Friday, January 30, 2009

Onion Rings with a Burger on the Side

How long has it been since you've made onion rings? It's sad that onion rings are are so forgotten. You don't have to get crazy with the batter to make them really good; keep it simple, I bet onions rings would love to be an attraction at your Super Bowl party.

A little note here - one fairly large onion goes a long way.

Cut both ends off the onion, peel the paper skin from it and cut slices as thick or as thin as you like them. We like them pretty thin. Take each slice and gently push the center of the onion slice and separate your rings. Coat them in an egg wash containing 1 teaspoon of yellow mustard (mustard puts a little zip in their do-da) and dredge them in a mixture of 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup corn meal (this makes them crunchy), salt and cayenne to taste.

Fry them up in peanut or canola oil until they turn golden brown. Only flip them once and try not to move them around too much so the coating doesn't fall off in the oil. Drain the rings on a platter lined with paper towels. Salt and pepper to taste as soon as they hit the platter.

A simple side to onion rings would be a big, thick, juicy burger. Believe it or not, but this is a fairly low fat burger.

I saw a Tyler Florence episode last week where he cooked burgers, I changed it a bit...
2lbs. of beef brisket freshly ground at the market. My husband mixed and shaped these burgers and he was amazed that there was not a trace of grease on his hands. Season the ground brisket with salt and pepper, that's it...they are pretty moist. Form into patties and cook them on the grill or in the oven. We melted pepper jack cheese on the patties.
We topped the beef with caramelized onions. Then we got crazy and sauteed sliced baby bella mushrooms in a few drops of extra virgin olive oil seasoned with dried thyme leaves and salt.
I made a dressing of 1 teaspoon of horseradish, 2 tablespoons of low fat mayonnaise, chopped a splash of white wine, chives and salt and pepper.
Have a great weekend and a fantastic Super Bowl Sunday!!!!
Here are a few more Super Bowl sides


  1. I love home made onion rings and I haven't done it in forever. Those look so good. I like the thin, crispy ones like you have there. Nice crunch and not all that heavy breading. Maybe next weekend when we are off......
    Thanks for sharing and making me take a stroll down memory lane!

  2. Would you believe I have never made onions rings and I love them. I am sitting here having breakfast and now that I have seen your great post I want that for dinner. That burger looks so good and the onion rings go perfect with it!!!!

  3. Ok, now I want a buger and onion rings for breakfast. I love homemade onion rings dipped in homemade ranch dressing. Yummy!

  4. OHHH, these look SO good! I will be thinking about these all day.

    I have never made homemade onion rings, maybe I'll try them out for Steak Night Saturday!

    ;) amy

  5. Katherine,
    Please drop by the Porch? An Award for your outstanding blog awaits you!

  6. LOL, love the's all about the onion rings here.

    Some corn starch in the flour mix helps them crisp up too!

  7. Oh no you di-int post this today. Katherine, you know I am dieting and dying for a hamburger. Thanks a lot. :)

  8. Wow, this looks so good. I love onion rings, but have only made baked ones, I'm a little intimidated by frying. Yours are perfect!

  9. You are killing me. Onion rings are one of my VERY favorite things - yours look perfect. The burger looks amazing too.

  10. So glad I came by today because now I REALLY want onion rings for the super bowl. Yep. I think I'm going to have to. They look fantastic!

  11. i love that the onion rings are the main dish and a burger is on a side :) They look great!

  12. Onion rings are next on the list for my husband's frying adventures! I will have to share your recipe with him! They look good!

  13. I love onion rings and you make these so easy!

    I went through your neck of the woods yesterday on my way to Memphis. Harry and I drove my parents to my uncle's funeral. Long ride, 12 hours for us and my parents added 3 more hours to their trip. Thank goodness we were able to make that in 2 days. It's cold and there is still snow around on the ground. It's been a good trip and so glad we were able to physically make it. We won't be home for any of the super bowl parties but maybe we can watch in the hotel. Have a wonerful weekend!

  14. My son will go crazy... he love onion ring, my husband and I love it too. The only time we get a treat like this, is when we go to a burger place. Maybe I should try to make it myself. Delicious!

  15. I think a good onion ring is one of life's greatest pleasures. Great recipe!

  16. A side to your onion rings is a burger! Now that's an original take on things! Great looking food. Happy Super Bowl, Katherine!

  17. My first attempt at onion rings several years ago didn't work, but I may have to give these another try!

  18. I love how the burger is the side dish to your onion rings. :)

  19. Oh. MY. GOD. Brisket BURGERS! Why didn't I ever think of it?

    I'd LOVEEEEEE to help you plan a party. And I still owe you an ode to spinach. I haven't forgotten. I've actually been having to work at my job. Who the hell thought of that?!!? :)

  20. Absolutely love the onion rings. Thin, crunchy just my style. The whole plate looks fantastic!

  21. Ohh man that looks delish, I am starving. I love onion rings order them whenever I can, yours look crispy and yummy

  22. Those homemade onion rings look so amazing! And that burger, yum!! My mouth is watering.

  23. I've never made homemade onion rings...but now I have to try! :)

  24. Now I have a craving for rings! I think the mustard is a great secret ingredient, I shall give it a try.

  25. I have never made my own onion rings! I looooove them too....I would love a burger with them now! Yours look great!


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