Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Eggplant Parmesan

One of the many wonderful things about Spring and Summer is the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables at the grocery stores and Farmer's Markets. The smells make my head spin and I don't know what I want to cook first. For some reason I associate eggplant with Sundays. While eggplants are very versatile, it’s sometimes hard to know what to do with them beyond just cooking them in a pot of water, mashing them up and seasoning with breadcrumbs and cheese and calling it a day. I love roasting them until they are crisp and adding delicious ingredients, allowing them to bake and absorb all of the wonderful flavors surrounding them. To me, that brings out the natural culinary beauty and taste of the eggplant much more than allowing it to become soggy in a bunch of liquid.
Eggplant Parmesan -

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
Peel 2 eggplants and slice them horizontally about 1/4-inch thick. Season the eggplant slices with salt and pepper. Place slices on a cookie sheet lined with foil (for easy clean up) and spray with non stick cooking spray. Drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil over each slice.
Bake eggplant slices in a pre-heated 450 degree oven for about 10 to 15 minutes until golden brown. Remove from oven to cool and lower heat to 350 degrees.

In a 8x12 pan place the four largest slices, evenly spaced apart. Over each slice, spread about 1/2 cup of tomato sauce, then sprinkle with a teaspoon of freshly sliced basil. Place a thin slice of fresh mozzarella over each and sprinkle with a little grated parmesan/romano cheese combination. Repeat the layering with the smaller slices until all ingredients are used.
You will need a total of 2 cups of your favorite spaghetti or tomato sauce, 1 lb. of fresh mozzarella, 1/4 cup of chopped fresh basil and about 1/2 cup of freshly grated parmesan cheese mixed with 1/4 cup of Pecorino Romano cheese.
Sprinkle the top with about 1 cup of seasoned Italian bread crumbs and a little parmsesan and romano cheese and bake in a 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes until the bread crumbs look toasty and the sauce is bubbly.
All I can say is, you will be speechless!


  1. Oh boy. If I see eggplant at the store today, it is coming home with mama!

  2. This is a classic for sure Katherine...so good:D

  3. Hi Katherine, I have been looking for ways to cook eggplant. I have never used it. Thanks for this recipe, I am going to make it!!

  4. Oh, and I am glad that you guys like the cinnamon roll cake!

  5. This looks delicious! I love that you roast the eggplant instead of frying it.

  6. Looks great! If I want eggplant for dinner it's strictly for me, hubby has eggplant and tofu at the top of his "never never" plan for eating.

  7. That looks so tasty!! And eggplant is healthy too so its not even too guilty a pleasure! :)

  8. That looks wonderful. I wouldn't be able to sneak it past my husband, though.

  9. Looks great!!! My son expressed a desire to try eggplant the other day - guess I need to get busy!!! ;) lol... I think slicing them, tossing with olive oil, salt and pepper and putting the on the grill would be another great idea too!

  10. My sister LOVES eggplant parm. I just can't bring myself to try it as an adult-she forced it on me as a child and lied about what it would taste like :(

    She did it for my own good, but some memories never die! I need to grow up one of these days and try again.

  11. I am already speechless. This truly looks delicious.

  12. Now you're talking my language, Katherine. I love Eggplant Parmesan and will certainly try this recipe. It looks divinely delicious.

  13. Hey Katherine...I haven't been around lately but will catch up on your great recipes. This I have to try as we have Eggplant in our garden!!

  14. I absolutely love eggplant parmesan. I actually could eat it every night!

  15. Delicious eggplant parmesan! I love your roasting method and will try it out soon - thanks!

  16. Mmmm good. It looks divine!

  17. ooh Katherine - your eggplant parmesan sounds like it'd be delicious!

  18. Eggplant is one of my favorites. I don't make it that often since my husband doesn't care for it. But I order it frequently in restaurants and on subs...Your parmesan looks great Katherine, please send some this way for me!

  19. I happen to love this dish! We even tried it on the grill for the Veggie in our BB-Q State cook-off.. Mistakes were made... This info is extremely helpful- and tasty!

  20. Chicken parmesan already knocks me off me feet, so I'm sure this version would make me rave like a madwoman! That looks damn fine!



  21. Eggplant parm is one of my favorites. Yours looks delicious. I usually make 2 trays, one to freeze:)

  22. Yum!! This recipe looks awesome! A must try!

  23. I've never had eggplant! I'm intrigued!

  24. I really like this classic specialty. Look delicious Katherine!

  25. Have never been a fan of eggplant-no idea why!! Never tried it this way-may just like it :)

  26. I'm excited about our Farmer's market opening again.

    This looks very tempting. Will be on my list of things to get while I'm at the market.

  27. I still have yet to try egg plant, I always think I won't like it for some reason, but seeing you roast it until it gets kind of crispy is intriguing to me!

    This dish looks amazing!

  28. This is one of my favorite recipe's. That is one thing I didn't plant this year but there may still be time if I buy a small plant already growing. OH the shame of it all.

  29. yum. I just went to get eggplant parm for lunch at my local spot but they were sold out. now reading this, i might have to make my own.

  30. And you know what Katherine, I NEED to be speechless for a change. Therefore I am going to make this eggplant parmesan pronto. It sounds delicious!

  31. This does sound and look delicious! I've always meant to make eggplant parm, yet never have. You've inspired me to get my bootie in gear!

  32. I have never made eggplant. I think it's my "I don't eat purple food" thing. But if I did, I'd certainly follow your guidelines!

  33. think I have too many favorites because this is one too....baking and not frying is a great idea!

  34. Oh, I had a little eggplant mishap last night and this looks so delicious. Now I am just craving it.

  35. I've only had eggplant Parmesan when others have made it for me, and I really enjoy it. Sweetie-Pi won't even consider it, so I could never make it here -- it's way too much. But, I'll tell you what, yours looks so good I could gnaw at my screen!

  36. Mmmm, this looks so tasty. I'd love some for dinner!

  37. I like my eggplant nice and crispy, too. And I love eggplant parmesan! Looks delicious!!!!

  38. Katherine, this looks soooo good! I haven't made this in ages, but I will be trying the oven instead of all that frying! Thanks for the heads up ;-)

  39. Wow... eggplant with parmesan? What a great idea, it's never crossed my mind before. All this time I cook eggplant with tomato and chili. Definitely need more improvitation.

  40. Katherine,

    Can I come over for dinner? Eggplant Parmesan is my absolute favorite. By the way your recipe looks and sounds delicious.

  41. mmm - I love eggplant parmesan, unfortunately my husband does not, so it's a dish I usually reserve for when I eat out. This looks so tasty! If you are looking for more eggplant recipes, I posted one for eggplant salad here http://whatcha-eatin.blogspot.com/2009/03/roasted-eggplant-salad.html that I learned when I was in Romania (they use a lot of eggplant there)

  42. This looks great! I have to admit that I am not a huge eggplant fan, but I love all things cheezy! I'll give this a shot.

  43. This looks so good, I love the sauce and cheese. Man could I eat some of this! Terrific!

  44. Gosh, look what happens when I show up late! Wow, I'm #46! That's amazing! You go girl!
    Oh, I really want to try this soon. Soon as I find a good eggplant. I so love the roasting idea, kind of like your roasted brocoli. :0) Love it.

  45. Hi Samantha! Thanks for commenting on my website! look, im not happy with my new design, im kind of angry too. Something is not right...Its not easy to design a blogger template that works well. But thanks for passing-by anyway!!!

  46. great recipe, I have to try this one. :))

  47. Well, you've managed to make even eggplant look good. And that is quite a task.

  48. My wife would LOVE this, she loves eggplant. Well except that time she got eggplant parm sandwich at Gondolier and they apparently don't peel theirs. She wasn't too thrilled.

  49. this is beautiful - i love eggplant in any form!


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