Monday, March 15, 2010

Cajun Risotto

Do you ever feel like you get stuck deciding on sidedishes and you're tired of the same rice, potatoes and pasta? I do, a lot, well not with pasta so much. Do you sit down, drink a glass of wine, plot and plunder and surprise the hell out of yourself?  Me either.  Ok, just this once, I felt the need to "Cajun-fy" and Italian sidedish, risotto. 

I like the creaminess of risotto and the versatility of it but to be honest. I've gotten bored with it.  So to relieve some stress I just felt the need to fry's a Southern thing, don't ask.

In a medium pot, bring 5 cups of chicken broth up to a simmer over medium - low heat and then reduce heat to low.

To a large pot, add 1 tablespoon canola or vegetable oil and one tablespoon of butter.  Once the butter is melted, add three strips of hickory smoked bacon cut up and 1 lb. of diced smoked pork sauasaage.  Fry until well browned.

Then add in 1/2 medium onion chopped, 1/2 green or red bell pepper chopped and 4 ounces of chopped mushrooms.  (A 4 oz. can drained will work great.)  Saute until tender, about 5 to 7 minutes.  Season with salt and pepper.

Add in 1-1/2 cups of Aborio rice.  Stir to coat the grains.


Add in 3/4 cup of white wine.  Stir until the wine is almost completely evaporated.  Just a word of caution here and this is really important, be prepared because the aroma given off will attract everyone in your home and lure them to your stirring station and if your windows are open, lawsie, you will meet neighbors you didn't know existed.


Add in 1/2 cup of the heated chicken broth.

Stir over medium heat until the broth is almost completely absorbed and then add in another half cup of broth.  Repeat until all the broth has been used absorbed. 

This is after that last 1/2 cup of broth.  The risotto is becoming very creamy and I've enlisted the help of a nosey passerby to stir.

Sprinkle the risotto with some Pecorino Romano cheese and some freshly chopped Italian parsely.  This is balanced meal, meat, veggies, grains and dairy.  Oh wait, where's my serving of fruit...oh yeah, I need to refill my glass!


  1. Ohh, Katherine. I wish I was your neighbor. This looks realllly good.

  2. I can only imagine the delicious aroma that gives off....would love a plate of this!!!

  3. Love Cajun flavor for this risotto. Look delicious Katherine!

  4. Clever you, Katherine! What a marvelous Cajun-inspired risotto. Let's see: bacon, pork sausage and wine? Oh please. I can smell it from here!

  5. Woweee, what a wonderful creation! Really bringing out the Cajun in me! Looks absolutely mouthwatering, cher!

  6. I'll take an order of this, please! This must be fantastic with all the spicy flavors. What a great take on the usual risotto.

  7. fantastic creation..I am gonna make this one...awesome...real nice

  8. This sounds like an awesome twist on risotto! Way to spice it up.

  9. Why do I come over here when I am so hungry? This looks and sounds right up my spicy alley!

  10. Almost a risotto jambalaya...

    This does look terrific, love all the extras you added... almost a full meal in one pot instead of a sidedish

  11. Oh, this looks heavenly!!! I get into a side dish rut now and then myself and this will be a great one to try! Love that Cajun thing going!

  12. Sausage and bacon make everything better! Great idea for a tired side dish. I confess: I get tired of the same side dishes, and my imagination just doesn't go that far.

  13. I have side dish slump right now...

  14. Definately you-da-Cajun-girl - same meaning as you-da-man :). When you come down for breakfast, just bring along a bowl of this.

  15. Katherine,
    Thank you so much for visiting! I never knew that risotto could be done using this technique. In the past, whenever I've made risotto (granted it's only been 2-3 times) I've made the risotto and then added the "stuff". I'm excited to try cooking the "stuff" first and then making the risotto in the same pot!

  16. Holy Delicious!

    I absolutely love risotto, however, whenever I try to make risotto, I always seem to wreck it. It's either too crunchy, or too much like glue. I just cant get the consistency right!

    And I definitely would have NEVER thought to use Cajun flavors!

    I would LOVE to try a plate of this!

  17. Oh Gosh, Katherine.... That Cajun Risotto looks SO good... Your pictures had my mouth watering.... I can almost taste it..... Thanks for sharing!!!!


  18. not gonna lie, this looks flat out awesome!

  19. OMG - that looks so good! I wish I had a bowl of this tonight.

  20. that is some seriously awesome looking risotto! well done!

  21. This is something close to heaven Katherine! Totally delicious!

  22. That sounds so delicious. I love your take on Risotto!

  23. Oh southerners do now how to cook! I can smell the aroma from here. If I just follow my nose.... really outstanding risotto!

  24. Oh my, you are just a genius!!

  25. I love the idea of Cajun flavors in the risotto! Super delicious with smoked sausage and bacon!

  26. If I were your neighbor, I'd be dropping in for dinner on a regular basis!
    I love the sound of this dish- it's a great combination Katherine!

  27. This may just be me but I find that if I sit down with a glass of wine and plot and figure long enough, I no longer even need a side dish! How brilliant is that?

  28. My goodness! This looks like a fantastic flavorful risotto! I can't blame people for coming by and trying to get a taste.

  29. You really blew the socks off of a traditional risotto! This looks delicious:D

    Looking forward to following you along!

  30. What a hearty and flavorful risotto - it looks great Katherine.

  31. Ok, the risotto looks great, it totally does. But you need to take the stuff in the second picture and fill an omelet with it. That would be a world of awesome.

  32. Beautiful! Great risotto - and I am coming over to steal, I mean admire, that orange bowl - I must have one! :)

  33. Funny, funny Katherine. I love your idea of fruit. This is seriouly good looking food. My applause to you.

  34. Bacon AND sausage in a risotto? Damn you're awesome (but you already knew that!).

  35. What a perfect dish with spring just beginning to poke its head out. Excellent take on risotto as you can never go wrong with bacon.

  36. Katherine can I move in with you? this looks so darn good and comforting.I loved the e-mail that you sent me about the storm...LOL

  37. This sounds amazing! The smoked pork sausages made it look so good! Love the flavourings.

  38. Katherine, this is over the top! Oh my, does it ever look GOOD! I'd have only this for my diner.

  39. Oh, this does look Southern & oh, so great! Love that cute dish your risotto is in!

  40. I've just got to say YUM - this looks delicious!

  41. Oh yum yum yum! Love risotto and LOVE Cajun and together this is one fantastic dish! Oooh husband would love this!

  42. Hey Katherine! How's it going?! Love the looks of your Cajun Risotto! I wish I had the patience to make risotto on a regular basis ... but I'm more likely to order it out! LOL

    Have a great weekend!

  43. KAtherine!! Guess what? I just bought arborio rice!! Wheee! I can't wait to make my own risotto! Yours is just...well, so uniquely YOU of course! :)

  44. I get stuck thinking of side dishes too Katherine. I wouldn't be stuck for long with your fabulous Cajun Risotto though.

  45. I love the idea of this dish! Another one bookmarked! :-)

  46. BTW, are you on spring break?? :)
    Just missing you.

  47. I can only imagine the delicious aroma that gives off....would love a plate of this!!!
    home based data entry

  48. Yes, I am in the mood for this!!
    Hey, girl just trying to catch up on everyone as I've been sick and off the PC ! Hope all is well in the Smokies!! :)

  49. Your Cajun Risotto is damn near genius! All those flavors in one bowl - too good to be true. I wish I was your neighbor.

  50. Beautiful, beautiful risotto... leap into my long-suffering open jaws!!!

  51. LOL--wine is my favorite fruit group, too ;)

    I made your Chicken Pontalba the other night and it was a HIT! I'm putting this one on the list, too.

  52. Great risotto. Love the cajun twist.

  53. Yummy, I wish I am living next door to you, so I can smell how wonderful this Cajun risotto is.

  54. Katherine, I think I could eat the entire thing. Gosh, that is such great comfort food.

    Hope you and your family have a great weekend.

  55. That looks delish!!!

  56. I love risotto. It's so great you added sausage. I imagine it must taste delicious with rice.

    Have a great evening!


  57. This looks off the charts yummy!

  58. love how its all in one pot. creamy risotto with all those cajun ingredients - delicious.

  59. Yes, I often feel as tho I fall into a recipe rut...this looks delish thanks for sharing.

    Sassy Chica

  60. I'm missing you too, Katherine! But I completely understand. I took a few months off the blogging around the holidays because I was so burnt out.

    I hope everything is well with you and your family...

  61. Just stopping by to check on you....hope all is well.

  62. What a flavor packed risotto. Your version looks so delicious and the aroma when it's cooking must be awesome. This is printed out and waiting on my kitchen counter.

    Haha, love your version of a serving of fruit. I'll drink to that.

  63. Hey, I'm hungry! And it's been way too long since you last posted. Are you ever coming back to blogging?

    Seriously though. I sincerely hope all is well.

  64. Hi Katherine! Hope all is ok with you and your family!

  65. Katherine, we miss you. Hope all is well. I think of you often.

  66. Where oh where can my Katherine be? Hope everything is all right. Please come back! I miss you! *HUGS*


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