Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My New Favorite Burger!

 Who says you can't unlearn your bad habits and learn something new?  Most of us drool over the image of a big, thick, juicy piece of ground beef between two huge pieces of bread, slathered with mayo, get my drift.  Don't get me wrong, I adore a beef burger and on a Kaiser roll is always a plus but let's just shake things up a bit.

Season 1 lb. of ground turkey with your favorite dry seasonings.  No need to add an egg.  Ground turkey is usually pretty moist and holds together very well.  Divide into 4 equal portions and form into round burger patties.  Reserve enough ground turkey on the side (about enough to make one small patty).  Using your thumb, place a small dent in the middle of each patty.  Place a small cube of your favorite cheese in the dent (I used Brie).  Knead the and use the reserved ground turkey to cover the cheese. 

Grill about 5 to 7 minutes per side over medium-high heat.

Oozing cheese wasn't supposed to happnen, but doesn't it just make you wish the patty would hurry up and cook!

Then core one apple (peeling is optional and this was a Figi apple) and divide into 16 slices.  Coat the apples in vegetable oil and place on grill.  Grill about 2 minutes per side.

To assemble, place turkey patty on buttered garlic toast, top with grilled apples and a little parsley garnish.  I bet some onion rings would rock with this!


  1. Looks great to me! Love those grilled apples.

  2. Ground turkey tastes great, but don't you think it smells a little off while cooking? Could be just me...

  3. I might have to rethink my aversion to turkey burgers now that you have added some grilled apples to the recipe. I bet it changes the whole flavor with each bite.

  4. I love the idea of grilling the fruit and then topping it!!

  5. The apples on that are insanity. I love it. Turkey burgers are a good time.

  6. I LOVE that these are stuffed with brie (my favorite cheese!). Turkey pairs so well with apples. So good. Way better than a beef burger in my opinion!

  7. Oh, that does sound really good with brie and apples! Definitely a must try!

  8. I'm terrible at grilling burgers - I cook them to death. They shrivel up and become something unrecognizeable. Yours look WONDERFUL!!

  9. Looks fabulous... sorry I haven't been around for awhile, I moved to the US Virgin Islands (I still giggle when I say that) for six months, and it is taking awhile to get settled. But i do think I am caught up, and will be back with new postings...

    Come take a look at my new blogs of Island life!

    And I am saving this for the ground turkey... there are lots of chickens here, so I will use the ground chicken that seems to be everywhere... reasonably priced. haven't looked for turkey yet... fun times

  10. This sounds delicious! Now I have to try and talk my boyfriend into eating ground turkey. Then again, if I don't make anything else he won't really have a choice. ;)

  11. You won me with the melty cheese-yum! It's a winner with grilled apples!

  12. Grilled apples and turkey ?? I've never tried that combination before! I would never had thought to pair the two,but I'll bet it's a great. Something different than the regular ol burger. I don't think my husband would try it, but I think it would be great :)

  13. These burgers look outstanding. It's hard to miss with turkey, apples and brie.

  14. Oh I've never tried grilling apples before! That is brilliant!

  15. The grilled apples add the panache -I use ground turkey a lot but sometimes it needs something more to jazz it up. You hit on the perfect thing!

  16. Both dishes look good Katherine - I don't believe I've ever eatin a turkey burger, but I may have to give it a try.

  17. It looks deliscious. I'll have to re-try ground turkey. The cheese melting makes my mouth water.

  18. I luv using ground turkey. It looks so good. Have to try them with the cheese.

  19. This looks wonderful to me! I love the grilled apple slices on top.

  20. Did the Home Girlz eat this?? I've never had ground turkey before.

  21. looks great nice and healthy thanks so much for the advice on the beef I appreciate it


  22. I am all over this. Great timing since I've got a bunch of apples that I need to use. Thanks for the idea.

  23. This is an enticing combination of flavors, sweet, savory, salty and creamy. Looks terrific!

  24. This looks seriously delicious! Love the grilled apples and brie - divine.

  25. I'm lovin this burger! I do have to admit the reason you do not see me post about Turkey is because I burned myself out on it when the kids were little...the smell got to me, but now I am okay, and the grilling is the bomb, so I know I would eat my share of them!

  26. Oh my, that is a brilliant burger!

  27. I don't get it.....where's the "grill"? (just kidding!)

    Great looking "indoor rules burger". We have the same grill pan but I just don't get good grill marks off of ours. Do you sear at higher temp?

  28. Turkey is a nice change and I like the twist of stuffed cheese! The grilled fruit is a cool addition too.

  29. You know how much I love turkey burgers....

  30. yeah, i could see how this is your favorite burger, it looks incredible!

  31. Oh wow. I would have NEVER thought to use Grilled Apples! What a FABULOUS idea!

  32. I'm always looking for ways to cook ground turkey and this looks sooo good! I will be giving it a try! The apples are a great added touch! Thanks!

  33. Thank you very much for sharing this, it is now on this week's menu

    we think your blog is awesome and would like to invite you and your visitors to a new group The Kitchen Gang

  34. What a brilliant recipe, Katherine! I'm loving the idea of the cheese-spiked burgers paired with apples instead of a bun. Love it!

    Oh, and, yes, I'll take the side of onion rings to go with!

  35. Katherine, I' always on the lookout for recipes for burgers with a twist. I'm bookmarking this, although I may have to keep the fact that it's turkey a secret until my husband tastes it and says he loves it. Some people are harder to convince than others.

  36. You are a cooking genius! So many great ideas Katherine. I love this! I have a turkey burger recipe that I have used for a while and will try yours now. I love the apples. A wonderful dish!

  37. Wow! This could be my favorite burger.

  38. Oh. My. Gosh. Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh. yes.

  39. Drool worthy!!! I love a good turkey burger :)

  40. Ooh I love the oozing cheese! What a great recipe with the turkey and cheese topped with those sautéed apples! Wow what a great meal!


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