Friday, August 31, 2012

Cajun Chicken Beaucoup

You've heard of writer's block, right?  From time to time I get cooker's block.  Does this ever happen to you?  You don't know what to make for dinner, nothing appeals to you; you get desperate and look at all of the amazing pictures on Pinterest, but you're just not that ambitious tonight.  You don't feel like going out, so you open the freezer or the pantry and just stare and then like a big brick hitting you in the head BAM!!!!

Your world is right side up again and you've been reborn!  Seriously it was Wednesday and sometimes Wednesday just, you know, suck...because it isn't Friday. So a glass of wine later we had us some Beaucoups Chicken baby!

4 -6 chicken breast cutlets
1 cup crumbled goat cheese
2 green onions sliced
1/4 chopped pecans
4 - 6 slices of smokey bacon
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 cup of chicken stock
1/2 cup half-n-half
2 tablespoons Creole mustard or your choice of brown grainy mustard
12-14 wooden toothpicks

My chicken cutlets or "chicken breast halves" needed to be a little thinner, so I placed them between two sheets of wax paper and whacked them with a small skillet to thin them out (and as it turned out, I was able to channel any aggressive behavior I may have or have not been repressing).  Liberally season the cutlets with salt and pepper.  Then evenly distribute the chopped pecans, crumbled goat cheese and sliced green onions among the cutlets. 

Roll the chicken cutlets from the small end, then wrap a piece of bacon around the chicken roll and secure it with as many toothpicks as you feel necessary.  I used two on each cutlet and three on one that was a little larger than the rest. Season the outside of the cutlets with salt and pepper.

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees F.

Heat a skillet, cast iron if you have it, over medium heat.  Add 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, brown the cutlets on each side, approximately 6 to 8 minutes.

Once the rolled cutlets are browned, place them on a foil-lined baking sheet, sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.  Place the chicken in the oven and finish cooking 10 to 15 minutes.

Don't they look amazing?  Wait, we're not done yet!  While the chicken is finishing up in the oven, return the skillet to the stove and melt the butter.  Once the butter is melted, whisk in the flour and cook,stirring continuously for 5 minutes, then whisk in the stock about 1/4 cup at a time.  Then whisk in the half-n-half and the Creole mustard.  Once thoroughly combined, season with salt to taste and reduce heat to low.

Ladle the mustard sauce over the cutlet and serve with your favorite sides.

Smile, savor and know your a little closer to Friday!  Enjoy!

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  1. Bacon always cures everything. You bet I get cooker's block and feel exactly the way you described. Your chicken looks fabulous and I bet it smelled good too, which is another way to fix whatever ails you.

    So glad you guys are safe up her in the mountains this time of the year, and all times of the year for that matter.

  2. I’ve gotten behind in my reading and you’ve managed to put up three posts so I’ll start with the bacon jam. It sounds incredible and is going to the top of the try soon list. I can just imagine it on a piece of some type of bread topped with a running yolked egg.

    The lasagna looks delicious and I really like your using crawfish in it. We just bought some half off coupons from the shrimp dock so we can get some tails and give this a try – we have the shrimp on hand.

    As for this last dish – gravy over bacon wrapped chicken – nothing more needs to be said. I did notice though that you didn’t get any bacon in the lasagna .

  3. This just makes me want to quit my job, go home, cook this...right now.

    Fortunately the office closes at 2.


    Erin -

  4. Katherine, Great looking chicken dish! Imaginative too... The gravy just added to the goodness. Thanks for the recipe. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  5. My freezer can be a bit of a mess some times, so sometimes I have literally opened the freezer door and BAM....almost been hit in the head with something frozen as hard as a brick, lol.


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