Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Please take a look to your right. I am so excited and flattered that I've received my very first blog award from Prudy at Prudence Pennywise! Thank you Prudy!


  1. You so deserve it-and those cranberry chicken wings are further proof. YUM!

  2. Hey Katherine! congratulations on your award! It is no surprise to me because I know you are an outstanding cook, having tasted your talents firsthand. Congratulations!

  3. A very well-deserved award!! Congrats!

  4. Well deserved congratulations to a lady, who upholds wholesomeness.
    Thanks to you, I have a new perspective on my own cooking.
    Been real hot and humid here, but I did get out a pot of red beans n rice, and baked some corn bread muffins.
    The end did justify the means.
    Thanks for the recipes you have provided me.

  5. Thank all you for your humbling comments. It's because all of you keep coming back and encouraging me that I keep up this wonderful madness! Your kindness is very appreciated.


Thanks for stopping by, I enjoy reading your comments.
