Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Basted Chicken

I just looked at the calendar and realized Thanksgiving is ONLY two weeks away. I will have one or two recipes to share before hand. We are going to New Orleans for Thanksgiving and I'm hoping to have some pictures and recipes to share upon our return. The thing is, I can't believe the holidays are knocking on the door. I love this time of year with all of the planning, excitement,'s so worth all of it!
Anyway, I caught a really good sale on boneless, skinless chicken breasts at the grocery the other day. Who can turn down $1,99 per pound? Not me, I stocked up!
I found this basting sauce in my beloved River Roads Cook Book; it's so simple and so full of flavor, you have to give it a whirl too.
Basted Chicken -

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law brought us a "care" package when they visited. I seasoned the chicken with Tiger Dust.

Rinse chicken with cool water and blot dry with paper towels. The Tiger Dust is good, but not a must, season your chicken on both sides with your favorite seasonings or use salt, pepper, and a touch of cayenne.

In a small bowl whisk together 1/4 cup vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce, 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest and 1 tablespoon minced garlic.

Bake chicken in a pre-heated 425 degree oven for 30 - 35 minutes. At this point generously baste the chicken with the sauce and bake for 10 more minutes. Turn chicken, generously baste the other side and bake for another ten minutes.

Serve with Au Gratin potatoes and don't get stressed out about the holidays!


  1. I had chicken last night and would have loved to try this! I am bookmarking this to make it! If I don't talk to you before the holidays or even if I do, have a safe and fabulous holiday!

  2. I hope to be home for Thanksgiving. The week before I'm going deer hunting in Missouri. Or rather I'm going as the caregiver of the husband and son who are going hunting. I get to hang around the cabin and learn to use my camera and take pictures and read some good books. I can't wait. I need this get away worse than the hunters do. We should actually be back some time Thanksgiving day. We will eat with my in laws and so this year will be the first year I won't cooked a thing for the holidays!!! I don't think that I will even miss it.

    That's exciting that yall get to go back to New Orleans! Sounds like we are all going to have fun!

  3. I love the name of the Tiger Dust. It doesn't even matter what it tastes like, because the name is so cool! You must be excited about going home for a visit!

  4. I can't believe Thanksgiving is so soon! Time is flying!! I like the Tiger Dust:)

  5. It's two weeks away? Where has the time gone...UGH!

    This meal is perfect. I don't have the Tiger seasoning but the marinade sounds wonderful... you can't go wrong with au gratin potatoes.

  6. This looks good, a perfect comfort meal with the potatoes, yum! I eat a ton of chicken. Am always looking for new recipes. Tigerdust! Love the name.

  7. that looks so delicious.i love potatoes. i love chicken. i love everything about that meal. and you've been tagged! come to my blog and check it out.

  8. What a great, comforting meal. Never heard of Tiger Dust but I love the name. We are going on vacation this year for Thanksgiving down to the beach. Have never been away there this time of year! Looking forward to the recipes you'll be bringing back!


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