Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chicken Cacciatore

This Chicken Cacciatore recipe was originally adapted from Giada DeLaurentis and has been morphed so many times. Each time it just gets better and better, it's one of my favorites. It is very easy to prepare, the chicken is cooked quickly in olive oil, then removed from the pan. Then a simple sauce is prepared in the same pan, the chicken simmers in this delectable sauce, and eventually ladled over al dente penne. I am continually amazed that such a simple combination of ingredients can result in a dish that tastes so special. The best thing about it? A.J. and the homegirlz love this dish, I love this dish. The smiles, happiness and harmony is almost too much to take.

Let’s make it and we’ll see if the same thing happens to your house!

Remember our discussion a while back about why do the grocery stores put only 3 boneless,skinless chicken breasts in a pack? I took your advice and sliced them in half to make a thinner piece if meat. This works out well, since none of us can eat a whole chicken breast.
Seasons the chicken pieces with salt and pepper. Dredge in the flour to coat lightly.

In a large heavy saute pan, heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil over medium-high heat. Add the chicken pieces to the pan and saute just until brown, about 5 minutes per side. You will probably have to do this in batches and possible add a little more olive oil. Transfer the chicken to a plate and set aside.
Add 1/2 of a chopped bell pepper, 1 medium onion, chopped and saute for about 2 minutes, then add 5 cloves of finely chopped garlic to the same pan and saute over medium heat for another 3 minutes, until the onion is tender. the smell is indescribably amazing! Season with salt and pepper.
Add 3/4 cup of dry white wine and simmer until reduced by half, about 3 minutes.
Meet my little friend, Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto! It's on the spaghetti sauce aisle.
Add the whole jar of Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto, 1 - 8 ounce can of tomato sauce, 3/4 cup of chicken broth, 3 tablespoons of drained capers and 1-1/2 teaspoons of dried oregano.
Return the chicken to the pan and turn them to coat in the sauce. Bring the sauce to a simmer. Continue simmering over medium-low heat until the chicken is just cooked through, about 30 minutes. Spoon off any excess fat from atop the sauce.
Spoon the sauce over the chicken, then sprinkle with freshly chopped basil and grated Percorino Romano.


  1. Hi Katherine! This dish looks MARVELOUS!

    I'm Mary, popping over from SITS to say hello. I try to visit the blog of the person who posts on roll call ahead of me every day and today, that was you! And I am SO GLAD!! I took a little tour of your blog and I have not seen a single thing that I would not just LOVE! I have a little cooking blog too - I love cooking and especially sharing traditional southern foods, mostly with a Coastal flair, and of course lots of Louisiana influences.

    So, I'm from South Mississippi, specifically the Coast - grew up in Biloxi - and except for a short couple of years that I lived in New Orleans, been here all my life - so I am thrilled to have found you. I am now a Follower of your blog, so I'll be back for sure!!

    Hope the weather improves. It must be hard to adjust to having to wait for Spring after living down on the Gulf Coast for so long. It's been beautiful here this week - which was great after all those days of rain.

    You wouldn't believe the birds down here this Spring. I have a feeling that the population has finally recovered from Katrina because I've seen birds in my yard that I have never seen before!! And there are TONS of them. One day I counted over 20 of these little bitty beautiful blue birds all at once mixed in amidst the doves, bluejays, cardinals, and others that I can't even identify!

    Well (I tend to be very chatty) just wanted to say hello, LOVE your blog and have a great day!


  2. This dish loves so tasty. My family loves this dish, so I'm going to have to try out your version.

  3. wow. this looks amazing, I'm now on a mission to find that pesto sauce.

  4. Katherine, this looks really good!! I have been wanting to make this for a long time now. You have just pushed me to make it sooner rather than later!

  5. I thought that little friend, Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto, was my BFF! I thought she was my little secret. I love her so much on anything!!! I like her green friend too. Yummy! No wonder this brings such smiles to the fam's faces. I'll be trying your version soon!
    Happy Thursday!

  6. I've made this dish Katherine and it is so good. The sun dried tomato pesto is a great idea. I've never seen that but will have to look for it now!!!

  7. Katherine Chicken Cacciatore is my fav. I can't wait to try yours. Great job.

  8. Looks great. My son is making something similar for us this weekend. Lets hope it looks half as good as your recipe. :) I have faith it will.

  9. I need to have more Italian nights over here. I love chicken "catch" as we call it in our house.
    Looks good to me.

  10. ooh katherine - that recipe has so much color and yet seems so easy from the directions! what a great weeknight dish!

  11. Nothing like tried-and-true recipes!! I haven't made chicken cacciatore in sooo long, mainly because I haven't found that recipe that's a "keeper"!!! I think this might be it!!! Going on my next menu for sure!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  12. This looks really inviting. Using the sun-dreied pesto is an inspired idea. What time is dinner?

  13. That looks absolutely delish! I need to find that sauce, I hope they have it here in Oregon!

  14. My oh my! This looks so amazing! No wonder your family liked it!

  15. I have been craving cacciatore but have never made it myself...thanks for inspiring me once again. The meal looks amazing.

  16. Major YUM! I love all things pasta and this dish is calling my name!

  17. This looks fabulous!

  18. I thought I made a good chicken cacciatore until I saw your recipe! It looks positively FAB!

  19. I've never seen sun dried tomato pesto; I'll have to hunt for it. I love chicken with a touch of red sauce and tomatoes on it!

  20. A fantastic dish! At the moment, I crave Italian food...



  21. Yum yum yum yum. I'm going to have to try this! Ever since you started posting all this pasta I've been craving it non-stop!

  22. oooohh yummmmm! that looks really really good!

  23. Oh I wish this was what I was having for dinner tonight!

  24. I haven't said this in a couple of years, but THERE is a jar of sauce I would try. I always make my own, but that looks fantastic. And every last one of you loves this dish? Couldn't do better than that.

  25. Wow - that looks so delicious! I am making that one for sure! My family will love it!


  26. Hi Katherine. This looks so good. As usual you have a yummy post. I so enjoy visiting your blog. It's good to be back in the Mountains.

  27. This looks so delicious! The ultimate comfort meal!

  28. I can't even tell you how much I love this , it looks so good, it's like torture looking at that picture and not being able to have some!

  29. Hey Katherine! I must say your Chicken Cacciatore looks amazing. I really like slicing the chicken breast in half. We can't eat a whole chicken breast either!! Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto is my absolute favorite. Have a great weekend....

  30. Hey there Katherine, it's Jenifer from J&J DISH, I came over to look at this beautiful meal you made...I want me some of your chicken and I did NOT know they made that sort of pesto sauce, I gotta try this next week for sure. It looks amazing.



  31. This looks so wonderful - I've been big on Italian lately and will have to give this one a whirl!

  32. MY GOSH, that looks divine!

  33. This looks wonderful! not as heavy as other recipes. I always slice my chicken breasts in half (well, not really - just started doing that two years ago) - but doesn't it work well - and soak up the flavors? Going to try this.

  34. wow, thank you for your inspiring comment! it's kicked me right up in the butt with fresh new energy to face my fears! you're freaking amazing!

  35. This looks good and comforting...I'm loving it!

  36. Your version looks delicious.. Love chicken caccaitore, never tried it with pesto sauce, fantastic idea.

  37. Lovely, lovley! I like that it's all made in one pan (not including the pasta, of course:). Very cool that something so simple can taste so special.

    I, too, am a fan of sun-dried tomato pesto. It is Very Useful!

    Have you ever tried smoked tomatoes? A guy in Austin, TX makes them. Definitely worth a look:

    According to his site, they've sold out, but he'll have more in July. Hooray!

  38. Oh wow! That looks really, really good. I've never made chicken cacciatore before...

  39. I love chicken cacciatore - looks wonderful! Great idea to split the breasts up.

  40. Yum! I've never made it and I have some chicken defrosting for dinner right now so I will give it a try! This is a great recipe!

  41. Spread on that sauce! Looks like a lovely dinner!

  42. I've never even HAD chicken Cacciatore, let alone made it. This looks like a DELCIOUS way to start!

  43. Wowsa....very nice!

    I'm with you, I love cooking the same dish a second, third, and fourth time as you tweak it to your preferences.

  44. Sundried Tomato Pesto! That is going to become my new best friend too!

  45. this looks great! I bet that sundried tomato pesto gives it a really unique flavor.

  46. This sounds wonderful!

    I swear I had a post all ready to send, then of course I got distracted as usual!

    I'm marking this to try. My family LOVES chicken cacciatore.

  47. Yum! I find Giada's recipes to be perfect starting points for many things...

  48. Katherine, this looks incredible! I've only made chicken cacciatore once,and I really enjoyed it, but the sauce in your version with that sundried tomato pesto looks like it is to die for. Can't wait to try this!

  49. Mmm, chicken cacciatore is one of my favorite meals; I always thought it would be too time-consuming for a weeknight meal. I'm so glad you posted about this! Now, I'm going to make it this week! Looks delicious.

  50. Haven't enjoyed cacciatore in such a long time. I need to do something about that. Thanks for sharing this!

  51. A classic for sure, have yet to meet anyone who doesn't like it. Next time, try some homemade sauce - I know you can do it!

  52. Oh Katherine, I'm having the hardest time finding the pesto!!! At every store they only have the classico basil pesto!!! ughhh... Guess I'm gonna have to go with the other brands but they are $10+ !!! ughhh... I'm going to one more store before I cave in!!! ;) lol...

  53. Thanks for getting back to me! I've tried Kroger and Walmart. I'll try HEB and Randall's before I give up! ;) lol... I'll keep ya posted!!!

  54. This looks DELISH!!! Thanks for sharing Katherine! Kathy, I'll look for this for ya because it's definitely going on my menu too!! Can't wait to try it!!!


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