Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ranch Dressing

I have to give credit for this idea to Prudy at Prudence Pennywise. She made a fabulous looking Ranch dressing last week that had my mouth watering. My tween goes through Ranch dressing as fast as she goes through ice cream (which is a blur). Ranch dressing has gotten pretty pricey and preparing the dressing at home takes very little time, it's more economical and I am able to control the fat content; which believe it or not and according to Prudy is much less than the bottled dressings. I gave the dressing a try and kind of changed it up just a bit. The dressing came out unbelievably good; my tween said throw the bottle stuff away; this is what I want. She then proceeded to ask if we could hide the remaining dressing in the fridge where her dad couldn't find it.

Ranch Dressing -

Smash two cloves of garlic, add 1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt and make a paste by using the back of a chef's knife.

In a medium bowl combine garlic paste, 1 cup of mayo, 1/3 cup low-fat buttermilk, a splash of white wine, a splash apple cider vinegar (or you can use 2 teaspoons white wine vinegar), 2 tablespoons minced flat leaf parsley, 1 tablespoons finely chopped shallots, 1 tablespoon chopped chives, 1 teaspoon dried dill, 1/2 teaspoon chipotle powder and black pepper to taste.

Cover bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate and the slather all over anything you like to slather Ranch dressing on....don't say anything...but I hid what was left from my tween and my husband.


  1. As much as I enjoy ranch dressing, I just don't see the fascination kids have with it. My boyfriend's daughter will put it on everything. I bought a huge squeeze bottle of the stuff at the store last week and you should have seen her eyes light up when she saw it in the fridge. :-) Your recipe sounds fantastic. I love dill and never thought of putting it in my ranch dressing. I will definitely give your recipe a try this weekend. I bet I'll have to do the same as you and hide a little of it for myself.
    Thanks so much for stopping by my site! :-)

  2. Hooray-I'm so glad your ranch lover approved. Your changes sound delicious too!

  3. Yum, it looks great Katherine! Big Ranch fan here too!

  4. I love salad and I love dressings...but everytime I buy a bottled dressing I use it only once or twice. I guess I'm a salad dressing snob??? I would love to make my own ranch....I will definately give this a try. It looks delicious! Homemade is always better isn't it?

  5. This dressing sounds great... especially with dill. I have yet to find a bottle of store bought ranch that I like. Thanks for the recipe.

  6. It looks and sounds great. I should try it on my new diet. Is it low cal?

  7. I LOVE real, non-bottled ranch! I can't wait to try this one.


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