Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cheese Stuffed Chicken with Dijon Mustard Sauce

Now this is a taste bud party just in time for Mardi Gras revelry.  Pair this with Gnocchi Au Gratin Orleans and you have the makings for serious begging from prospective dining guests. 

6 each thinly sliced chicken cutlets
9 thin slices of Havarti cheese
2 teapsoons dried thyme
1/2 cup chicken stock
1/4 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
Season salt (I used Lawry's) and pepper
2 large eggs
2 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup AP flour
1/2 cup Canola oil
12 wooden toothpicks
2 tablespoons flat leaft parsley, chopped

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

In a shallow pie dish, beat the eggs, then add in the Parmesa cheese.  Put the flour in another shallow pie dish and season with season salt and pepper to taste.

In a large cast iron skillet, heat the Canola oil over medium heat. 

Line a large baking sheet with aluminum foil and place a baking rack over the baking sheet.  Spray the rack with non-stick cooking spray.

Lay out the chicken cutlets on a flat surface.  Season with season salt and pepper on both sides.  Cut two of the thin slices of Havarti cheese in half and place 3 to 4 of the halves (depending how they fit on the cutlet so you can roll the cutlet).  Roll the cutlet from the small end and secure with 1 to 2 toothpicks.

I know this is backwards and if I knew where my mother got this recipe, I could give the reason for this method, but trust me, it works!   Dredge the chicken rolls through the seasoned flour and then through the egg mixture.  Place in the heated skillet and frey until golden brown on all sides, approximately 2 minutes per side.  Transfer the chicken rolls to the baking rack.

Once all of the rolls are browned, place the chicken in the oven to finish cooking and crisping for 15 minutes.

While the chicken is crisping, boil the chicken stock and cream in in a small sauce pan over medium-high heat until reduced to 1/2 cup.  Stir in the mustard, cook for 5 more minutes and remove sauce pan from heat.  Cover and reserve.

To serve, spoon 1 tablespoon of  Dijon mustard sauce onto a plate, place a chicken roll on the plate and and ladle some more  Dijon mustard sauce over the top.  Garnish with a sprinkle of parsley and wa-la....you have an incredible dinner!

Thank all of you for your kind words and thoughts!  We'll talk real soon, you just don't know how much you have helped get me through this difficult time.

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  1. Heaven on a plate. Love Havarti cheese and you hardly ever see it used in recipes anymore.

  2. Two words that should always come before chicken - "cheese stuffed"

  3. This sounds YUMMY..Bookmarked..


  4. Cheese stuffed chicken sounds really good!

  5. I love cheese stuffed chicken and bet it tastes wonderful with Havarti. Will try soon.

  6. Katherine, Damn! This sounds and looks fabulous... Hits all the flavor cords! Decadent eye candy and I like the gnocchi pairing as well... Thanks for the recipe and take care, Big Daddy Dave

  7. Looks delicious Katherine - I had to do some looking to find out what a chicken cutlet was. I've got to use gnocchi more often.

  8. love this chicken Katherine look delicious!yummy!

  9. I would get so fat if I lived with you.

  10. Havarti is one of my favorites and I like everything about this recipe. It just sounds fantastic.


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