Friday, September 11, 2009

Coney Islands

TGIF and I've missed all of you so much, sorry about my unavoidable absence.
This is A.J.'s favorite "snack" food during football season. I kind of think he looks forward to football season more because he seriously chows down on these Coney Islands. I started making these for A.J. during our first football season after we were married and he hasn't gotten tired of them or me yet.
They are so simple and satisfying.
Here's all you have to do:
Makes 8 Coney Islands -
1 package of hot dog wieners
1 package of hot dog buns
1/2 medium red onion diced
16 oz. your favorite chili (no beans)
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Pre-heat oven broiler. Line baking sheet with foil for easy cleanup.
Heat chili of over heat. Place buns on baking sheet, place heated wieners inside of each bun. Sprinkle diced onion over each hot dog. Ladle a generous helping of chili over each hot dog and then sprinkle with cheese.
Heat under broiler until cheese has melted.
It's just as man pleasing and so not healthy as it looks.


  1. You're so cute, "he hasn't gotten tired of them or me yet!" He'd be crazy to :)
    Missed you and hoped things are okay. You are so busy with those darling girls that we are just glad you show up when you can.
    Have a happy weekend!

  2. We sometimes do chili dogs, but don't broil them with cheese on top. I need to step it up!

  3. It would be nice if I could grab one through this screen...thanks

  4. That must be so good with the cheese and chili. What a great snack to watch a game.

  5. That is my absolute favorite meal. Sonic has a pretty good one if you are in a hurry but home made is better. Its goodness in a bun.

  6. Wow, those are some loaded dogs!

  7. Not healthy, but definitely fun and satisfying! I'm sure my husband would happily chow down on these during a game as well. Perfect football food!

    Welcome back, we've miss you too!

  8. Oh Katherine, Not just MEN like these. I love them--but try not to eat them very often anymore. Of course, you could use 'light' buns, turkey hot dogs, 2% cheese and low fat chili... BUT--I'll be it's not nearly as good! ha

    When I was in high school (late '50's), we'd go to a local restaurant during school lunch and buy 2 Chili Buns and a coke for a QUARTER.... Oh --the memories!


  9. Those look awesome! Perfect on a football sunday!

  10. So glad to see you are back. A.J. has all around good taste. I got hungry just looking at these.

  11. Love a good chili cheese dog. Thanks Katherine for making a favorite even better.

  12. They look delicious Katherine and I've missed your posts!!! I know my husband would go crazy over these!

  13. I've never been a fan of chili dogs, but yours look delicious!!

  14. Goodness, that looks delicious!

  15. My God, I could down that in 2 bites. Now dont think dirty, Katherine;)

  16. I really must send you my "Nobody ever beat my chili dog sauce!" Years perfecting, he will go through puberty so fast- even Mom won't believe it!

  17. you make the best comfort foods. one's that I want 3rd helpings of.

  18. I would never get tired of eating these either - they look fantastic!

  19. Those look super yummy, I am looking for things to add to my Super Bowl menu and this will be one of them!

  20. Delicious! And Coney Dogs bring back so many wonderful NYC memories...

  21. Dave would love these and they would put me six feet under! As much as I enjoy a hot dog, it dislikes me just as much. -grin-

  22. Yum! I say they're girli pleasing, too ;) YUMMY!

  23. I would love to sink my teeth into these!! How yummy!!

  24. those look yummy. I love Coney's but I love frito pie more

  25. Go big or go home, eh?
    I could go for one of these for a midnight snack..!

  26. Those look so good! What kind of chili do you like to use? I'm usually kinda disappointed in canned chili.

  27. This is so yummy! I can eat more than 2, I think :)

  28. It looks wonderful! Yum! I'm glad things are ok. I was worried!

  29. Katherine, good to see you again. I had noted your absence and missed you.

    These dogs look good! Think my Ole Sweetie-Pi would enjoy noshing on these, too.

  30. Wow would my husband go nuts for one of these babies! Looks so fabulous! And so reminds me of trips to New York!

  31. Glad to see ya! These look so good, that's the way we fix them but not in the oven so I'll try this next time! Oldest son is smoking a turkey breat for our game day today!

  32. Jones was passing by as I was reading this and the picture caught his eye and he has now requested they be added to the rotation! lol!!

  33. These would be perfect for the game today!

  34. I think I just found our perfect game day tradition. Hubbie will looove these! Thanks!

  35. oh for pitty sake! This looks soooooo good. Can't wait to make these. Thanks for the post

  36. Oh how I love me some Hot Dogs!! This looks fantastic!!! I understand busy, I'm just coming off a 7 day work week. I think they're trying to kill me!

  37. Wow. Gorgeous.

    I'm not usually a hot-dog girl but put chili and cheese on anything and I'll eat it ; )

  38. Guys don't eat food like this because it's healthy, we eat it because it's good!!!

  39. These look delicious! If you shop Sam's they have new Angus beef dogs, they are the best I've had yet! This also reminds me, I want chili, but its too hot here in FL!

  40. You have been missed and of course we all so glad that your back. You could have not came back with any better of a food temptation than this one...Great choice my friend!!

  41. what would football season be without some completely unhealthy goodness :)

  42. I love these as well. I guess I'm pretty simple.

  43. Oh my heavens....those looks sinfully delicious!!!

  44. Glad you are back as you've been missed! The coneys look delish... I only like hot dogs if they are smothered in chili!

  45. Those look so delicious - and I don't normally like hot dogs. But how much fun would this be to make for the game?

    Thanks! Glad you are back!


  46. Gourmet dogs, for sure, cher! My son would devour these. Miss you and hope things are going great for you!

  47. Miss Pickles is self-published through I have no delusions of grandeur, only hopes!

  48. I'm not a huge hot dog fan, but these look great~

  49. Nothing like the decadent snacks of football season! I like the food a lot more than actually watching football. ;)

  50. This is the perfect game day snack. I know my hubby would not get tired of these either!

  51. Yum! I haven't done it with the cheese on top--smart idea!

  52. Yummie snacks :-) Love the gooey topping, give the dogs a special flavors.


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