Friday, April 10, 2009

Grits - Beyond Breakfast

Grits, they aren't for breakfast anymore. In the South, we eat grits for breakfast, lunch or dinner. I've even seen grits formed into elegant little cakes, topped with various fruits and glazes and served at black tie parties. I'm serious, I really have! Maybe that will be a post for another day.

In all honesty, I really don't care for grits that much. My husband and the girls go ga-ga over grits. Any style, any flavor; it's game on for them. Since I am odd woman out on the grit or grits frontier I've had to adapt.

I made this grits side dish Monday night as the temperatures plummeted and snow began to fall. It's a cozy and tasty side that you will enjoy even if you're like me and not big on grits.
I have to give special credit to Kaitlin, she was my food stylist for this post.
I do have step by steps pictures for this post, but I am posting this from my laptop and it seems that Internet Explorer 8 doesn't let you move the pictures around. So I only have one of the finished product.
Cook 5 slices of smokey bacon, drain on paper towels, cool, crumble and set aside.

Melt 1/2 stick of butter over medium heat, and saute 1 medium size, finely chopped onion until just starts to brown.
While the onions are cooking, heat 4 cups of water to a rapid boil. Add in 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 cup of QUICK cooking grits. The water should still be boiling, so immediately lower the heat to simmer and cover the pot and let the grits cook for 4 minutes. You want the grits to have a thick consistency. Thicker is best for this dish.
Remove the pot from the burner and stir in the onions, 1/4 stick of butter, the bacon, 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese, and 1/2 cup of freshly grated parmesan cheese. Season them with salt and pepper to taste and you can kick them up a bit with a little cayenne or crushed red pepper flakes. Stir to make sure everything is thoroughly combined.
Cover the pot and let the pot and let the grits set up for about 5 minutes.
Garnish with a little freshly chopped parsley.
Grit lovers from block around will flock to your house when serve these grits. It seems they can't be kept a secret for very long.
I have to go meet a bunny about some eggs, I'll be around this afternoon/evening to check out your blogs.
Have a Happy Easter!


  1. Ha ha, looks like not only are we in the same neck of the woods.....we're on the same page:

  2. I'm a G.R.I.T.S. Girl!!
    "Girl Raised In The South!"

    My Grand~girls are real grits eaters too!

    I learned something not to long ago from Chef Tim of Sea Island, that will really put your grits on a higher level. Use milk instead of water, either use all milk or half milk and half water and then follow the recipe as usual. Oh man, the babies eat every spoonful. I couldn't believe what a difference it made in the taste. I've been using water all my life.

    Sorry you didn't win the vanilla. You would have loved it.

    Thanks for the help with SITS. You are my top girl!

    Happy and blessed Easter dear friend!

  3. I have never made grits before! Can you believe it? I like them when I get them at restaurants though, so I definitely need to try.

  4. I know - I think it's a sin down here in the South for us to not be grit-lovers!!! I'm not a fan either!!! I think it's the texture that I can't stand. Now if it's mixed in with other stuff - I like it! Like this recipe...

    The older I get, my tastebuds are changing - I might just have to give your recipe a try!!!

  5. I was with you as soon as I saw the words bacon and butter. I'm going to have to give grits a try. Believe it or not I've never had them.

  6. I'm the only one at my house who will eat grits. But these twists on them might go over. Joyous Easter blessings, SusanD

  7. Can you believe I've never had grits before...I know I would love them. It's time I give them a try.

  8. Like Sara- have never made them before.. but I would love to learn how.. sounds like a great side dish!

  9. We love grits - had them this morning for breakfast with cheese and bacon - yum. I didn't like them as a child because they had yucky blobs of margarine on them.

    Have you ever taken a look at the Lee Bros. Southern Cookbook? They have a lot of grits recipes, nineteen I think. Gigi is right, use milk in place of the water and they are even better.
    One of my favorites is flavored with lemon and is very good with fish.

    When we have company for breakfast we make a cheddar cheese herb grits souffle which is a real hit and does a good job of rising. Shrimp and grits are a winner too. Louisiana shrimp makes it even better.
    Check out the Lee Bros Cookbook - your family will enjoy all of the variations.

    Hope you and your family have a very nice Easter.

  10. I love grits but have only eaten them for breakfast! Dang you must of missed my post about Internet Explorer 8, I had the same thing happen and had to uninstall it!

  11. I never had grit before, it sounds delicious Katherine.

  12. I always forget about grits. My mom was from Oklahoma and my dad West Texas, so if it wasn't fried or beef, we never ate it. Ben grew up eating them but I always forget to fix them for him! Thanks for reminding me!

  13. That looks good. Very southern.

  14. Katherine......I love Grits! These sound ymmy too! I had something similar to this at the B & B the other morning and it was awesome!
    Happy Easter !

  15. Everyone in my family loves grits also. What a great recipe and the photo looks delicious!

  16. I have never had grits before, but after reading two different recipes over the last few days I'll have to give them a whirl!

    ;) amy

  17. I don't think I have ever had grits before but you make them sound delicious :D

  18. I love grits! Do Italian ones count? These look delicious! Creamy and buttery and bacon! Yum! Happy Easter!

  19. Is it weird to admit that I have neither eaten grits nor made them? And it's not because I don't think they would be good. I just haven't done it. I really need to make some and try them out.

    Thanks for the recipe!


  20. Not a grits fan, girl are you sure you're from around here, LOL!! I am such a fan I order the stone ground grits from The Old Mill in Pigeon Forge, stone ground is my FAVE!! My husband requests my Paula Deen Tomato Grits when they have an "eating" at his work!Thanks for this recipe and it will definitly be served at this house!!

  21. Hi Katherine,
    Happy Easter to ya!
    Your grits look really creamy and lush! What happened! a nice southern girl like you? LOL!!!!

  22. haha, meet a bunny about some eggs? say hi to the bunny for me!
    I don't know how you can NOT love grits! I'm with your husband and children loving some good ol' southern grits. creamy and gritty, yum!

  23. Hidee~~

    I hope this is not too un-Southern of me, but I never could get a taste for grits...

    oh...and just to let you know...I've changed my blog link, and I'm hosting a giveaway and hope you and any of your readers that want to can get in on the action ;D

    Have a happy day!☼

  24. Hi Katherine,
    I made a variation of your artichoke bread and linked to you on my site. That bread was really, really good.

  25. I'm kind of the same way with grits. I can take em or leave em. Thought cheesey grits topped with shrimp is a definite win-win.

  26. I've never had grits before, I don't think I have ever seen them up here. I do see them on tv a lot lately though.
    I won a basket of Southern foodstuffs that had grits, among other things, on a blog once - but they never did get around to actually sending it to me. Sigh. I thought I might actually get to try it! Such is my luck.

  27. Katherine,
    Happy Easter. The only way I can eat grits are with Shrimp and grits, but you have added so much goodness to this recipe, I know I would like them.

  28. I am not from the south but just because I am from the Pacific NW does not mean I can't love a good grit dish...OMG YUM!!!

  29. Mmm, these grits look delicious! Happy Easter Katherine!

  30. I'm a huge grits fan, so of course, this sounds delicious! I could eat grits at every meal, but then again, I am from the south :) In fact, after reading your post, I think I need to go make some!

  31. hello! hope you had a great easter. I've got an award for you at my blog...I think you might already have gotten it, but it's a special thanks for all the sweet, encouraging words you've given me the past months...

  32. Noe this is a dish we don't see much of up in these parts. I gotta get me some more of this southern fare.


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