Monday, September 29, 2008

Creamy Cheesecake

Now here's a dessert that will get you motivated on a Monday, Creamy Cheesecake. Cheesecake, the ultimate comfort food. Grab a napkin so you can wipe the drool off your chin and let's get started..

Creamy Cheesecake -

In a small bowl, mix together 1-1/4 cups of graham cracker crumbs, 1/3 cup of melted butter and 1/4 cup of sugar.

Press mixture down evenly in the bottom of a spring form pan.

In a large mixing bowl, beat two 8 ounces packages of cream cheese until fluffy, add in 8 ounces of room temperature sour cream. Once the sour cream and the cream cheese is blended, pour in one 14 ounce can of condensed milk, the add 3 eggs (one at a time), and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Pour Mixture into pan and bake in a pre-heated 325 degree oven for 45 minutes.

Cool cheesecake and remove from pan. Let it chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Garnish any way you like your imagination is your limit. We sprinkled some graham cracker crumbs on top and topped that off with a couple of rasberries.


  1. YUM, I'm a firm believer in cheesecake!

  2. I'm a cheesecake fan :) I plan to make a chocolate chip cheesecake later this week and made a cherry cheesecake a week or so ago (posted on my blog). I LOVE cheesecake, yours looks delish!

  3. Love the fresh berries. I've never made a cheesecake with condensed milk-I've got to try it!

  4. NNNOOOOO!!!!! Now I'm hungry! I just love cheesecake - I could weigh a quarter ton if I ate as much as I'd really like!

  5. Wow, cream cheese + condensed milk, I can imagine how silky smooth and rich that must have been!! The best cheesecake is the one you made, vanilla and served plain or with a sprinkling or crumbs or some fruit. Another thing I love about cheesecake is how easy it can be made, you just have to throw evertying in the food processor!

  6. I love cheesecake, too much probably which is why I only make it on special occasions! I've never seen a recipe for it with condensed milk, I'll bet that makes it extra creamy!

  7. Your cheesecake looks fantastic! I love cheesecake!

  8. Yum. I love cheesecake. Top it with fresh berries and I am in heaven. Delicious!

  9. Yummy! I had cheesecake over the weekend with pineapple, so I'm still thinking of cheesecake today. Yours looks delicious!

  10. Your cheesecake looks perfect. I looooove cheesecake!!

  11. I have never tried condensed milk. Love the berries on top!! Looks delicious!

  12. Now that looks absolutely creamy!

  13. Oh wow, I've never tried making it with condensed milk. Where have I been?? Yours look perfect. Mind sending me some?


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