Friday, November 21, 2008


Whoo-hoo the fist Smoky Mountain Cafe Giveaway! This is the prize, a fantastic Christmas cookbook. Christmas Kitchen shares wonderful recipes, memories of Christmas traditions past, holiday gift recipes and much, much more.
All you have to do to enter is in the comment section share your favorite holiday tradition, your least favorite tradition or a tradition you would like to start. Be sure your email address is listed too!
Entries will be accepted until 6:00 PM EST, Saturday, November 22, 2008. Winner will be selected using and announced Sunday, November 23, 2008.
Good luck to all of you and again, thanks for stopping by and visiting the Cafe!


  1. Ok, favorite holiday tradition: making Christmas cookies for the neighbors each year.

    Tradition I'd like to start: I'd like to start making like a pie or cookies for the firefighters down the block to show our appreciation and find someone--whether it's an animal or person--to help out during this time of year.

  2. Oh, pick me and I'd add this to the already prized cookbook colection I have. These kinds of books are my favorite.

    I make and give away Red Velvet cakes. Just getting together with family we don't get to see that often and eating, eating, eating!!!! And Cookin, cookin, cooking!!!

    Have a blessed weekend!

  3. My favorite tradition was one that we had years back when my older boys were little. Our neighbor came over on Christmas eve all dressed up as St. Nick with little gifts for them. My boys would get so excited and wait for him by the window. It was great!!!

  4. This looks like a fantastic book! My favorite holiday tradition, is going to my parents with all of the family for Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner. When one of us is not there, it's not the same without them.

  5. Is there any way to delete everyone else's comments? I sure would like that cookbook. Oh well I will just take my chances. We always hold hands and say what we are thankful for before the thanksgiving meal. Then I say the blessing and we pig out.

    My email is

    Pick me pick me.

  6. My grandmother's recipe for Italian Beef is what one can truly call a family favorite. Every year for as long as I can remember, the whole family would gather at my grandparent's home in Illinois for Christmas Eve. My grandmother always served the same dishes every year and it has now become one of those family traditions. Even though the miles separate us now, and those Christmas's are long gone, I still serve these same dishes to my family and when I do I am reminded of the times when I was a child. And the memories of those days live on in my heart and I hope that my family remembers Christmas like I do.

    I really enjoy this recipe, it is easy to make and people seem to enjoy it. I have made this recipe for friends and family, for potluck dinners, for church dinners and it always receives rave reviews. One thing it does for me is that it always reminds me of Christmas. I hope you enjoy it.


    * 6 pounds Sirloin Tip Roast
    * 2 packages onion soup mix
    * Salt & pepper to taste
    * Water to cover roast
    * 2 to 3 teaspoons oregano or to taste (I love this and use a lot!)
    * 5-6 bell peppers, sliced
    * 3 cups Beef Broth


    1. Place meat and next 3 ingredients in pressure cooker.
    2. Cook for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
    3. Take meat out of pan and set aside to let cool.
    4. Slice bell peppers into broth and add to pan.
    5. Cover and cook peppers 1/2 hour on top of stove, on low heat.
    6. Shred meat with two forks and put back in pan.
    7. Cook on top of stove for 30 minutes more.
    8. This is delicious served on fresh rolls.

    Notes: You do not need a pressure cooker to make this recipe. My sister cooks her roast in the oven, you could also use a crock pot. Just cook until the meat is tender.

  7. Every Christmas morning, I make a table full of baked goods, punch and hot chocolate. The kids stuff their faces all day long, making poor bleary eyed Mom's life much easier!

    Hope you have a great weekend! Are you going home for Thanksgiving, or having home come to you?

  8. My favorite traditions for Christmas are... sledding on Christmas Eve. Cinnamon rolls for Christmas breakfast and prime rib for dinner.

  9. Ah how fun!!! My fav Christmas tradition:

    Snatching a quiet moment with my mummy and laying my head on her shoulder as we sit and look at the Christmas tree lights. After all these years, she still knows how to make this 23-yr old feel like a baby. =D

  10. Great giveaway!!
    My favorite tradition is cutting down a fresh tree every year for Christmas. I love the smell and decorating it!

  11. our family tradition for christmas eve dinner is to have clam chowder with homemade rolls yummy. here is my email address

  12. One of our traditions is to eat these gigantic crumb buns on Christmas morning. We have been doing it since I was a little girl. It's one of the first things I think of when I wake up in the morning! Besides the presents, of course!

  13. My favorite Christmas tradition is the entire holiday season. The day after Thanksgiving we get out all our Christmas decorations and completely redecorate our entire house.

    Then over the next three weeks we prepare all our favorite holiday treats, all from recipes handed down from relatives on both sides of the family. Krumkaka, rosettes, lefsa, penuche, divinity, and several more candies and cookies. We make so much more than would be healthy for our family to eat so we have plenty to share with neighbors, co-workers and friends.

    Our holiday culminates with opening gifts on Christmas eve before attending midnight church services. My favorite moment of the holiday is walking out of church in the early hour of the morning, knowing it is now Christmas Day.

    Christmas day is a quiet family day. We spend the morning relaxing and enjoying our gifts and a breakfast of fresh baked caramel rolls. Later we enjoy a dinner of fried turkey, oyster dressing, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and pecan pie.

  14. A interesting book! I really love this time of the year!



  15. I'd love to start a cookie exchange during the holidays. I always tend to make the same kind, so it'd be fun to trade!

  16. I know I'm a little late but I hope you'll still count me. I am starting a tradition with my family to do the baking of cookies and etc. instead of my mom so she can have the time off cause she really needs it. Thanks

    zekks at yahoo dot com

  17. I love Gooseberry Patch. Favorite holiday tradition - Christmas Eve alone with my husband - after my son goes to sleep - getting everything fun.


Thanks for stopping by, I enjoy reading your comments.
