Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pumpkin Seeds

I was really stoked that a lot of you were really interested in what I did with the pumpkin seeds and I hope you're not disappointed.

The pumpkin seeds fresh out of two pumpkins - very wet, slimy, sticky and full of hunks of pulp.

Toss the seeds in a fine mesh colander and rinse them well and pick out the stringy pulp. A few little strings will remain, just get rid of the big's not too tedious. Let them drain for a few minutes.

Spread the seeds out on a baking sheet. This part is VERY IMPORTANT! Let them dry overnight. Believe me you will need "overnight" to let them dry.

When the seeds are completely dry, give them a light coating of extra virgin olive oil and toss the seeds to coat evenly. Now all that's left to do is season them any way you like. We seasoned ours with salt, cayenne and garlic powder. The possibilities are endless. You can make them sweet or savory or any degree of salty or spicy. After you season the seeds toss them again to evenly distribute the seasoning.

Slide the seeds in a pre-heated 250 degree and roast for about 1 hour until they are golden brown. I had intentions of bagging them up to send to work and school with my husband and the homegirlz but that didn't happen. They were gone and I mean all gone in less than 45 minutes.

I'd love to hear how long they last at your house!


  1. I love roasting pumpkin seeds. I just hate going through all the orange goop to get them!

  2. We have never done that in my house but a lady in my first church used to do all kinds of things with them. She even made pumpkin seed icecream. I may try that this year bacause I love them roasted.

  3. I sawa on some blog last week that they made them with cinnamon and sugar! Sounded good but can't remember where I saw them now. These look good and seemed easy enough.

    Have you ever cooked eggplant? I got a real big pretty one at the farmers market today and wondered what to do with it? Any suggestions?

  4. I did this last year, with similar seasonings, and they lasted no time at all!

  5. They might last an hour at my house - thanks for the tip about letting them dry out overnight, I didn't know that.

  6. I love fresh roasted pumpkin seeds. I never let them dry overnight though, I'll have to try that!

  7. Love to roast pumpkin seeds. I like the idea of garlic powder.

  8. You know, I've never made those. I'm too grossed out by the orange goop. As I tell Ben, I don't "do" goop.

  9. Oh, thank you for posting this! Every year I make them, and sometimes they turn out and other times they don't. You can bet for sure that I will follow your dry-out method. Perfect timing as I'll have pumpkin seeds out my ears soon!

  10. I've roasted them before and they are very good and very addicting!


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