Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Brennan's Twice Baked Potatoes

I bet most of you have a handy twice baked potato recipe, so I'm not going to blow your mind with this recipe or show you anything you don't already know.  This is a basic and easy recipe but has endless possibilities and is a easy make ahead dish packed full of flavor and perfect for entertaining.  Also, this post will probably make you say say, "oh yeah, I haven't made that in so long...why?...yum!".  So this post is kind of like a gentle slap on the back of the head.

The flavors are layered, gentle and oh so very satisfying; another plus, this dish doesn't need a whole lot of babysitting.  With Father's Day right around the corner make the special man in your life a nice hearty side dish!

Clean two russet potatoes, pierce with a fork on the front and back and bake at 400 degrees for 70 minutes.  Allow the potatoes to cool for about 10 minutes and slice in half lengthwise and all to cool further.

Cook 4 slices of bacon, cool and crumble, set aside.  PLEASE in the name of all that's sacred and good, use REAL bacon and not packaged bacon will be glad you used the real stuff.

While the bacon is cooking, use a spoon and scrape the potato flesh from the shell into a bowl and set aside.  Reserve the shells in tact.  Leave 2 tablespoons of bacon grease in the skillet and saute 1/4 cup of finely chopped shallots over medium heat for about two minutes.  If the shallots begin to brown, remove the skillet from the heat.  Add the potato flesh to the skillet, 1 cup of sour cream and combine, mashing the potatoes with a wooden spoon as you blend.  Season with salt and pepper remove skillet from heat.  Fold in a 1/2 cup of finely grated Parmesan cheese and the crumbled bacon.

Fill the shells with the potato mixture.

Top with shredded sharp cheddar cheese.  You can get creative here and use a Colby/Jack combination, crumbled goat cheese or even Manchego cheese...think outside of the box.  The homegirlz like to stay in the box.

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, until the cheese is completely melted.

Your husband, your father, your children and neighbors will sing your praises after they taste one of these!


  1. I could make a meal out of that!

  2. I have never made twice baked but I will use your recipe. It looks easy enough. Yummy.

  3. You're right, I haven't made twice baked potatoes in a dog's age. And they're SO good! Your's look especially yummy, Katherine ... especially with all of that lovely melty cheese.

    I'm with you on the real bacon. I can't stand that fake stuff!

  4. Actually, I don't have a twice baked potato recipe. I don't think I've ever made a baked potato. How odd is that?

  5. I actually don't have a twice baked potato recipe! Yikes. THat would make an awesome lunch!

  6. I love twice baked taters- placed second in State with my version a couple of years ago...

  7. I needed a slap to remind me how much I love these. Thanks for the delicious reminder - I could lose myself in those!

  8. One of my favorite things and I like getting all that bacon flavor thru the taters - these look delicious.

  9. Those look wicked good! I've actually never made twice baked potatoes. I don't know why...

  10. Oh how I love Twice Baked Potatoes, Katherine. This recipe looks incredible... I'm going to try it sometime. Thanks.

  11. Damn straight I have not made those in a coons age! Great idea for Fathers Day, I was just going to do baked taters!

  12. what is not to love about such a wonderful potato!!!

  13. YUM! YUM!
    Remember when baked potatoes had their own restaurants? Wonder where those all went? I love me a HUGE baked potato and your's look delicious!!

  14. You are so funny, "The homegirlz like to stay in the box."
    this was a great slap in the back of the head. Thanks my dear.

  15. Oh these look so good! It's been ages since I've made tators this way, and they Have to include REAL bacon like you said. These sound wonderful with the shallots and parm.

  16. Using real bacon is a must! These twice baked potatoes look amazing.

  17. OMG! Those look divine and I just know they are all kinds of delicious!

    I probably won't try this until the next time my hubby is out of town. Can you believe I married the one man in the world who does not like cheese and potatoes served together? I still love him, though! ;D

  18. I LOVE twice baked spuds, and I also forget them for awhile and then go "Duh" and break 'em out again. Your's look fab and wish I had enough time to make them right now!

  19. These look great and I will definitely be having these for Father's Day! Thanks for the delicious recipe, cher! Cheers!

  20. Katherine, I have the original Brennan's cookbook for eons ago. You must also. Mine is a little worse for the wear, but it's followed me through many moves.

    These are exceptional stuffed potatoes. I've never used cheese on top, but I'll have to give that a try. I usually just dust them with paprika. The Parmesan and bacon are a marriage made in heaven.

    You're right. These are perfect for father's day.

  21. These look positively delicious! They have been on my radar for a while - I needed a little inspiration to get there!

  22. Your potatoes look absolutely amazing. When I make double-stuffed I make a lot and freeze the extras for other meals. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  23. Bacon and cheese and taters...oh yum.

  24. You are right, it's been a while since I've made them

  25. Honestly, there is absolutely no place for bacon bits in a kitchen pantry. Real bacon all the way! thanks for the gentle slap. These look delicious!

  26. I would love to make this for lunch tomorrow, yum!


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