Friday, September 12, 2008


Lanny at Lagniappe honored me with this award. She is originally from Louisiana and is a regular visitor to my blog. Lanny's blog is a very interesting and sweet blog with lots of humor. Stop by and visit Lanny's blog. You'll also see really cute baby pics from her blessed new addition to her family.

So here's the rules:
*Choose 5 bloggers that you feel are kick-butt bloggers.
*Let them know.
*Link back to Mammadawg.
*Link back to the person who gave you the award.

I'm awarding this award to:
Prudy- her constant encouragement and because gave me my first award.
Marjie -she amazes me daily...check out her blog!
Michele -she shares fabulous recipes and great stories.
Greg - his stories will split your sides and yes, Greg you are always right!
Aggie -I'm a freak for Italian food and her blog makes me drool!

Like Lanny, I could list pretty much all of the blogs I stalk...tough pick narrowing it down to five.

Great BIG Thank You Lanny!


  1. Awww thank you. I will put the link on my blog right after I cook lunch for the crew. A man's work is never done I tell you.

  2. Oh wow! What a great suprise this morning! Congratulations on your award, and thank you sooo much for thinking of me. I love coming to your blog and I think you do amazing thigs in your kitchen. I even love your little polka dot skirt icon with the red shoes. Have a great weekend. You just made mine!

  3. Congrats! I can't think of better honorees!

  4. Congrats to you and every one else!

  5. Thank you, Katherine! I'm touched that you would think of me! I will write about this later or tomorrow...

  6. Congrats on your award - you deserve it.

  7. Congrats on your award!!I just love your blog!

  8. Wow what a surprise! I was just stopping by and saw this! Thank you so much Katherine! Congrats to you too!

  9. Aww, thanks for the kind words! :)


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