Friday, August 20, 2010

Ariosto Seasongs with Pork, Potatoes and Vegetables

It was a thrill to be contacted by Saverio with Ariosto to try out and blog about their seasonings.  I received these seasonings directly from Italy. 

I'm not too sure about all of the ingredients or methods since all of the writing was in Italian.  The pictures gave me ideas and below are the the dishes I created with the seasonings.

I had a pork roast in the freezer and thought this would be perfect.

This packet had a prominent rosemary smell and I knew it would pair up nicely with pork.

I stuffed the roast with garlic cloves, rubbed the seasoning blend into the pork and baked it at 425 degrees until it reached an internal temperature of 170 degrees.  I basted the roast every 20 minutes with a combination of white wine (Pinot Grigio and Chicken broth).  The roast was wonderfully moist and full of flavor.

The roast was accompanied by roasted russet potatoes using Ariosto's Potato Seasoning Blend.  Thyme was the dominant aroma from this blend.

I used about 2 lbs of russet potatoes, peels and cubed.  The potatoes were boiled in salted water for about 10 minutes and then drained.  they were then tossed with one packet of the Ariosto potato seasoning blend and a drizzle of olive oil.  We i tell you these potatoes rocked, they REALLY rocked!  Nothing understated about these.

Next up was Ariosto's seasoning blend for vegetables.  This had a more understated aroma and I really couldn't tell what was in the blend but I couldn't wait to try it!

I used about 1/2 cup of sliced mushrooms, one peeled and cubed zucchini, one peeled and cubed yellow summer squash and half of a medium red onion, diced.  The veggies were combined in a bowl, drizzled with some olive oil and one packet of the Ariosto vegetable season.  They were then grilled over medium-high heat until they began to turn golden brown.  I could have easily polished off all of these veggies!

Hopefully Ariosto will offer there seasonings in the States very soon.  So if you're contacted by Saverio or if you see Ariosto in your local market, try them out, they are very good seasoning blends.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Lucky you. It all looks so yummy and I can almost taste it. It's not luch time yet and now I have a craving. Have a good weekend.

  2. Packaged seasonings really save time, don't they!

  3. Cool that they sent you samples. LOL...luv the fleur de lis cloth in your picture!

    Very nice that the pictures interpret the use on the package too!

  4. I wish they would send samples to me! They look wonderful.

  5. WOW! How I wish I can try some of these and your roast pork looks so delicious.
    Please visit my new site and join a little giveaway.

  6. Oh my gracious!! A meal fit for a King! (or Queen, who ever you might be serving) Yum and lucky you!

  7. Sounds like you've found a winner for seasonings - and the meal looks good too.

  8. Katherine, I love pork with rosemary. This seasoning sounds delightful AND easy.

  9. I love ariosto seasonings! I now always use it on the roasted potatoes and other dishes as well.

  10. Isn't Saverio the nicest man ever? I loved the Ariosto seasoning and am using them quite a bit in everything.

    I have yet to try the potato packet, but yours look so good I won't wait long to do so. Oh, and your roast looks amazing too. Is it dinner time yet??

  11. You're going to have so much fun with all of those spices! The pork looks wonderful.

  12. mmmm, i can practically smell it from here. delicious!

  13. My inlaws brought a combo pack of spices from their trip to Morocco and we had to guess what they were too, by the smell or some words we could figure out. Kind of fun that way, isn't it.

  14. I am so behind and still haven't reviewed my Ariosto seasonings yet! You did good with them, my friend. All of your dishes look excellent.

  15. Lucky gal, these look delicious!

  16. You are smart, no English on the package and yet you figured it out! Looks like a fab meal!

  17. Now you have me looking for the non-available seasonings. Thanks a lot! I have a pork roast that's asking for your recipe. Delizioso!

  18. I found this site through Derfwad Manor and Wow! Great blog. I'm going to try the broccoli with the orange almondine recipes tonight. Woohoo!

  19. That all looks so delicious! of course, I love anything that comes directly from Italy!

  20. Katherine, I'm stopping by to get another look at that fabulous pork and to wish you and your family a wonderful Labor Day weekend.

  21. Spices from Italy! You certainly did them justice!

  22. Spices from Italy! You certainly did them justice!

  23. Lucky girl. The pork and potatoes look tasty.

  24. Hey! Haven't heard a peep out of you in almost a month. You doing ok? Just checkin. Blessings, SusanD

  25. How lucky to have been given the opportunity to try these out. Everything looks fabulous! Pork and rosemary always make a perfect pair.

  26. I just ate and can't be hungry but this looks amazingly good!

  27. Lucky you, those seasonings seem perfect with that delicious looking roast! What a treat to get something from them in the mail. Have a great week.

  28. Your dinner looks delicious! What fun to try new seasonings and how lucky that they sent them to you.

  29. I can't wait for Ariosto to arrive in my market! Looks marvelous.

  30. Those samples are very helpful! You've done a great job reviewing them. Thanks for sharing this with the rest of us. Packaged seasonings are a real time saver.

  31. well clap clap for the samples!! as a consumer we need it. .aren't they amazing?cool
    health is riches

  32. Wow, so cool you got to try all those fancy seasonings. There is a store I frequent that has a whole aisle of polish polish. So you really don't have any idea what's in it. I've tried a few spices just to see what they are, it's fun to do that.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  33. hi katherine! just checking in to say hi, hope all is well and you're having a nice holiday!


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