Monday, November 26, 2012

A Cajun Thanksgiving...Ruth Fertel's Plaquemine's Oyster Dressing

Thanksgiving is fabulous!  Unlike Christmas, it's all about family and food and not the gifts. This Thanksgiving we went home to be with our family and as always, it was beyond words.

Grab a cup of coffee or your beverage of choice because this is going to be one L-O-O-O-O-O-N-G post!

My BIL, Gerry and his gorgeous wife, Terry Lynn hosted this awesome Thanksgiving celebration.  You may remember the last time we went home for Thanksgiving was four years ago, in 2008 .  So let me walk you through this festival holiday eye candy!

My SIL, Terry Lynn, enlists the children to pass out strips of colorful paper to each guest.  Each guest writes what they are thankful for and my SIL makes a chain to use as garland for her Christmas tree!

Food porn shot. My BIL and my hubby carving up one of two of the fried turkeys...don't hate!

We enjoyed a gorgeous, sunny day...I think we topped out at 75.  We dined "Al-Fresco".

Look at the beautiful set-up.

I was lucky to get these shots before the rest of my hungry family got here!

A view from the tent to the house.

Can you feel the excitement?

Before we "Choot-em" we eat our veggies!

Lots and lots of fried turkey.

My BIL, Gerry hit a homer with rotissere pork loin - YUM!

A sneak peak of the star of the the show, the Oyster Dressing!

Oh yeah, the homegirlz are waiting for the blessing so we can eat.

My two SILs in the background, putting on the finishing touches.

My BIL and host, Gerry, right, the master chef of the Oyster Dressing that I am here bragging about today!

My hubby making sure he gets his fair share.

My SIL, Terry Lynn places this pirogue as a centerpiece on one of the serving tables, displaying past placeholders and parts of past centerpieces. How awesome is she that she hangs on to all of this nostalgia.  So many guests that have graced her table in the past have gone on, including both of my parents and my father-in-law.  So many wonderful memories.

Ruth Fertel's Plaquemines Oyster Dressing....recipe below and so worth trying!


Our hostess, my SIL, Terry Lynn. 
Gerrard and Terry Lynn, thank you so much for a memorable and delicious Thanksgiving. 
All our love!
Ruth Fertel's Plaquemines Oyster Dressing:
1 gallon oysters with liquid (about 8 dozen oysters)
1/4 lb. butter
1lb. smoked sausage minced
3 cups diced onion
2 cups diced celery
1 cups diced green bell pepper
1 cup diced red bell pepper
1/4 cup minced garlic
12 chicken bullion cubes
3 (2-1/2 foot long) loaves stale French bread
Salt, black pepper, red pepper flakes to taste
1 dozen eggs whipped
1 lb. melted butter
Pour oysters into a large pan, reserving liquid and go through them one at a time, removing any shells that remain.  Heat oysters in liquid until edges curl.  Drain oysters, save liquid and set aside.  When oysters are cool, chop coarsely and set aside.
Ina large Dutch oven, heat 1/4 lb. of butter over medium-high heat.  Saute sausage until oil is rendered.  Add onions, celery, bell peppers and garlic.  Saute 3 to 5 minutes, until vegetables are wilted.  Add oysters, liquid and bouillon cubes.  Bring to a rolling boil, reduce to simmer and cook for 5 minutes.  Season with salt, black pepper and red pepper flakes.
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.  Chop stale French bread into 1-inch cubes and add to oyster mixture 2 cups at a time until enough bread has been added to absorb liquid but mixture is still moist.
Remove from heat add eggs and remaining melted butter, blending mixture well to thoroughly combine.
Pour into a large oven proof baking dish and cover with foil.  Bake for 1 hour.  Remove foil and continue baking to brown fro 15 minutes.
Serve, relax and just let your eyes roll around in the back of your head.  I am serious...don't let life pass you by without trying this oyster dressing!

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  1. That is the most elegant setting for a family meal I've ever seen - the last time I ate in a white tent on fancy tables it was $100/ plate fundraiser and I'm sure your food was better. Thanks for the dressing recipe as I've been wanting to make some.

  2. Wonderful setup! Love it.

    That dressing sounds amazing.

  3. Katherine, Now that's a Thanksgiving gathering...tent, lots of family...tons of food! I must say that the pork loin grabbed my attention. Looked great! I've never had fried turkey either but it looked fabulous. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. Stunning, what a great family event! I'm impressed all the way around. And I'm not hating on the fried turkey, I'd be two busy eating it:)


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