Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Best Beef Stroganoff - Evah!

This is one of those dishes that when you sit down and place the first forkful in your mouth, while your eyes are rolling around in back of your head, you wonder why you don't make this more often.
Many of you may have your favorite Beef Stroganoff recipe, but let me offer this one as the best ever! Just about all of the ingredients can be found in your pantry and this is a plus in my book since we all have such busy lives. Aside from the simplicity of this dish, the consensus of opinion from my husband, the homegirlz, my mom, several friends, and co-workers is this Beef Stroganoff ricks and is the best they have ever tasted.

Rough chop 3 to 4 cloves of garlic and place in a bowl with 1 teaspoon of coarse sea salt and 1 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper. Add enough extra-virgin olive oil to create a paste. Add one sprig of fresh rosemary and one fresh spring of fresh thyme, chopped to the past and stir to combine.

Place about 2 to 2-1/2 lbs. of bottom round steak in a baking dish and slather on the garlic/herb paste. Bake on a pre-heated 300 degree oven for 2 hours. You want to cook this low and slow to tenderize the round steak. Look above and see how beautiful the beef turns out from the oven and talk about a wonder aroma wafting through your home!
Allow the meat to rest for about 10 minutes and slice into thin strips against the grain.

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil tot he skillet. Add one 8 ounce package of sliced baby bella mushrooms and one 8 ounce package of sliced button mushrooms and saute for about 5 minutes until golden brown.
Add 2 shallots finely chopped and 2 cloves of minced garlic and stir to combine. Season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste. Cook for another 3 minutes and remove pan from heat. Carefully add 1/4 cup of dry sherry and deglaze the pan. Return the pan to heat and add 2 cups of heavy cream. Lower heat and simmer until reduced by half. Turn off heat and stir in 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard and 1/2 cup of sour cream. Season with salt and plenty of freshly ground black pepper. Add the sliced beef to the skillet to warm.

Cook and drain 1 pound of your favorite curly pasta or you can use egg noodles. After the pasta is drain, place in a bowl and toss in 1 to 2 tablespoons of butter while the pasta is still hot.

Spoon pasta on a plate, top with a generous ladle full stroganoff sauce and beef. Garnish with sliced fresh parsley and green onions.


  1. That does look like it's the best beef strog evah!

    I've only made it with ground meat so I can see why this would be so much more flavorful and better.


  2. I normally make Paula Deen's recipe for this, but this sounds much, much better!! I will try this one next!

  3. This looks amazing and it reminds me of a Julia Child quote "If you're afraid of butter, use cream" I'm afraid of neither and can't wait to give this a try.

  4. Beef stroganoff with butter noodles takes me bach to my childhood. Next time Hubby is otu of town i think i'll try this. It sounds to die for tasty!

  5. Quite a production! No wonder it's so good!

  6. Again, I'm drooling here. The roasted beef sounds spectacular all on its own ... and the stroganoff looks divine. Love this recipe, Katherine!

  7. You know, I'm on the hunt for a great stroganoff recipe! I'll bookmark this one to give it a try.

  8. Oh my gosh that looks good, I love Fall when we make all sorts of comfort food! This is on my list!

  9. I love beef strog! My dearly beloved won't eat egg noodles, so we have ours with wild rice.

  10. What a great idea to slow roast the beef first!!!

  11. I do so love beef stroganoff. I don't know why I don't make it more often either. This looks like a wonderful recipe for it! :D

  12. omg! I haven't had this in ages and many thanks for bring it back up to the forefront!!! Yummy!

  13. Katherine, my husand LOVES beef stroganoff and I will have to try this. It sounds so delicious with the sherry and ingredients you have added. I'm not big on these type of dishes but this even sounds pretty good to me. I'm putting this in my ever growing pile of to try recipes!!!

  14. so yummy! i love those mushrooms in there. can't wait to try it!

  15. Yum - this looks hearty and delicious. I love stroganoff.

  16. Yummy- especially since it's made with cream and sour cream. I hate the kind made with tomato sauce.
    Super recipe!

  17. I cant wait to try this!! Looks very tasty!

  18. This has moved from your blog to my must do list. Thanks for sharing this with us. As a matter of personal preference I'll replace the sour cream with whipping cream because then I don't have to worry about curdling.

  19. This is one of my husband's favorites...thanks! It looks wonderful!


  20. Sigh. I love beef stragnoff. We used to eat it all the time until Ben became allergic to mushrooms...

  21. Yup, looks frickin' awesome!! I can just imagine that shreddy meat....ahhhhh.

  22. I am ready for a double helping - I of course use Grandma's recipe but will definitely try yours. Too good looking to pass up!

  23. I have beef stroganoff on my to-do list - I've never made it before. This looks amazing! And so comforting!

  24. Here is what I am going to say?? That has to be the BEST Beef Stroganoff EVER. Why do I say that? Well, number one, the flavors sound incredible. Number two, the cooking method is perfect. AND finally number three, the photos are stunning. OK that covers it. The End. . .


  25. I am ashamed to admit that I ate a knock off for lunch today of this, now you have really made me realize how awful that microwave version was...I can imagine just how tasty your food is...I am heading down your way, so save me some! LOL I am sure it would be long gone before I made that trip...

  26. It does look like the best stroganoff! This is serious yummy looking stuff! thanks for sharing the best evah!

  27. Best evah, cher! Looks sinfully delicious and I can't wait to try it.

  28. I believe. that it is the best beef stroganoff. EVAH!
    lol...this also reminds me of the movie "Alexandria", when she sang, "I never cared for stroganoff!"
    Well, obviously she hasn't tried yours!

  29. I haven't made Stroganoff in years. I'll have to give yours a try. This weekend would be perfect for it.

  30. Easily looks like it could be the best stroganoff ever. Bet the paste has lots to do with it. So flavorful and looks fantastic.

  31. Oh Glory does this every sound fabulous! I love cooking with sherry so this is just toooo good! Might have to nail my shoes to the floor because I think I'd be floating away in delight.

  32. A delicious version of beef stroganoff, excellent!

  33. This sounds good. Alexis made one from Bon Appetit but she used milanesa cut beef and it was amazing. I had one made with prime rib at Puleos and that just didn't work for me, prime rib meat was good but it did seem to go with the dish.

  34. This recipe is crazy good. I have now made it twice and both times I am told by the people eating it that they have a new found respect for beef stroganoff.

    Just an absolutely great recipe.

  35. Spencer I wish you knew how you just made my day! So glad you and your friends enjoyed it. Now I'm wanting a plate full of this for dinner!


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