two sticks of cold butter, cut into tablespoons size slices and 2 teaspoons of almond extract to the bowl and process for 30 seconds.

Using no more than 4 tablespoons of water, add water 1 tablespoon at a time and pulse. You want to make the dough workable.

Gather the dough into a ball and place it on a work surface.

Divide the dough in half. Roll one of the halves into a disc and cover. Refrigerate or freeze to use later for another tart. Lightly dust the dough with flour and cover with plastic wrap. Place in a tart pan (I don't have a tart pan, so I used a pie dish), use the palm of your hand to press dough into pan.

Bake for 30 to 35 minutes in a pre-heated 350 degree oven. Once crust is baked, allow to cool.

While crust is cooling, prepare the filling for the tart. Mix 8 ounces of mascarpone cheese with 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar and 2 teaspoons of lemon zest.

Spread filling over cooled crust.

Scatter berries over filling - 1 pint of fresh blueberries and 1 pint of fresh raspberries.

Dust with powdered sugar right before serving.
Serve chilled on individual plates or do what I did, just stick a fork in it!


  1. Oh my!!! This look fantastic!!!

  2. I spied your blog over at the Writer's Porch, and had to travel over here! I love the Smoky Mountain region, so many good memories of spending time there. Your recipe sounds fantastic! :-)

    I will be back for more, thank you!

  3. Wow Katherine. This looks wonderful. I love tarts.

  4. Katherine...If I ever win the lottery, I'm building a house in Townsend and paying you BIG bucks to cook!! OK?

  5. this is my kind of dessert - this tart should be MINE - all mine.

  6. I gained 5 lbs just looking at those pictures.

  7. Katherine That looks perfect. I am impressed.

  8. You have me drooling - it looks so good. I'll be looking for that cookbook, thanks for the recommendation.

  9. This looks absolutely fantastic! Love the combination of berries and the ease to prepare!

  10. Mmmmm, I adore tarts, they are such a pretty dessert. This looks wonderful!

  11. That looks like a fabulous cookbook!

    The tart is beautifully done! I love berries on things, the color and taste is so terrific!

    Happy Monday!

  12. This looks fabulous! I love berries of any kind. I made your corn dish the other night too - it was delicious. Thanks for posting such great recipes!

  13. This looks incredibly delicious, Katherine, and so perfect for summer (if it ever gets here)! I will definitely be making this one.

  14. I don't think I could be patient enough to cut this lovely tart either. I think grabbing a fork and digging in is a perfect idea!
    This is so yummy looking and doesn't sound at all hard to make. Thanks for a great recipe!

  15. You are to funny, you and I are two peas in a pod, that's just what I'd do too, stick a fork in it! I love tarts but the shortbread crust is just the best! Yum!

    I'm getting lots of rain. You and the homegirlz must of done some great rain dancing :)

  16. The recipe looks wonderful Katherine and definitely spells summer. Love the idea of using marscapone cheese. I would love to try this!

  17. The recipe looks wonderful Katherine and definitely spells summer. Love the idea of using marscapone cheese. I would love to try this!

  18. I don't think that "yum" fully sums this one up! *drool*

  19. Is there room for my fork, too?

  20. Looks like a perfect summertime dessert. Since my hubby loves blueberries and I love raspberries, I will have to make one soon. Thanks for sharing!

  21. My fork's ready! This is a divine little treat! And a perfect warm weather dessert. The cookbook looks great.

  22. I adore fruit tarts - this one with berries looks just excellent! Great recipe!

  23. How beautiful is that! Wonderful tart and wondeful directions. Our thanks are due you, as usual:)

  24. I've never made a tart before; I think I could make this one! Looks so good, and I love the colors. Hmmm...perfect for July 4th....or Flag Day or....

  25. oh katherine - you always make everything look so easy and gourmet!

  26. Man Katherine that looks amazing and the photos are beautiful.

  27. Yummy...this looks so delish. I think I'm gonna try looking for this at the library today!

  28. Look at those bright colors! Perfect ending for an outdoor meal and doesn't sound like it took a lot of time to put together-great for the summer months :)

  29. A tart by any other name would be so sweet...

  30. Oh wow-you make it sound so easy:-)
    When are starting a cafe?I promise I'll be a regular there!!

  31. Katherine, this tart is magnificent! And I just love how easily the dough comes together. Good heavens, do I need a slice of this wonderful treat right now :) Sorry that I've been an absent commenter; I just finished up my law school exams and am finally getting around to my google reader.

  32. Katherine,
    First of all, thank you so much for visiting my site and leaving such a nice words...I really appreciate. This tart that you feature looks so summery...great idea for the coming holidays celebration. Love the powder sugar on top of the berries...really gives the tart a nice look.

  33. this looks so good! I made something really similar last summer with a gingerbread crust and glden plums. Yum.

  34. This looks like a 'slap yo momma' tart! So good!

  35. I love berry tarts, and the mascarpone filling sounds great!

  36. Hey thanks for visiting my blog. That looks awesome....

  37. Gosh, look at those berries!! I have a weakness for berries in dessert...

  38. Oh wow, this is such a beautiful tart with the colors of the vibrant berries. I love this! Now I have a great idea on how to use all the berries I just bought.

  39. My song is hanging over my shoulder telling me that looks yummy!

  40. hee, fruit tarts are my brother has been begging me to bake him one!

  41. Katherine,

    That tart looks delectable, delicious and delightful. Did that cover it? Great photos! I am going to have to look at that cookbook. Have a great week.

  42. OMG, raspberry is my favorite. Almost impossible to turn this into tart, as my family would finish eat them all. At the moment it is still expensive here, but once it get cheaper, I'd buy a lot and save some to make this tart.

  43. The tart is so beautiful....

  44. What a fresh, summer-looking dessert. Mmmmm.

    I wish you had an area on your Blog where I could sign on as a Follower and be notified when you Post. I forget to drop by and see what your doing, from time to time. Great Blog!!

  45. OH a berry tart, perfect for summer parties!

    This looks wonderful.

  46. Great looking pie. I could eat the whole thing.

    I haven't been to the Cape in years. Sounds like a good cookbook.

  47. Oh my does that ever look good. Fruit dessert is about the only dessert we will eat at my house. Great tart!

  48. It's almost berry season here and these reds and blues are the first things I think of.

  49. Delicious! I've got tons of berries floating around right now and will have to make this with some of them!


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