Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Snow Cream

Who's sick of snow and ready for Spring, raise your hand!!!  ME!!!!!

This kind of like, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.".

We were given snow and Kaitlin made snow cream. I made myself sick on this, it's so dadgum good!  It's so simple.  Kaitlin said she found it at the Food Network's site, but didn't remember who's recipe it was.

Put 6 cups of freshly fallen snow into a bowl.

Stir in 1 (14oz.) can of condensed milk and 2 teaspoons of pure vanilla extract. Thoroughly combine.



  1. Raising my hand!!! I grew up making snow cream. When I was a little girl, we had alot of snow, it's funny how the seasons have changed. But anyways, I always try to make snow cream when we do get snow. Love it! Just make sure it's not yellow! :)

  2. Oh Wow! I have never heard of this, it sounds crazy, but in a good way :) Next time it snows my kids are going to love to do this. thanks!

  3. That is so cute. Never will we get that much snow here so I will long for a taste of yours :)

    Just found out that our spring break at Dollywood has been cancelled, boo!!!!! The DIL's spring break from college didn't coincide with the GRAND~girls school's spring break, again boo!!!! When am I ever going to meet you in person??? But the good news is she booked and payed for us to take the GRAND~girls to the beach for the whole week in St. Augustine!!! I love it that our kids are starting to pay us back :)
    Fun good times!!

  4. Both hands raised and waiving wildly here! hahaha So ready for spring. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Blessings, SusanD

  5. What fun! We don't have enough snow yet to try this. Can you believe it? My southern cousins with more snow than we northerners. What's up with that!

  6. We used to do something like this when I was a kid, maybe with regular milk and sugar. I loved it but it seemed it always gave me a sore throat...weird.

  7. However did I miss doing this? After raising kids through countless snowfalls- I love this! Finding positives from all that chilly, slippery white stuff (okay, sometimes it's pretty).

  8. Glad to hear snow is good for something..

  9. I can not wait to try this next time we have a snowfall. Thanks for the idea!

  10. This is a great idea and what fun to make it with the grandkids. Thanks for the recipe. We have pleanty of cold and snow here:)

  11. At this moment, I am flat on my back because I had to shovel our office parking lot yesterday (50 spaces). I hate snow too now....

    This was a perfect snow for snow cream though. Light and dry.

  12. This would be great to make with the grandkids! Thanks for the idea.

  13. Snow cream was a regular feature of my childhood in northern WV. Of course we had to let it snow for a day or so to clean the soot from coal furnaces out of the air, then scrape off the soot covered top layer of snow to expose the good stuff for snowcream. It was always a treat it was usually snow and Hersey's syrup. Thanks for inspiring the memory.

  14. I do....it was that girl who does 5 ingredients. Can't remember her name.
    Looked great, so glad it is!
    We used to use snow and ice to make ice cream when I was a kid.

  15. Ha, the minute my mom would see snowflakes coming down, out to the back yard she went with a bowl, and set it upon the grill. Once it was filled, out came the snow cream. What great memories you just brought back!

    I however am not going downstairs because all the neighbors and my son has a dog...understand?

  16. I made this last year for Kahuna and the kids. They, being native Socalifornicans, had never had snow ice cream. Poor disadvantaged people that there were. Of course they also had never had gumbo, chicken fried steaks, bisquits and gravy and homemade rolls until I came into their lifes.

  17. We made snow cream when I was a child. Thanks for rekindling the memory.

  18. I was tempted to make something similar during the recent blizzard in the NE. It's so much fun! BTW, congrats on the Electrolux contest!

  19. I've never heard of this but it does sound tasty! Our snow is almost all gone and I am soooo glad about that. Just hope we don't get anymore!

  20. Oh how I love snow cream, Katherine. I could eat and eat!!!!! There's just nothing much better. Thanks for the memories.

  21. Raising my hand because I'm sick of everything about this winter! Our snow is gone for the moment, but I'm still sick of it and really, really sick of the cold temps and bitter wind. Ugh.

    As for the snow cream ... wow, that's a new one on me! Doesn't it melt before you have a chance to mix it up? I'll bet its delicious and how fun!

  22. I have never ever ever ever heard of snow ice cream!!!

    Regarding your snow: Welcome to my World.

    from Colorado

  23. Darn, you are posting this after all our snow is gone!

  24. I haven't made that since I was a kid. Great memories!

  25. no way! must have now! i love this!

  26. Pout. We don't have snow. Just cold and rain!

  27. I love snow cream. It was always a treat for us when I was growing up. Oddly enough, when we moved to Wisconsin, none of the little girls in my Brownie troop had ever heard of it. Some snows there are too dry, but some were delicious. :)

  28. Snow Cream! Yummy! What a treat!

  29. oh this is so cool, i beat it tastes great esp when its freshly fallen!

  30. I saw that episode also but for the life of me I too dont recall who's show it was.

  31. Very creative recipe! Thankfully, I have no snow to make it with! :) Stay warm, cher!

  32. that's sweetened condense milk, right? Pour that on my liver and I'll eat it! Love! I love snow cream with sweetened red bean paste.

  33. What a great idea - snow cream on a snowy day. Creative use of a "local" ingredient.

  34. I ate this as a child as well. But we almost never have enough snow anymore to make it!

  35. My Mom did this when we were little too!

    And I'm ready for Spring too!

  36. Now I want the snow here again so I can try this snow cream, how cool!

  37. I did this as a kid, and then did it with my kiddos too. It's such fun and makes great memories!


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