Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Better Chip...Really? Oh Yeah Baby, REALLY!

I've done a few product reviews and have never steered you wrong and won't start now.  Sean from The Better Chip contacted me and asked me to try a couple of samples of The Better Chip.  After trying all three flavors of these chips, he can certainly back up the name, The Better Chip!

Let me start off by telling you, these chips are all natural, low fat, gluten free, cholesterol free and low in sodium.  Now let me tell you about the best part, these chips taste fantastic!  In reading the literature Sean sent along with his product, I found that these chips are all made with 40% fresh produce.  Now what salty snack food can boast that much freshness?  The freshness comes through in the taste!  One other item that really intrigues me is the low sodium content, 6% per serving, but these chips remarkably have a wonderful salty flavor that I've come to expect in a chip.

Run, don't walk to The Better Chip website and find out how you can get your hands on a bag of your won, because baby, they are The Better Chip.

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  1. I've never heard of this brand. They sound good.

  2. Katherine, I'm ready to try out these chips...but they don't sell them in Tennessee! Maybe I can find a Meijer or Marc's when we take our next trip to Ohio to visit the grandsons... Thanks and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  3. Wow, the Pretty Good Chip Company is going to go out of business now (ha ha).

    I haven't seen this brand around here yet, but they sound good.

  4. I haven't seen it yet, but will keep an eye out for them. It's all about the carbs...


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