Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf

Everyone has their own special meatloaf recipe and most of us step outside of our meatloaf box every once in a while and try other variations.  Face it, we're pretty picky about our meatloaf; we know exactly what we want.

Be prepared for your eyes to roll to the back of your head!  This rolled meatloaf filled with bacon and cheese, will put a smile on even the pickiest of eaters faces.

This is my most favorite meatloaf - for now..

2 pounds lean ground beef
2 tbsps. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs
1/2 cup finely chopped onions
1/4 cup finely chopped celery
1/2 of green bell pepper - finely chopped
1 heaping tbsp minced garlic
2 tbsps. chopped flat leaf parsley
2 eggs
1-1/2 tsps. Kosher salt
1-1/2 tsps. black pepper
2 cups shredded Sharp Cheddar cheese
4 slices of hickory smoked bacon, cooked and crumbled

Heat a skillet over medium high heat and add the olive oil.  Once oil begins to ripple add in the onions celery and bell pepper and saute for about 2 minutes.  Add in the garlic and parsely and saute for another 2 to 3 minutes.  Remove skillet from heat and place veggies in a bowl to cool slightly.

Preheat oven to 375°F.

In a large mixing bowl, combine beef, bread crumbs, wilted veggies, eggs, salt and pepper. Mix well.

Place meat mixture on a piece of wax paper about 18 inches long.  Place meet mixture on wax paper and place another piece of wax paper equally as long on top of the meat.  Using a large baking sheet, press the meat out to about 1/2 inch thick with aproximate dimensions of 10" x 15".  Spread cheese over the meat, leaving a 3/4 inch border around the edges. Sprinkle bacon over cheese. Roll the meat in a jellyroll fashion to enclose the filling and form a pinwheel loaf. Press both ends to enclose the cheese.

Place in a large baking dish or pan with high sides and bake for about 45 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 160°F.   Allow to rest for about 5 minutes before slicing.

Not very photogenic, but very tasty!  Sauteing the veggies first makes a world of difference as opposed to mixing raw veggies with the meat.

The second best part of this - leftovers the next day - meatloaf sammies!


  1. Cheese, bacon. What's not to like? I love the slice with the cheese all melted. Ready for a slice for breakfast.

  2. We're pretty picky about our meatloaf too and I do believe that this woulod go over big at my house! I need to try it when the kids eat with us which is mostly on Sunday's. They love stuff like this and with mash potatos, yum!

  3. yes everyone does actually have their own meatloaf? wouldn't that be a great cookbook? meatloafs from around the world. ha!
    I think yours would be a favorite too.

  4. Oh I must try this Katherine.. it sounds fabulous. Bacon, cheese, the sauteed veggies, perfect!! And it looks wonderful to me!

  5. Bacon and cheese is a very tasty addition...the guys in my family will love this! Me too.

  6. I love this type of meatloaf with so many ingredients in it.

  7. Wow, that looks and sounds outstanding. Good thing it wasn't more photogenic or I would have taken a bite out of my screen.:) We love meatloaf and I'll have to try the recipe soon and maybe smoke it - just to kick it up a notch.

  8. OMG, that looks good. I haven't made a meat loaf in ages so I'm all ready to try your recipe. Sandwiches the next day are the best part.

  9. This sounds fabulous! Like a bacon cheeseburger without the bun!

  10. Scrumptious and such a comforting food.

  11. This looks like a great may to serve meatloaf! I'm definitly going to try this one. My family thanks you! :)

  12. I like the idea of making meatloaf for dinner and using the leftovers for sandwiches. This looks like a great recipe!

  13. YUM! Now this is my kind of comfort food. Love the oozing cheese inside.

  14. Yet another fantastic recipe!

    Thanks for dropping in and leaving a comment on what inspires you. Family is definitely a reason to be inspired as a mother, that is for sure!

  15. You're right, people do tend to be picky about meatloaf .. but who could argue with bacon and cheese?! It looks delicious, Katherine!

  16. I think I'm in love. This looks wonderful. There's not a thing in this that I'm not crazy about. This is a winner for sure.

  17. This has all the ingredients for an indulgent dinner, what's not to like?? My hubby would love this since he is the meatloaf fan in the family. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Meatloaf is becoming as argument worthy as chili! Yours looks great! I have learned to use powders, seasonings, and dried herbs, in place of veggies(full of water!)as we like a firm meatloaf full of flavor, and can be cut hot without falling apart..

  19. I tried a cheesy meatloaf recipe once that didn't turn out very good. This looks incredible though and with all that cheese and bacon, my husband would be over the moon!

  20. Meatloaf is one of our favorite comfort foods. Yours sounds delicious.

  21. Wow! Love the creation! I love bacon cheeseburger and this would be a great way to enjoy the flavors with everyone in the fam. :)

  22. I just mix chunks of cheese in with the meat like you do with onions or bread crumbs. Yum!

  23. I love meatloaf ---but when I order it in a restaurant, one never knows what kind of meatloaf it is.... SO---I just have to make them at home (making sure they are the recipes I like).

    I would love your recipe since I am a cheese lover. SO---with that much cheese in the meatloaf---I would be a happy camper. Thanks!!!!


  24. So I am not the biggest meatloaf fan. For this I blame my mother.

    But I am a fan of cheese. And bacon. And so I know I would love this. Thanks for sharing!

  25. We really like meatloaf, and have several recipes that we return to, but I'll tell you what...for one that looks as good as this, there's room for one more. This looks delish. Bet it makes terrific sandwiches.

  26. this has to be the most perfect balance of all that makes ground beef tasty!

  27. OMG Cheese& Bacon? I just died and went to heaven!

  28. This looks incredibly indulgent and decadent! I bet those leftover sandwiches rocked!

  29. The whole time you were writing this, I kept fast forwarding to a leftover sandwich and you beat me to it at the end.

    Great post, K!!!!

  30. big hunk of meat with cheese and bacon... and all that other stuff... you bet my eyes are spinning!

  31. I luv cheese. I luv bacon. Sign me up!

  32. Oh my, how decadent! Yay for bacon cheeseburger meatloaf!

  33. I love trying new meatloaf recipes since it is such a versatile dish. Yours looks great Katherine...I will have to try it!

  34. Oh, that looks yummy! My family would love that! Thanks for posting!

  35. Stuffed meatloaf is the only way I can get hubby to eat it. I just made a ham and cheese meatloaf and he went back for seconds.

    Your's looks good.

  36. An awesome meatloaf! I love that is is loaded with cheese and bacon! Yum!

  37. Woweee! Now that's one good looking meatloaf and I can only imagine how delicious it is, too! Looks sinful, cher! Have a great weekend!

  38. The great thing about meatloaf is that there can be so many variations. This looks like a good one!

  39. As soon as I saw this recipe I knew I had to try it. The good news is that it was delicious. The bad news is there were no leftovers even though I used 3 lbs. of meat.

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  42. I found this recipe a few months ago. Now, it's in our regular meal rotation. This is a hit! You really can't go wrong with bacon and cheese. YUM!


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