Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thanks Phil!

I've read that Phil is predicting more winter. I'm ready for fruity adult beverages, Jimmy Buffet music, grilled veggies, the site of flowers and the smell of freshly mowed lawns.
I am spying the homegirlz plotting...not really, they are figuring out which hill would work best for sledding.

You know what I like about snow? They freak out here and not only do the kiddos get sent home early and get snow days, I was sent home early too. We're supposed to get more this afternoon and tomorrow...I'd love to sleep in.
I mean if Phil is going to postpone my warm, sunny spring and summer days, I may as well get to sleep in a little.
What about spring puts a little zip in your do-da?


  1. I think snow is really photogenic! It always look pretty.

  2. I'm with you...bring on summer (hot weather and slushy drinks!!) :)

  3. I can zip down to New Orleans or over to Natchez or to the flea market in Mobile and not freeze to death or burn up! I can relax on my screen porch or fish from the pier on the pond! Oh, gosh......
    Katherine, now you have me all depressed! Shame on you! HA!

  4. Hooray for snow days!

    Spring just makes me happy. I am looking forward to going to the local petting zoo, having picnics, watching the flowers bloom....ah when will it get here??

    Your house looks so pretty in the snow!

    ;) amy

  5. Only looks fun enough to play in for a short while. Sleep tight.

  6. Snow is great - but only when it's portion controlled. I'm in Chicago - and I've had my share this season. I'm ready for a change!

  7. I am definitely ready for spring and warm weather. Spring is my favorite time to cook - so many great seasonal ingredients!

  8. We had snow days, but only because the windchill was around -40. They had planned to have just the one day, but some kids went and unplugged the buses, so they got an extra day. If we have any more snow days (and we usually get a least one HUGE snowfall in March)they will have to stay in school longer. Guess they won't think unplugging those buses was such a good idea in June I'll bet!

    I suppose for down south, that is a lot of snow? I know when my sis worked in southern Kansas for a year and they shut the town down because of snow-they had A plow truck and like a 40 pound bag of salt for the season and used it up :)

    I could really go for an umbrella drink too. Sigh.

  9. I'd like spring! I won't see it for months, but I'd like it! Or, as my 12 year old says, "I want one!"

  10. ooh brr!!

    My favorite is being able to go outside in the middle of the night, in a tank top--and not being cold. That and sitting on the porch reading books and drinking said fruity beverages ;)

  11. I hear ya. This is definitely the time of year when everyone has had enough of winter!

  12. Your home is beautiful! Makes me wish I wasn't stuck here in yet another cookie-cutter neighborhood in SoCal.

  13. Your house is so lovely! That front door is so pretty, and I love the porch. I want a front porch!


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