Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It Really Happened, I Have Pictures -Corn Bundles!

Many of you asked for pictures...

This wasn't part of our Thanksgiving meal, but these puppies are so good, I made them for our Sunday dinner with a few tweaks of course!

First tweak, since it was only the four of us and I wasn't  preparing this for a crowd, the recipe has been cut in half.

1/2 medium onion finely chopped
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 tablespoon of butter
1 can whole kernel corn (15-1/4 ounce size)
1/3 cup finely chopped green onion tops
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup cooked and crumbled bacon
1/4 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
1/8 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 cup finely shredded mozzarella cheese
2  Four ounce cans of precooked cocktail shrimp (200-300 count size)
12 wonton wrappers

First, preheat the oven to 400 degrees and generously spray one muffin tin (12 well/cup size) with non-stick cooking spray.

Saute onion in canola oil and butter until softened over medium heat.  Remove the skillet from burner and allow to cool for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Then stir in the corn, green onions, mayonnaise, crumbled bacon, salt, cayenee and shrimp.

Gently fold in the shredded mozzerella.  It's very important  that the onions have cooled or they will melt the cheese and you will have a big corn ball on your hands.

It's not real pretty, but it smells REALLY good!

Gently place the wonton wrappers in the wells of the muffin pan.  I chose not to cut the tips this time.
Spoon about a tablespoon of the mixture into each wonton cup. At this point you can bush the cups with melted butter (optional).

Bake the wrappers uncovered in the oven for about 12 to 15 minutes or until the bundles become puffed and browned. Serve them immediately!


  1. Oh do those ever look fantastic! I would love one of them...great recipe Katherine...thanks!

  2. Now that got my attention! What a perfect appetizer..I can graze all night on stuff like this!

  3. Yum! They look as good as they sound, Katherine! And, really, no need to cut off the wanton tips - they look pretty with the nice crispy corners.

  4. Yeah! Now I could snuggle up with some of those and have a nice tasty moment...bundle me up!

  5. Now I'm hungry! These look like the perfect grazing item, indeed!

  6. I like your method of baking these corn bundles in wonton wrappers. They look very good!

  7. They look great! I'll have to give your version a try.

  8. Katherine,

    What a great recipe. Do you think you can freeze these or not?? These would be perfect to pull out at a minute's notice. Great photos by the way!! It makes me want to meake them RIGHT NOW!


  9. Well these look fabulous! Will save the recipe and give them a try. Thanks for this post.

  10. Ooh, yum. These look mighty delicious ; )

  11. Goodness, those look wonderful! This is something I'm going to make and soon. I've been eating rather dreadfully, lately, can't see very well due to the eye injury but this looks easy enough for me to toss together. Now if I can just find those wonton wrappers.
    Forgive me for giggling at what The Diva on a Diet said...those naughty wrappers must be punished!

  12. Such a great idea to use wonton wrappers for this recipe. Looks great and delicious.

  13. I may have to stop coming by here. My feelings of inadequacy are getting too big!
    Seriously, you must be the world's best cook.

  14. Oh my - they do look delcious. I wouldn't be able to stop at just one.

    P.S. Consider yourself adopted! :)

  15. Have I told you how wicked-good you are? These are fantastic, K!

  16. OH MY! This was not what I expected - these are even better than what I pictured. And I'm even thinking you could sub potato for the shrimp because the ingredient list has so many chowder-ish qualities. No matter what, this is a fantastic idea K!

  17. Love to make these sometime soon!

  18. Oh, these look even more sinfully delicious up close! And I like the way you halved the recipe. Perfect for one or two Cajuns. Thanks for posting the pics, cher! They're great!

  19. These look incredibly delicious and seriously comforting! I'm so glad you posted them!

  20. These look like the perfect appetizer! Delicious and easy to make..thanks for posting it!

  21. Katharine, these are inspired. Love the idea of these in little wonton cups. How cute and nifty is that. What a welcomed and unique addition to a cocktail party. This raises appetizers to a whole new and higher level. WOW

  22. Holy cow...these look and sound out of this world!!

  23. Hmmm, could I sub maybe shredded cooked chicken for the shrimp? They look delightful, other than that pesky seafood I can't seem to stomach :)

  24. So glad you posted these! I could have all of them and call it dinner. Is there a rule saying you have to share?

  25. This look and sound wonderful. I'm so glad you posted them. This is close to the perfect appetizer.

  26. Those sound absolutely scrumptious with wonton wrappers!

  27. I wish I had found this recipe last week. It looks great, and it will definitely be on my list for next big dinner.

  28. Ohh lord my corn loving family would devour this, great job and thanks for the photo!!!!


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