Thursday, June 18, 2009

Grilled Honey-Teriyaki Chicken

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut? Have you ever panicked knowing you were going to make "some kind" of chicken for dinner but "what kind"? Well have your answer right here. This is one of Tyler Florence's Ultimate recipes and it is a keeper!

But need to learn how to work the gas grill if you don't know how yet. Please don't say, "The grill is a mystery to me." or "That's my husband's department.". Gas grills are so simple to use and once you start cooking on your gas grill, you will see that it is a simple and fantastic time saving appliance. There is less clean up in the kitchen too!

First, we're going to brine the chicken. In a large bowl, add 1 cup of brown sugar, 1/2 head of garlic (unpeeled) 2 cups of water, 1 to 2 inches of ginger root (unpeeled, sliced in half lengthwise and smashed), 2 tablespoons of coarse salt, and 6 springs of fresh thyme. Gently stir to mix and pour into a re-sealable plastic bag. Add chicken. You can use a whole cut up chicken or I used 5 bone in, skin on thighs and legs. Seal the bag and refrigerate for one to two hours.

In a sauce pan, over medium heat, combine one 16 ounce bottle of teriyaki sauce, 1/4 cup of honey, 1 inch of ginger (peeled and smashed), 1/2 head of garlic (unpeeled) and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil. Simmer until rich and slightly reduced.

Remove chicken from brine, place in a bowl and pat dry with a paper towel. Season with black pepper and add a teaspoon of sesame oil. Toss chicken in oil and pepper and place on a pre-heated grill. Sear on each side and move chicken away from heat. Grill chicken for about 30 minutes, turning about every 5 to 7 minutes.

Baste the chicken with the teriyaki glaze in the last 10 minutes of cooking.

Serve garnished with chopped scallions.


  1. it seems like all roads lead to chicken and looks like you got in the right lane - this looks flavorful and succulent.

  2. That's a winner for sure! I love Tyler Florence. And he's a cutie pie on top of that! I'm the grill master in this house - gas and charcoal. The Hubs does ZERO cookin' and that's fine by me, because it'd more likely be out of a box than not!

    That chicken looks delicious - love chicken on the grill!

  3. I am happy that you shared this! I open my freezer and there it is, CHICKEN!! I am always saying "I need new chicken recipes!" I am heading to the store right now to pick up a few things for this and then a am firing up my charcoal grill!!

  4. I love using the gas grill - and I seem to be better at it than hubby (I think because I don't try to cook everything at high heat and get it done in a hurry). This looks great - love any kind of bbq'd chicken.

  5. Oh my goodness, that looks amazing.

  6. Some things are best left to hubby. Grass cutting is 1st. Grilling is 2nd.

    I have to do my share of stuff he won't touch, so I'm willing to leave it that way.

    When I don't feel like cooking, all I have to do is throw a couple of steaks, chicken, ribs, whatever into a bowl with marinade. He walks in and says "you want me to cook that on the grill". I smile and say "that would be so good". Deviously thinking "that was the plan the whole time".


  7. I believe we all end up at the same crossroads "what to do w/this chicken", and what a terrific recipe this is, looking just fabulous!

  8. Your chicken looks great! I haven't had teriyaki chicken in a long time, so I think I need to try this soon.

  9. I believe you are talking to me, LOL. I am not sure exactly how to turn the grill on. This chicken looks really good, gotta try it!

  10. That looks beautiful! You should join us at Tyler Florence Fridays.

  11. Your teriyake is just beautiful. I think we'll fire up the grill tonight.

  12. that looks like a perfect grilled chicken!

  13. It looks so sticky and finger-lickin'! Except that I'm a charcoal gal, myself. But I'm sure it would work!!! Delish!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Yummmmy chicken! I have to say - I think I am a better grill master than my hubby. (he always manages to burn whatever he's cooking). And I agree - I think grilling is the way to go in the summertime!

    Thanks for the recipe Katherine!


  16. We are loving our grill this summer! Will have to try this one next time for the hubs!

  17. I sure wish I was at your house for dinner - the chicken looks superb!

  18. The color on the chicken is just beautiful and I love that flavor combination!

  19. I don't grill, because I just don't like black lines on my food, but I could surely get behind roasting this chicken (it's been too cold and rainy for grilling here anyway).

  20. Wow, that chicken looks good. Think I will try it this weekend. Brining is something I have never done, but it is time to try.

  21. That is a great flavor for grilled chicken!

  22. The chicken looks so good! I keep hearing about this brining idea and still haven't done it yet. I should just trust Tyler and do it.

    You are right about grilling. My dad is the resident griller in the family but I hate waiting for him to get home from work to turn on the grill. My mission for this weekend - learn how to do it myself!

  23. You be speakin' my language today, Miss Katerine. It is my summer time goal to conquer the grill. I might just be able to with something like this.



  24. Today is my lucky day! I've had the worst time trying to access some of my favorite blogs, including yours! I've been able to get to everyone's blog today! Yeah! This is a great recipe! I use our gas grill all year long, it's right outside my kitchen patio door. I'm new to the world of Tyler recipes, but am becoming a loyal convert! Great recipe, love the use of the bag for marinating! YUM!

  25. I'm drooling right now- this chicken looks so gooood!I'll have to try this recipe and some of Tyler's others.
    I do the grilling in our house(charcoal) unless, my son want to cook.Once in a great while my husband will watch the burgers.

  26. I've actually made a goal to get "grill savvy" this summer. This looks like the perfect way to start.

  27. I've been using the gas grill a lot this year. I love the easy clean-up and the kitchen stays cool. This looks fantastic! The teriyaki glaze sounds just delicious!

  28. Katherine, I lived in Nawlins for 5 yrs. in the '80's. I loved it. My kids went to McMain Magnet. We lived on Prytania in the uptown area.

    I love CAJUN food---and miss all of that great Nawlins cooking.. Glad you have a Cajun group up here. I'm sure this is culture shock for you--moving to TN from New Orleans.

    Thanks for writing me... I will check out more of your blog. Come back to mine anytime.

  29. Katherine,

    I just posted a Honey-Teriyaki recipe as well but mine was baked. I've never brined my chicken but have always wanted to try. I'll have to give this grilled version a try. My husband does the cooking on the grill but I supervise :)

  30. The grilled chicken look so flavorful and delicious! Very nice!

  31. That chicken definitely doesn't look like it's in a rut at all! Yummy!

  32. This looks delish. I would have to do it some night when Dude is working, or make a different marinade for him-he's not a fan of the teriyaki-but I am!

  33. Katherine your chicken looks delicious! Thank you for all your kind words that you left on my blog yesterday. If anything, YOU have been an inspiration to me. Your recipes are written so well and the step by step pics are a great help!

  34. This recipe looks so good, I must try it!! I must say that I love your blog! I feel like I am in a rut making the same thing all the time, and I always find something a little different here. And thank you for commenting on my post about my sisters keeper, it really was one of those reads that I couldn't put down).
    Love gas grill recipes, anytime I can cook a meal without turning on my oven in the summer, I'm all for!

  35. I don't even think my husband knows how to turn on our grill!

    This looks wonderful!

  36. So many different ways to create on the grill! I'll definitely have to try this one. I'm becoming a teriyaki sauce addict!

  37. Nicely done! You explained it perfectly and it looks tasty!

  38. So far I've only brined once, but it made the meat so moist that I'll have to do it again! Sounds like the ideal way to grill chicken, I really like the sound of that teriyaki sauce too. :)


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