Thursday, August 13, 2009

Peach Pie

How long did you think I could really go without posting something sweet?

This recipe is loosely, very loosely adapted from a Peach Cobbler recipe in my River Roads II cookbook, that I gush so much about. This pie turned out way better than my expectations would have ever dared to dream!

Instead of you rolling you eyes and sighing while I go on and on about how good this pie is, let just start baking.

Because this pie was made on the fly, I didn't have the inclination to make my own pie crust, I used the store bought stuff.

1 box refrigerated pie crust (each box contains two rolls of pie crust
5 peaches peeled, de-seeded and sliced into 6 slices per peach
1/4 cup of water
1 cup organic sugar (white granulated sugar is fine too)
1 tablespoon of flour
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup butter melted
1 egg

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray pie dish with non-stick cooking spray. Place one of the sheets of pie dough into the pie dish, side will hang over. Using a fork, poke holes in the dough all over.

Cook peaches in water until tender. Mix flour, salt and sugar. Add to peaches and combine. Pour melted butter into the peach mixture and combine. Pour peach mixture into prepared pie dish.

Cut the remaining sheet of dough into lattice pieces and weave on top of peach mixture. Brush egg wash over lattice peaches and lightly sprinkle with granulated sugar.

Bake pie in preheated 350 degree oven for 40 to 45 minutes. Cool and serve.


  1. I LOVE peach pie! Wonderful recipe and blog too. Glad I found ya! I'm following!

  2. yeah yeah....and I started a diet today. But peaches are good for you right?

  3. Oh my goodness, Katherine, this pie is making my mouth water! Excuse me while I wipe the drool off of my chin!

  4. Is there anything better than peach pie? Especially this year when the peaches are so amazing. Loving that butter in there ... happy sigh. Its gorgeous!

  5. I wanted to try another dessert using fresh peaches. Think I found it!

  6. I love peaches, I just pealed two this afternoon for the GRANDS. I find it strange that living in the Peach State of Georgia the best peach I ever had was right off a road side stand in California. I make some great peach cobbler but have never made a peach pie.

  7. Wow! delicious peach pie! I want a slice!

  8. Sounds yummy! The Cajun won't touch a peach - not even peach cobbler can you imagine??!! I might just make this for myself though. :)

  9. How beautiful! That would disappear quickly around here.

  10. We are getting some beautiful peaches right now, this looks beautiful!!

  11. You know I love sweets! The pie looks delicious and this is the time of year to make peach pie! Katherine, make sure to visit my blog since I am having an Old Bay give first one....I am sooo excited!!!!

  12. I'm lovin'what I'm seeing- off to see more!

  13. Katherine, this pie looks sensational! Oh my just look at the oozing peachy goodness between the lattice strips! I am nearly fainting with want for a slice of this incredible looking pie!!!!

  14. Peach pie.. this one is screaming to me.. It looks beautiful and I love the ease of it. This cookbook must be fabulous.. you make loads of recipes out of it. Is it available nationally?

  15. The top of that pie doesn't look store-bought! Peach sounds good right now...

  16. Peach pie looks scrumptious! I would so love a slice right now!

  17. Simple and to the point. I like it! I have been thinking quite fondly of peaches this week. This looks like a great way to handle that craving.

  18. Oh yes, I need this! Really, I adore peach pie and this one looks wonderful, Katherine!

  19. If this peach pie tastes as good as it looks, I'm in big trouble! Love fresh peaches and I'm definitely going to try this one! Thanks, cher!

  20. Peach pie is one of my very favorites...looks really tasty Katherine.

  21. A sweet taste of summer! How scrumptious!

  22. I'm going to conquer my fear of pie crust one day. I'm designing my own 12-step pie crust program. In the meantime, I, like you, continue to use the box crusts. Hubby doesn't like them, but his mother was pie baker extraordinaire, and he doesn't understand that anything besides graham cracker crust makes me cower under a table in fear!

    Your peach pie looks good, and I could probably have it all for myself, since most of my peeps don't like peaches!

  23. This is one of my all time favorite pies. Your lattice puts mine to shame. Our peaches are terrific this year, so I'll be trying this really soon.

  24. I've never had peach pie, but my oh my, this looks delicious. Picture perfect.

  25. I could almost smell it when I looked at the picture. It is perfect : ) What a pretty blog you have!

  26. beautiful and tasty looking

  27. I was just saying that peach pie is my very favorite! Yours came out beautifully!

  28. I've been craving peach cobbler, but this pie will do just fine!

  29. greetings...I am new on your site. I found you by googling cajun recipes and blogs. I love the look of your blog, and the instructions are terrific. Thanks for all the effort, and I will be looking in often


  30. Oh my, that looks yummy so does the broccoli recipe!

  31. Hey, my eyes aren't rolling...and if they are it's at the intensity of that peach pie! Wow it looks gorgeous!

  32. you know me and my love of peach pie! Love it girl!

  33. YUMMY! I have pie-crust in the freezer just waiting for a recipe. This looks like it!

  34. This is another one of your recipes I will have to try. Looks delicious.

  35. You know i haven't made anything with peaches yet this summer, I have to remedy that, this looks terrific!


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