Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chicken Sauce Piquante

I've mentioned many times that Chef John Folse's book, The Evolution of Cajun and Creole Cuisine is my favorite cookbook and often my "go to" when I am looking for something special to cook for my family. Marguerite from Cajun Delights posted this recipe of John Folse's which I had seen many times in my big yellow cookbook. Marguerite inspired me ton finally give this a try.
This is a classic Cajun chicken dish perfect for this time of year. It's hardy and chocked full of flavor. The ingredients are readily available no matter where you live. So come with me and be an honorary Cajun for a meal!

Season one whole cut up chicken thoroughly with Cajun seasoning and sprinkle with Worcestershire sauce.
Cover and marinate in fridge, for 1 hour.

In heavy dutch oven, heat 1/2 cup of vegetable or canola oil over medium heat and saute seasoned chicken until golden brown. (about 10 minutes on each side) Remove from oil and set aside.
Add 1/2 cup of flour to the pot, using a wire whisk, and stir continuously until a medium brown roux is reached. Add one 8 ounce can of tomato sauce, slowly, and continue to stir for 5 minutes, until sauce is a rich reddish brown color. Add a little water, if needed.

Add 1 cup of chopped onions, 1/2 cup chopped bell peppers, 1/2 cup chopped celery, and 1-1/2 tablespoons of minced garlic and saute and stir for about 3 minutes. Add one 16 ounce can of crushed or diced tomatoes and one 10 ounce can of Rotel tomatoes, 2-1/2 cups of chicken stock (and 1 cup of water if the sauce seems too thick). Stir until well blended and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and add chicken, 1 teaspoon of salt, a few shakes of cayenne, and 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire. Cover and simmer for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add 1/2 cup of sliced green onions and 1/2 cup of chopped parsley and simmer for 10 more minutes.
Your house is going to smell some good yeah!
Serve over steamy white rice and make sure you have plenty of crunchy French bread on hand for sopping up every last drop.
As Marguerite says, "Oh cest bon, cher! Le Bon Manger!"


  1. Ahhhhmazing! I think I can smell it cookin'.

  2. Oh that looks wonderful. I've never tried to make this but I just might have to give it a go.

  3. I bet that is great! I have an earlier cookbook of his I may get out soon...

  4. I absolutely cannot wait to make this in my new kitchen. It looks and sounds amazing. I've been craving those spiced nuts too. I think I have everything on hand to make them too. Thanks for stopping by today. Blessings, SusanD

  5. This sounds really special. What an amazing blend of ingredients. How much heat do the Rotel tomatoes add?

  6. Katherine, how spicy hot is it with Tony's and Rotel? Hubby likes a little spicy but not hot spicy.

  7. I've bookmarked this to try this weekend! It sounds so warm and comforting on this rainy Tuesday!

  8. Oh how I wish I had a plate of this chicken with extra sauce.

  9. I'm in, I want to be an honorary Cajun.


  10. Tish... I love it when you speak French!

    Hey sweet thing, stop by my site, I am bragging on your suggestion and my trip to the Central Grocery.

  11. Oh that just looks so good. I will have to try this sometime....great for this time of year too!

  12. I can imagine this does make the house smell terrific! I love Cajun food. This looks so delicious!

  13. Ohh that looks delicious, I bet it was warm and filling!

  14. I am not always good with creole cooking - this looks so scrumptious. I can smell the aroma now.

  15. Yummm... all those wonderful warm and big flavors going on sounds so good.

  16. Can't help but drooling over looking at your chicken dish.

  17. oh wow, must have soon! i can just imagine how good it tastes!

    i love your chocolate bread pudding too, my mom made something similar a while ago and we went nuts for it!

  18. I guess this qualifies as a "Roux-by Tuesday" post;)

    Looks great K! I can imagine how good that tasted. Pass me a bowl will ya?

  19. Sounds fantastic! This is a great, hearty dish for fall.

  20. I could smell that right through my computer screen. It was delightful!

  21. This must smell amazing, it looks simply fantastic and very comforting.

  22. Definitely looks so delicious!!!

  23. Oh this is screaming flavor to me. So perfectly delicious! GREAT weeknight meal.

  24. Tres bon, indeed! I always use worcestershire in beef gravy. But I don't think even honorary cajuns can be as red as me, can they?

  25. Such wonderful flavors, excellent!

  26. This looks absolutely delicious Katherine! Special indeed! I bet the smell is heavenly!

  27. Perfection! Looks absolutely fabulous and I wish I had a big plate right now! My recipe for this dish is different from Chef Folse. He uses ro-tel and whole tomatoes, and I use crushed tomatoes and red wine. All cest bon, I'm sure! Thanks so much for the shout out, cher!

  28. Sounds delicious. Cajun cuisine is one of my favorites and it rarely lacks in flavor. Roux-based dishes are always a good idea : )

  29. Haha, for some reason, I always think of you when I come across the word "Cajun". I tried some creole sauce today and I immediately thought, "Katherine probably can make a better version of this!"

    That dish must have really smelled SO good. Wow!

  30. Yum! That looks tasty indeed!
    I was thinking of getting John Besh's new book for Christmas - to learn more about Nola cuisine. What do you think?

  31. I bet this is really good on a cold day!

  32. Wow, just look at the color! This is a must-try.

  33. Wow, this dish does look amazing. You are right, it would be simple to prepare. Great recipe!

  34. Wow! what a delicious chicken recipe!Great flavors.

  35. My husband will love this...what a great recipe!

  36. If you say this cookbook is one of your favorites then I'm going to ahve to look into purchasing it. Plus this amazing-looking chicken is prodding me to do so as well! It looks so flavorful.


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