Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Orange & Coconut Scones

Thank all of you so very much for your prayers and well wishes. Keep those prayers coming! I'll be on tonight commenting. Today has been crazy, I am posting REALLY late for me.
Let's eat some scones!
This scone recipe was adapted from Tyler Florence. Talk about good and easy! There is one thing I found very confusing, are these for breakfast, snack or dessert? Guess I shouldn't compartmentalize my life so much. Anyway, let's not argue about them let's just make them and eat them!

Orange & Coconut Scones -

Sift together 2 cups of flour, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Using a pastry cutter or a food processor cut in 5 tablespoons of cold butter cut into small cubes. The butter should look like small peas in the flour.

Make a well in the center of the flour and pour in 1 cup of heavy cream. Fold everything in to incorporate but be careful not to overwork the dough. Fold in 1/2 cup of shredded coconut and zest from one orange.

Press the dough out on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle about 12 by 3 by 1 1/4 inches. Cut the rectangle in 1/2 then cut the pieces in 1/2 again, giving you 4 (3-inch) squares. Cut the squares in 1/2 on a diagonal to give you the classic triangle shape.

Place the scones on a cookie sheet line with parchment paper or a silplat and brush the tops with a little heavy cream. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until beautiful and brown.

Let the scones cool a bit before you apply the glaze.

In a double boiler (i.e. over a pot of simmering water with a heatproof bowl set on top), mix the juice from one orange and 2 cups of confectioners' sugar together in a heat-safe bowl. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Add 1 teaspoon of orange zest and 1 tablespoon of butter. Whisk the glaze to smooth out any lumps.

Drizzle the glaze over the top of the scones. Let it set a minute before serving. Ok, who wants to argue about when is the right time to eat these?


  1. You can't go wrong with coconut!!
    These are an anytime good treat! Yum!

  2. Those scones look good! Sometimes I wonder the same thing myself. What is breakfast anymore?!

  3. These were worth waiting for!

    I posted late today too.

  4. Gosh-they looks so good!Somehow I shy away from baking-no idea why,coz I used to love it in school!!Maybe someday.........

  5. what great flavor combinations - wow these scones look so good!

  6. These look great...I think I'd eat a bunch for breakfast, snacks, and dessert too! They'd be too yummy not to enjoy all day!

    Thanks for sharing, and they look super easy!

  7. These look terrific and the flavors combo should be great together.

  8. I say right now!! Yum, they look delicious :)

  9. They look wonderful, I'm planning a tea party for my friends in the near future and may have to use this recipe

  10. Ok I would like a SCONE please!! They would go great with morning coffee or tea....

  11. orange and coconut sound like a fantastic mixture!

  12. this sound great! I bet they would be nice with lime too.

  13. orange and coconut sounds like a super mixture.These were worth waiting for.

  14. I could eat one of those anytime and all the time! Such delicious flavors and the yummy drizzle on top!

  15. Orange and coconut.. that's a great combination. The scones look so good!

    Btw, drinking coconut flesh with oranges juice is really nice ;)

  16. Ohh Katherine here I am feeling sorry for myself and I totally missed your post regarding losing your job. That sucks royally, you can always use me for a reference :) Good luck on the hunt, I will be thinking about you.

  17. I've still never made scones - this looks like the perfect recipe to try. YUM.

  18. These sound terrific and they look gorgeous, love the flecks of orange. My guy Ty has got it going on, no?

  19. Oh Katherine, you had me at Orange. Your scones look so light and fluffy good!!

  20. What a delicious sounding scones Katherine. I like the coconut in there.

  21. oh wow...those look amazing....and I could eat a scone any time of day....happy SITS day

  22. Those look great Katherine. I have never made scones before and I will have to try this. I love the pictures...step by step...I need that!!! I would eat these anytime...not just breakfast. I can see me having them in the afternoon with some coffee. Perfect!

  23. These sound delicious with orange and coconut flavor and i love the glaze drizzled on top!

  24. What a great combination, these look amazing!!

  25. oh these look divine. I love coconut in anything but have never had it in a scone!

  26. NOW is the right time, of course. Thor and I will be over shortly! He'll bring his lobster to play with you and cheer you up.

  27. Gosh those scones make me want to run into the kitchen and cook some right now...

    I hear either they like coconut or they hate it, and I love it!

  28. ooooh--I would eat them in the morning with coffee. And would probably want a vat of the icing for dipping ;)

  29. strangely, I've been craving scones like no other, despite all the butter in it. I love that addition of coconut for extra depth and richness.

  30. Scones look great! I hope you find something soon!

  31. Yum, maybe I could make this after I finish the cheesecakes tonight.

  32. I vote breakie!
    They look yummy, just the thing with a cup of coffee.

  33. These are easy! I'd have to say they'd be good anytime of day!

  34. I could pretty much eat that any time!

    I love the glaze the best.

    I've only made scones once, but they didn't look as good as yours!

    Thanks for posting the recipe, I may give it a crack again!

  35. They sound excellent, and would be delighted if you sent me about 50 of them!

  36. The scones look great.

  37. what a wonderful recipe! Thank you so much! And your blog is absolutely awesome! A big hug from New Zealand

  38. I'm not a big coconut fan, but these look good even to me! And good luck with your job hunt.

  39. scones look great. Can't help my tongue from watering.

  40. Oh I love these, I bet they were fantastic!!

  41. I'd say it's always the right time to eat these ;). Those flavors sound very tasty together.

  42. These sounds like a tropical delight!

  43. I love scones, and these sound incredible! They are definitely going into my "to try" folder!

  44. I'm alright with having this any time of day. Interesting flavor fairing!


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