Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Crawfish Michaela

When you're lucky enough to not only welcome dear friends into your home from New Orleans, and they bring with them about 40 lbs. of boiled crawfish then you know you're living right!

Believe it or not, we had crawfish leftover.  A.J. and I peeled and froze the tail meat. Of course by Friday we were both craving crawfish again and I found this recipe by my favorite chef, John Folse.    This is authentic Cajun goodness!

Just in case you don't have crawfish tails available in your neck of the woods, I definitely think this recipe would be just as wonderful with shrimp.  you will need one pound of cooked crawfish tails or 1 pound of shrimp, uncooked.

In a 2 quart pot, over medium-high heat, melt 1 stick (1/4 lb.) of butter.

One the butter has melted, add in 1 tablespoons chopped, garlic, 1/4 cup green onions, 1/4 cup sliced mushrooms, 1/2 cup diced tomatoes, and 1/2 cup diced andouille (I used Polish Kielbasa).  Saute for 5 to 7 minutes, until vegetables are wilted.

Sprinkle in 1 tablespoon of flour.


Thoroughly blend flour into vegetables and sausage.


Add in half of the crawfish tails and stir to combine.  De-glaze the pot with 1 ounce of dry white wine and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.


Lower heat to medium and stir in one 8 ounce can of tomato sauce.


Add in 2 cups of heavy whipping cream, stirring constantly until it thickens to a thick sauce, approximately 5 minutes.

Had to add in at least one food porn shot!


Next, add in 1/4 cup chopped red bell pepper, 1 tablespoons chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon chopped basil and 1 teaspoon chopped tarragon.


Season with salt and pepper to taste.  When I made this again, I will nix the black pepper and use 1/4 teaspoon cayenne, just saying.


Add in the remaining crawfish tails.


Fold in 4 cups of cooked rotini pasta.  I thought about using penne instead, but stick with the rotini.  The sauce really coats the pasta nicely.  This is far as I got with the pictures, we couldn't wait to dive in and the leftovers...all gone within 2 days.

Chef John Folse, your recipes have never failed me! 


  1. What great friends. I want boiled crawfish now!

    This recipe looks fantastic. I'm gonna have to give it a try.

  2. Want to trade friends? You are indeed living right! The crawfish prep and dish is mouth-watering. No leftovers here!

  3. Wow what a dish, it looks delicious - any recipe that starts with a stick of butter has to turn out good.

  4. That looks like some amazing goodness! Yum.

  5. Holy cow that looks rich and delicious! I love the way the sauce is clinging to that rotini. So scrumptious!

  6. Yum! This sounds just perfect to make with the crawfish that I have in my freezer right now! Thanks for sharing this!

  7. Wow, I have never eaten or even seen a Crawfish! If they are anything like shrimp or lobster I am in!

  8. Looks good!!! I am sure I could substitute chicken for the crawfish - YUM!

  9. I've never had crawfish before but that just looks GOOD. I apparently need to make new friends...ones with crawfish connections.

  10. This looks positively delicious Katherine! I wish I could get my hands on some crawfish!

  11. I can't wait to try this recipe.
    It looks great.
    Stop by and visit.


  12. I love that picture of the whole stick of butter melting in the pan. I had to come over right away because I knew it was going to be a tasty recipe :) Looks absolutely sinful, decadent and delicious!

  13. Thank goodness the crawfish haven't been affected by the oil spill. Not yet.

  14. Great dish Katherine. I love crawfish tails and wish I lived where I could get them.

    I'm with Larry. Anything that starts out with a stick of butter has to be great. Then add seafood and I'm on cloud nine.

  15. I have a signed copy of one of his cook books! It predates K-Paul and Emeril! I think of hom more when doing Creole...

  16. Wow, you sure know how to fancy up those mudbugs! That sauce looks so rich and just clinging to the pasta, I bet that just makes you want to take a nap when you are done, right? Exceptional job!

  17. OMG! Now that is crawfish done right!

  18. Friends who show up with 40 lbs. of crawfish are worth their weight in gold! And the Crawfish Michaela looks sinfully good, cher! Yummo!

  19. Why didn't you tell us at the beginning that this was so rich the calories would be falling off the monitor onto our butts? Yumm!

  20. I would welcome anyone who brought this dish with them! I hope you had fun!


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