Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cheeseburger Pie from Simply Suppers and Yes, A GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

Okay, to be honest when Kaitlin picked this one, let's just say, it's not one I would have picked but I had to humor the kid.  She saw something I didn't and I was very pleasantly surprised to say the least with this supper from Simply Suppers by Jennifer Chandler.  I did have to make a few "adjustments", just being me.
This is an amazing supper if you have to make dinner on the fly and not cheat your family out of flavor and nutrition and make sure you have plenty of leisure time afterward.

What you need:

1 unbaked pie crust (9-inch), homemade or store-bought
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 pound lean gorund beef
1/2 cup finely diced yellow onion
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon Worchestershire sauce
Kosher salt and freshly fround black pepper
2 large eggs
1 cup small curd cottage cheese (I substituted 1 cup low-fat ricotta cheese)
2 medium tomatoes
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese

Before we start, I have to confess, I can't stand tomatoes unless they are cooked, roasted or in a sauce.  If they are raw, forget it. 

Slice the tomatoes, drizzle them with extra virgin olive oil, a little balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and two cloves of inced garlic.  Roast them in a 375 degree oven for about 40 to 45 minutes.  Set them aside and allow them to cool.

Ok even though I'm not a tomato fan, these make me about make your house smell wonderful also!

Preheat the oven to 395 degrees.

Place pice crust in a deep-dish pie plate.  Flue the edges if you want.  Place the prepared pie crust in the fridge until you're ready to fill.  Margie, you probably need about eight of these .

In a large skillet over medium-high heat, warm the oil and add the gound beef and onion.  Cook, breaking up the beef with a wooden spoon until all of the meat is cooked through. 

Drain all excess fat, return the meat in the skillet to the stove and stir in the flour and Worchestershore sauce.  Spoon the mixture into the pie crust.

In a small bowl stir together the eggs and cottage cheese (I substituted ricotta cheese and a spinkle of salt and pepper).

Spoon the cheese mixture evenly over the beef.

Arrange the tomatoes over the cheese mixture.

Sprinkle the sharp cheddar cheese evenly over the top.

Bake until set, about 30 minutes.

Serve and watch your family kiss the ground you walk on.

Leave a comment, and if you're a follower, leave two comments.  Okay, I'm a comment junkie...NOT!!!  If you're a Duck that's a pie fiend and talented writer leave three.  I have three, yep, count them three Simply Suppers cookbooks to give away.  Drawing is Tuesaday, April 12th, my oldest baby's 17 birthday!!!  The birthday girl will randomly pick the winner. Believe me, I don't look old enough to be the mother of a 17 year-old.


  1. HEY... You are back! Just looked through your archives, and see you have been back for a while. SOrry i missed your return, but glad you are here.

    Just love the PIZZA you listed!

  2. Oh yum. My hubby might even like it. He's not a big tomato fan either but loves balsamic vinegar. I'm definitely going to give it a try. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  3. Of course I'm a follower. That's how I know what you're up to. lol. :)

  4. Do I qualify as a "Duck?" hmmm

  5. Sounds wonderful. I luv giveaways!

  6. I'm not a duck, but I follow the Duck!

    And I'd have to qualify as a pie fiend. Just look at my shape to verify that!!!

  7. I've tried a few cheeseburger pie recipes but none of them were as good as I thought they should be. I will try this over the weekend. Sounds delicious!!!

    And Happy Birthday to your daughter.

  8. And I follow via GFC

  9. Yum, yum, yum! That looks sooo good. Please count me in for the cookbook!

  10. And I follow (you anywhere if you have this pie with you).

  11. A duck? I can be a duck! Thanks and quack?

  12. Oh yum.....that sounds delicious, I shall have to try it.

  13. I am a follower....I just wrote about duck eggs in my blog today :)

  14. Please count me in for that wonderful cookbook too!

  15. Katherine - that is my kind of dish

  16. And I am a loyal follower - I visited even when you weren't blogging :-)

  17. And I love pie, especially savory pie like this.

  18. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Chris M.

    zekks at yahoo dot com

  19. oh my goodness! cheeseburger pie how yummy! this looks wonderful.

  20. I think I could eat this whole pie! For yum!

  21. I'll follow you to the kitchen for this recipe any day!

  22. I can quack like a Duck, does that count??

  23. While the name is not terribly appealing, I have to say that the dish sounds like something that would make my teen and tween sons very happy.

  24. And as a fellow mountain-dwelling LA-expat, I follow your blog.

  25. Not sure what's up with the duck think...

  26. My kitchen could really use some Simple Suppers.

  27. I think I need to make this. It sounds so wonderfully Midwestern for my family - but elevated.

  28. Yum! A savory meat pie...I would be all over that!

  29. You're in my google I follow you :)

  30. I've never heard of such a pie before. I am very impressed. And also drooling...

  31. Okay, I am off to make this cheesburger pie right now.....I have the ingredients....can hardly wait to eat it!!!

  32. I love this. I have always just cheated and made Bisquick version of this.

    Oh and of course I love pie. My derrier didn't get this size from hating pie. :)

  33. and I tweet you or twit you. Oh heck I'm no good at the new English

  34. Kissing the ground you walk on when you've made a great dish sounds perfect to me. And I'm a big tomato fan. Great recipe Katherine and great giveaway.

  35. This cheeseburger pie completely blows away the Bisquick one that almost everyone has tried at one point.

  36. Yum! What a good looking wedge of scrumptious sitting there on the plate! Simply suppers, why, Yes, Please!

    Kay Dalton

  37. And I am such a follower!

  38. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck - I must be a duck!

  39. i dig your pie crust!!
    Thanks for this splendid giveaway
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  40. I follow google connect "anash"
    Thank you kindly.
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com


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