Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Antipasti My Way!

The kind people at Girard's sent me a sample of four of their gourmet salad dressings!  So difficult to choose which one to try first.  I do have a little swag for you too!  Click here for a $2.00 coupon for one of Girard's salad dressings.

A.J. and I tossed around a few ideas and decided on my antipasti salad: 

One bowl of washed Romaine lettuce.

The lettuce is liberally garnished with marinated artichoke hearts, organic salami, kalamata olives, fresh basil from our garden, and Parmigiana Reggiano cheese.

I'm drooling just reliving this salad through the pictures.

How to choose?  Each pick a salad dressing and share! 

A.J.'s comment:  "Honey that was delicious!  Bet that salad would be even better with a steak."

Silly me, thinking the salami would tide over his meat craving.

Hurry over and get your coupon!  Didn't know we were going to have a field trip did you?


  1. My husband says vegetarian is Indian and it means "bad hunter"....

    LOL...a little salami in a salad wouldn't satisfy my man either.

    Now me, looks super fantastic and I would enjoy it.

  2. Yummm! That pictures made my mouth water too. I printed the coupon. Thanks so much. Blessings, SusanD

    BTW, I'm having a giveaway. Be sure to stop by and enter!

  3. I love a good antipasto salad...although I could also eat salami by the pound and be very happy. This looks so tasty!

  4. Yum! That looks great to me! I really like it when the cheese is grated so finely.

  5. Looks yummy! I've never tried their champagne vinaigrette! Not sure I knew it existed until I saw it in the photo.

  6. Everything I love dressed up in a salad! I could eat this and be perfectly satisfied...Thanks for the nice comment on my po' boy! That meant a lot coming from you!

  7. Oh My---that salad looks great on a hot, summer day, Katherine... But--your hubby is right... An added steak would be good also... ha

    Yes---we are having a horribly hot and dry summer here on the plateau. We have had the AC on almost all summer---and we have never had to use it much up here except in August---since we moved here in 2003.

    AND--the dryness just makes everything else harder... We have maybe had ONE inch of rain in over a month.. With this heat, everything in the yard suffers... We are watering alot now --but that little bit of water is not what we need.. We need some REAL RAIN..... ha

    Have a great day.

  8. You picked a great dish to utilize the dressings. I love a good antipasto salad. Yours looks good :-). I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  9. I never knew I'd crave a salad before.

  10. Oh those hubby's can make or break you. I would have loved that salad!

  11. Oh, how I LOVE field trips! THANKS!

  12. I hate to betray my own but I'm with your husband...where's the beef?
    I like what the Japanese Redneck's husband said, vegetarian means bad hunter -chortle, chortle!-.

  13. I'd never get away with trying to serve any kind of salad for a real meal. It's considered a great appetizer. I heard AJ loud and clear!

  14. Looks scrumptious and the Creamy Balsamic dressing seems a very nice touch. Thanks for the coupon. I love Girard's!

  15. Your salad looks delicious and so do those dressings! My husband is a meat-a-holic as well. If it doesn't have some form of dead animal on it he won't eat it.

  16. Sounds like the perfect antipasti salad.

  17. Only YOU could make something as simple as a salad look and sound THAT delicious!

  18. LOL sounds like The Cajun, where's the beef! Well, sure look fine to me. Don't think I've ever seen the dressings here though, but I'm mostly and olive oil/vinegar gal.

  19. I love Girards dressings so that salad is making me drool!!

    But I have to comment on your previous post and those divine layered bars. All I can say is YUM. And I have copied the recipe. Of course, anything with condensed milk in it has to be a winner!

  20. Your antipasti your way has me willing it to come to N. I do love Girards (partial to the champagne dressing). And I've tried adding meat to salads thinking that would be the meat course - I am always caught! ("Where's the beef?")

  21. I'm going to try that line of dressing, I've seen it on a few blogs and sounds like a great product.

    I like this salad, even if it didn't tide A.J. over for long. He just didn't eat enough of it! ;)

  22. That salad looks amazing, I love protein on a salad. I am going to get my coupon now!

  23. I had dreams about Italian food last night thanks to you!

  24. This sounds and looks absolutely fantastic.

  25. I could not decide today what to have for lunch; then I saw this post. I ran right over to the grocery, got all the fixings from the salad bar and deli. Added in cherry tomatoes and some pepperoni. Topped with the white balsamic dressing. A WONDERFUL lunch!


Thanks for stopping by, I enjoy reading your comments.
