Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quiche That Even a Real Man Will Eat

There's nothing like a quiche.  Think of all of the possibilities; the combinations of flavors and cheeses.  Besides all of the possibilities, quiches are quick and easy and just the ticket on a busy weeknight. The to put it over the top, I happened to catch Paula Deen making a quiche with a hash brown crust!  I am so there baby!

The homegirlz ask for this quiche all the time now and now I have a dirty little secret to share.  A.J. doesn't know it's a quiche, we told him it's a casserole.  You see, A.J.'s motto is, "Real men don't eat quiche".  They do now, but don't tell him...ignorance is bliss; at least in our house it is.

To get started, here's what you'll need:

*Remember, you can change out the sausage for crab meat, ham or whatever you're craving!

3 cups, shredded frozen hash browns, thawed and drained
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter, melted
3 large eggs, beaten
1 cup half-and-half
3 breakfast sausage patties, cooked and crumbled
1/2 cup diced green onions
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Salt and black pepper to taste

Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

Press the drained hash browns between paper towels to dry them as best as possible. In a 9-inch pie plate, toss the hash browns with the melted butter into the plate. Press them into the bottom and up the sides to form a crust. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until golden brown and starting to crisp.

While the hash brown crust is baking mix the rest of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl.  Once the hash brown crust is ready, pour the egg mixture in the crust and return it to the oven. 

Lower the oven temperature to 350 degrees F and bake for about 30 minutes until the quiche is light golden brown on top and puffy.

So much better and lighter than pie crust.  Give it a try!


  1. I read about using potato crust from Pam at For the Love of Cooking, that is all I used now for Quiche, cool huh!

  2. Oh, that real man around my house would love this! So would his wife :-)

  3. I need to make this. Have everything but the half and half. Need to stop and get it cause this looks fantastic.

  4. Katherine,
    With this potato crust, any man I know would gobble this up and not care what you called it.

  5. LOL my husband does not mind it, as long as its only once or twice a year! I say if they want to eat, then too bad, cause I love it, and your version looks fantastic!

  6. Oh my! That looks great! My husband loves quiche -he lost his man card a long time ago! LOL!

  7. Oh my husband would eat this in a hot minute. Too hard to resist! This would be perfect for a brunch with the ladies as well. Great recipe.

  8. I don't know about the real man thing, but I love quiche and know I'd really go for this, especially with the potato crust.

  9. What a fabulous idea. I really love the idea of a potato crust. This really looks and sounds fantastic. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  10. That looks so delicious Katherine...I love the potato crust. I am going to have to try that sometime..

  11. It looks wonderful and I really think this wife would love a big section also...if the husband would share.

  12. so good! this would get eaten up by every member of the family!

  13. Oh yeah! I would indeed eat this!
    breakfast, lunch, or dinner...

  14. Ooooh waw,...What a tasty & truly appetizing quiche !!

    Real & great flavours in here!

    MMMMMMMMM,...!!! :)

  15. Quiche? I thought it was an egg pizza with a potato crust:)

  16. oh love that crust!! Looks great!

    Haven't been here in ages (sorry!!)...time to catch up!


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