Monday, February 8, 2010

The Spotted Pig - Manhattan

Let me show you some food porn....

I REALLY couldn't choose, but this I was sober enough to remember...prunes inside of a pare wrapped in bacon.  You know, bacon always wins...hands down.

Tart-tarts with thyme. bacon and geuyrere....ok, these also made your eyes roll to the back of your head too.

Just an essence of the "cooking studio".

See the girl in the off the shoulder zebra print blouse?  We're bff's now...go figure.

Prey waiting to be delic-ified...seriously!

Chef April!  She adopted me..really all I had to say was grits and crawfish and just like that, she adopted me!  She is a genius!

Chef April took root vegetables, turnips, potaotes, parsnips, potatoes, onions, various heirloom carrrots, and roasted them, covered with just a little salt...

Rough mashed them with a fork, added a little chicken stock and some white wine and wa-la...

Served this amazing soup.  As much as I love to mix up the seasonings, I questioned her and salt was all this soup required, it was amamzing!

When you visit NYC, go to Manhatten and visit Chef April.  Tell her,  her adopted child from Tennessee via the Big Easy sent ya....she'll take really good care of you, I promise.

Tomorrow on the set with Regis and Kelly and cake decorating lessons with the Cake Boss!  I can't wait!!!!


  1. oh wow have fun so happy for you lol Rebecca

  2. OOhhh, looks wonderful. Hope you are having fun!

  3. All of this food looks delicious! I'm so glad to see you're having a good time in NYC!

  4. Awesome. I want those bacon gruyere tarts!

  5. It's all about the bacon! Lucky you!

  6. Wow - what a great time! Enjoy!

  7. Seriously! You have my mouth watering and my heart just a little jealous. Glad you're taking it all in and learning to share with us. Blessings, SusanD

  8. I am seriously hungry now and more seriously - missing NYC. This sounds so grand, Katherine. I'll go back and stare at your mouth-watering photos now.

  9. Oh---now I remember about that trip... I know you are in 'hog-heaven' for sure. Enjoy Regis and Kelly...

    All of that food looks delicious!!!! Yum!

  10. Girlfriend!! What a fun good time you are having! Love the pictures and all your new friends. Can't wait for tomorrows pictures, woo hoo!

  11. You are right - that is definately food porn - enjoy the trip.

  12. Wow, so much fun. Great looking food.

  13. You look like you are having fun! the food looks to die for as well. p.s. Go Saints, that was the BEST game EVAH

  14. Katherine! Glad to know that you are having a great time in Manhattan. Food and lessons look amazing!

  15. Katherine, I'm so glad you're having fun. Thanks for taking us along. Stay warm.

  16. Amazing eats here, excellent!

  17. bacon even makes bad food taste GREAT!

  18. More, more, I want to hear more!


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