Thursday, September 18, 2008

Garlic Herb Chicken

My husband grew tomatoes this summer, in fact we are still picking them daily. I am beginning to wonder if this is ever going to end. Don't get me wrong, I am glad his two tomato plants are producing, but he's the only one in our family that eats tomatoes raw. The female portion of the household loves catsup, tomato sauce, pizza sauce, etc., but please don't let a raw tomato slime our salad or sandwich.
I gave a load of tomatoes to one of our neighbors who knows of my aversion to the raw product. She diced, seasoned and stewed the tomatoes and returned them to me in a jar. the jar was still warm when he handed it to me and of course I couldn't resist opening it and let me tell you, the smell was out of this world. I had to use those tomatoes in a dish tonight!!!
Garlic Herb Chicken -
Boil 1/2 lb. penne pasta in salted water and drain.

Rough cut 1 package of chicken strips into chunks, season with salt and pepper and brown in a skillet with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil for about 3 minutes.

Then season with 2 teaspoons dried thyme leaves, 1 heaping tablespoon dried sweet basil and 2 tablespoons minced garlic. Dried herbs are more concentrated than fresh and give this dish a little more depth.

Add a jar or 16 oz. can of diced stewed tomatoes with Italian seasonings and combine.

Add a really generous handful of grated Parmesan, a little drizzle of olive oil and you're in business for a great meal!

Take a plate to your neighbor!


  1. I missed my tomato plants this year! I loved them with pasta.

  2. Oh, talk about the best of both worlds. Someone else to can your homegrown tomatoes? You are one lucky woman. What a great use of them in this dish.

  3. Homegrown tomatoes are the best! What a great way to use them!

  4. This is easy and pretty! What combination could be better?

    2 of my sons hate raw tomatoes; everyone else scarfs them. I had no garden this year, because no one else would participate!

  5. My freind Amanda turned all her tomaotes in to Marinara Sauce. It is wonderful! I think that I'm going to do that when the second crop comes in in October. This looks really easy and delishious. I'll give it a try some time.

  6. Yum! I love tomatoes (raw or cooked). Don't you just love good neighbors. This dish looks delicious - looking forward to trying it.

  7. Hi Katherine, I have a couple of awards for you!

  8. There ain't nothing like good garlic chicken and pasta. This looks fabulous.

  9. This is the third food post I've run across while doing a little blog surfing. I shouldn't do this when I'm hungry. It's torture! How quickly could you ship me a plate full?

  10. We planted a cherry tomato plant on the patio this year. Like you we are over run with tomatoes. But for us it is little baby maters. I love to just throw them in with cooked pasta, olive oil and garlic. You are very lucky to have a neighbor to make stewed tomatoes for you. My neighbors would throw the tomatoes at me. :-)

  11. I always wondered why some people didn't like tomatoes on their sandwiches, but love spaghetti or pizza. It never occured to me about the rawness factor. I love tomatoes raw or cooked and made a delicious garlic herb chicken dish!


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