Thursday, March 26, 2009

Grilled Pork Chops and Pineapples

I won two bottles of Bob's Country Sauce in a giveaway from Michele from Life Lightly Salted

If you haven't visited Michele before, stop by her blog, I promise you will drool over her recipes and I believe she is having another giveaway.

Every time I opened the pantry door, these two bottles were staring me down. I really wanted to use them, but I hadn't figured out exactly what I wanted to do with them. So I moved them to the back so they'd quit looking at me.

Monday, I had planned on cooking pork chops, but I hadn't figured out how I was going to cook them. The weather was so beautiful, and I love being outside, so grilling was the obvious answer.

I had some pineapple chunks in the fridge and thought they would go great with the chops. How good are grilled pineapples? YUM! The heat cooks the sugar in the pineapple and the taste is amazing. Pair them with grilled pineapples and you'll feel like you're on vacation in your own backyard.

4 center cut pork chops
1 small can of drained pineapple chunks
1 bottle Bob's Country Sauce
Black Pepper
Garlic Powder
1 foil pan - brownie size
Season chops on both sides with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Arrange pineapple chunks in foil pan and place on grill. Sear chops on pre-heated grill, 5 minutes each side. Move chops to foil pan and place on top of pineapple. Drizzle Bob's Country Sauce on one side of chops, close lid on grill and allow to cook for about 10 minutes, turn chops and generously drizzle more Bob's Country Sauce over chops, close lid and cook ten more minutes.
Remove chops and pineapple, plate and serve. Allow family to worship you as a domestic grilling goddess!


  1. "Grilling Goddess" - LOL, you crack me up! Thanks for sharing a new way to do chops. Have a great day Katherine.

  2. The pork chops sound very good with pieapples - that a winning combo!

  3. For the domestic grilling goddess that you are this is an amazingly easy recipe! I love it! I just was wondering what to do with some pieapple, yummy.

  4. Oooooo...that looks really good!!

  5. Oh my word, these look so darned good, with all that pineapple. Id love some! Thank you grilling goddess, thank you!!.

  6. I love pork chops and pineapples, but have never thought of combining the two. What a great recipe!!! My husband will love this!

  7. How cool that it goes on the grill. I wouldn't have thought to use a foil pan on the grill, but that opens up all kinds of possibilities!

  8. Katerine Pineapple and Pork Chop works for me they look so tender.

  9. Of course they worship you as a domestic Grilling Goddess! Pineapple with chicken prepared in the oven is also fabulous. Even crummy fruits and veggies have improved flavor from roasting, don't they?

    If you try my fish, I hope you write about it; I'd love to see how your fussbudgets react to it!

  10. Looks delicious Katherine...I love mixing pineapple in different recipes!

  11. Thanks for the recipe! I won some sauce too so now I might make this.

  12. What a great way to use the sauce!! That and the pineapple seem like a perfect complement to the pork. Mmm, you're making me hungry--and it's only breakfast time!

  13. What a delectable meal Katherine, I am sure the pineapple give the dish a nice flavor to it.

  14. I wonder how this would work on lamb? You see I'm allergic to pork but I can eat lamb...Hum pinapple BBQ lamb chops...It could work :)

  15. That looks delicious Smoky Mountain Cage!! I'm a caterer and am always looking for wonderful new dishes that also are as pleasing to the eye as this one :)
    Thanks so very much.
    Take good care and....

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  16. Yum-I can 'smell' it in my mind! I love ham and pineapple on my pizza-never thought to combine pineapple with other pork! I must try that soon!

  17. Oooh, we will love these! I love when fruit is used in savory dishes. A great way to celebrate the arrival of spring!

  18. Mmmm, those pork chops sound divine! Thank you for the recipe. I can't wait to try it out!


  19. This sounds so yummy. I will have to try it when the weather here in NY warms up some.


    Please visit me at

  20. I'm not familiar with Uncle Bob's sauce. Sounds good. Pineapple is good with pork.
    When you get a chance, stop by my kitchen. I have an award for you.

  21. *wiping chin* these look so good!!

  22. My DD & I would just love these pork chops done up this way, yum!

  23. What a great meal-everything looks terrific!

  24. Beautiful!! I always smack my lips whenever I think of a sweet and sour combo such as this recipe... how delicious! I swear I can almost taste them.

  25. Pineapple with pork chops is a yummy idea, and a nice twist on the classic stand-by of apples and pork.

  26. I love grilled pork chops and the addition of pineapple makes it an A+ recipe! So yummy looking. I love your blog, by the way!

  27. Pineapples are awesome. And I am excited for your spoon rest!


  28. I know Michele and I remember this sauce from her post. So cool you got to try it. I can't wait to start grilling for steaks and pork chops alone. So much better that way. Buying a grill soon!

  29. This looks really good, my husband loves apples with his pork but I really think he would love this version too.

  30. this looks great! pinapple really does make everything taste like vacation!

  31. I've never had country bob's, but it sure looks good. I love pork and pineapple, it's a great flavor combination.

  32. We haven't had pork chops in forever...this is on my list to try!

  33. This is a wonderful dish! Love meat with pineapple.. so yummy.

  34. Oh.
    My. are absolutely terrible for my diet! I LOVE Pineapple!

    I love ya anyway! Those look amazing!

  35. That is so cool you won the sauce! My husband would love this with the addition of the pineapple. What a great recipe.

  36. Great recipe. Will try it sometime soon. Glad the weather is getting warmer. We are headed back to NC soon.

  37. OH MY! I LOVE Country Bobs!!! I would have never thought to put it on pineapple but I surely won't eat a burger or a steak or even meatloaf without a little Country Bob on the side. I'm going to have to try that. I looks divine.

  38. Those look delish. Not a big fan of pork chops because mine always turn out too dry. But this is worth trying again. Thanks.

  39. looks delicious :)
    i really need to find that sauce!

  40. I won two bottles of that too. So far, all I've done is added some to Chex Mix that I made. It was pretty tasty.

  41. Katherine, those chops look so good that I tried to stick a fork in them!

    Nice work!

  42. I absolutely love adding pineapples to any savory dishes, as they release that lovely citrusy juice! yum!
    and I really want that all-purpose sauce too! I've been reading rave reviews about it all over the blogging world!

  43. I just made the brownie recipe you posted earlier. They were so good.

  44. Yum, yum, yum!!
    kari & kijsa

  45. I love pineapple and my husband loves pork. I will be trying out this recipe very soon. Thanks for sharing.

    Buon appetito,


  46. I just found your blog and everything looks SO good! I love porkchops, I can't wait to try these!

  47. Looks DeLish!

    Thanks so much for visiting on my SITS day :)

  48. Sounds delicious! I always go to apples with pork chops, but this would be a nice change! :)

  49. I love you. Period. I love anything BBQ. I love anything with pineapple. And I can never get my husband to eat pork chops. This looks so dang amazing! I have been finding so many new and great recipe sites! And you are one of them!

    Stopping by from SITS to say congrats on being a saucy blog of the week! I know I'm a little late. Better late then never!

  50. Pork has always been a nice match for fruit but this dish transports me right to a Hawaiian luau!

  51. Nice use of a gift. Love pork and fruit too.


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