Thursday, October 9, 2008


We had some great soup making weather yesterday. Our area received some much needed rain all day and I couldn't wait to get home and start making some soup.

Slice and brown one pound of Polish Kielbasa sausage and set aside. I know, this is minestrone soup and polish sausage? It tastes good and will not adversely affect you or send you into therapy.

While the sausage is browning, mince 2 cloves of garlic, dice 1 medium onion, 2 stalks of celery and slice 2 carrots.

In a large heavy stock pot, heat 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and add the onions, carrots, garlic and celery. Saute until onions are translucent.

Add one russet potato peeled and cubed and one 14.5 ounce can of diced tomatoes. Let this simmer for about 10 minutes.

While the tomatoes and potatoes are cooking down, open a can of cannellini beans and drain and rinse them. Put 3/4 cup of canellini beans and 1/4 cup of beef broth in the food processor.

Pulse food processor until mixture is almost smooth. Pour into soup pot. I think I saw Giada do this once...and it's supposed to make the soup thicker...I thought it was just kinda fun and different to do. Add 32 ounces of beef broth to pot, 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes and 1 stem of rosemary.

Oh, I had a Parmigiana Reggiano rind in the fridge. I read somewhere to hang on to these and add them to soups and gravies, so I tossed this in the soup too. Then add the sausage back in ans 1/2 lb of your favorite small pasta and let the soup simmer for about 15 minutes until the pasta is thoroughly cooked.

Once pasta is cooked add the rest of the cannellini beans and 2 tablespoons of freshly chopped parsley. Let the soup simmer for another 5 minutes until the beans are heated through.

Serve with a crunchy piece of toasted ciabatta bread. Who could turn down a hearty soup like this?


  1. Looks wonderful. I envy your fall weather! It was 95 degrees here in SoCal yesterday :(

  2. Yesterday was a great day for soup!! This looks so good!

  3. I would have never thought to put the cannelli beans in the processor first. I really like that idea. I must try it the next time that I make soup.

  4. Polish sausage plus Minestrone equals multicultural soup! Why not? Sounds good to me. I enjoyed your pictures, too. Everyone posts how to pictures, except me. I'm lucky if I can get one "complete" picture with the starving horde following me around.

  5. That soup looks awesome! I love the "it won't send you to therapy"... LOL!

  6. I am on such a soup kick. This sounds absolutely delicious. I love a good minestrone - especially with fresh breadsticks.

  7. Hey you, I have everything to make this except rosemary and the P.R. rind. Don't know when I'll get to it but it sounds just like something my funny man would love.

    Thanks for your encouragement about my class. The man I live with won't let me give up, he paid to much money for the camera and the class! All I want is to take really cute pictures of the grand daughters. They don't cooperate worth a hoot! I guess I'll start with something else. I really did think I was sitting in a Latin class last night because he was so over my head I felt lost. But I'm hard headed enough to stick with it, hoping for the best!

    I went to your brother's blog! All I can say is WOW! Maybe one day I could ever be half as good. Thanks for turning me on to him. I'm suppose to be studying other peoples work anyway, so I was excited to check him out! Hope your having a really great day!

  8. I love minestrone and it always beings back memories of my grandmother making a huge pot at Christmas time. It is just a perfect comfort dish. Looks fantastic

  9. Love the idea of the cheese rind in the soup. Yum!

    If you don't mind, I am going to put a link to your blog on my sidebar :)

  10. There's a chill in the air in Colorado. I'd love some soup. I hope you will be very happy in TN.

  11. I was just thinking today (while I should have been working) about how it was getting to be time to start making soup. I love the idea of pureed beans to thicken it up; I'm going to remember that trick!

  12. What a warm and comfy soup Katherine! Love it! I saw Giada throw that rind in the soup too!

  13. What a delicious, hearty soup!!! Perfect for cool weather.

  14. I often use polish sausage as a base for my soups and a lot of other things. I think it has a great taste. Some other things I have used are beef jerky, clams for fish chowder, and crabs for fish stew. It's all good.

  15. Ooooh you sound like just like Giada with the Parmesan rind!!! I can tell you only use the best ingredients! However, yours is much more homey and soulful

  16. I would of never put the rind in the soup. Great tip! And I have some rind, glad I didn't throw it away.


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