Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Stuffed Articholes - N'Awlins Style

Stuffed Artichokes N'Awlins Style -
If you only try one recipe from this blog it HAS TO BE THIS ONE! Seriously! Once you try this you are gonna be absolutely addicted. New Orleanians look forward to "Stuffed Artichoke Season" in Spring. Just about every seafood counter offers stuffed artichokes for purchase as an appetizer or side to whatever their customer may purchase. Stuffed artichokes are present at crawfish, shrimp and crab boils and EVERYONE knows someone who makes the best ever stuffed artichokes. Let's get started stuffing these babies, but first I want to shout out to my tween a very special thank you for helping me. She posed for some of the pictures and took some of them too. One other thing, when you make these, make two, believe me you'll be glad you did.

First, cut the stem of your artichoke to about 3/4 of an inch and try to make the cut as even a possible so the artichoke can stand upright on the stem.

Each leaf has a little sticker located top and center, cut each leaf evenly across. This is the only tedious part. Start from the bottom and work your way to the top.

The leaves are cut and artichoke can stand upright all on its own. Now fill up a large bowl with water and put the artichoke in the water upside down and swish it around a bit. This will ensure any dirt particles or stickers that you snipped off won't get trapped down in the leaves. Drain the artichokes upside down on a paper towel and twist it back and forth a little to open up the top inside leaves. Let the artichoke finish draining while we make the stuffing. Yum!

In a large bowl, add 1-1/2 cups season Italian bread crumbs.

1-1/2 cups grated Parmesan cheese.

1-1/2 cups grated Romano cheese.

Twelve cloves finely chopped garlic.

Mix with your hands and then rub the mixture in your hands and my tween is demonstrating to infuse the dry ingredients with the garlic moisture and flavor.

Place the artichoke in a bowl (the bowl will catch excess stuffing). Stuff each leaf using a teaspoon, starting from the bottom leaves and working your way up. Be sure to get the top inside leaves (get as far as humanly possible).

Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the top and sides of the artichoke. This will keep it moist while it's steaming and will help bind the stuffing.

Places a couple of thin slices of lemon on top for extra flavor. Use a pot with a tight fitting lid that is large enough to hold the artichoke. Pour about 1-inch of water in the bottom of the pot. Using aluminum foil, fashion a bowl and set the artichoke in the foil bowl and place in pot with water. Steam over medium heat for about an hour, checking the pot occasionally making sure there is still water in the post. Add more water as necessary. Make sure water level stays below the bottom leaves. Artichokes are done when leaves easily pull from the artichoke.

Isn't that gorgeous? Now some of you, are probably wondering how to eat these. Start at the bottom and work your way up. Pull a leaf, take the end that was closest to the core and hold it between your thumb and index finger. Put the leaf in your mouth, letting the index finger holding the other end gently brush against your upper front teeth. Gently close your teeth and scrape the stuffing off the leaf and repeat several times.

Mmmmmmm man this smells so good!


  1. Oh, these were so good! Your version sounds a little light on the garlic, though. ;-) But I can kick it up a notch if I need to.

  2. OMG - I cannot wait to try these!! Thanks! I am putting you in my blog roll so I can remember to keep visiting. Found you on Blog Village!

  3. Annie, thanks so much. Please let me know how you like them. Also, give me the address to your blog, because I would love to visit and add you to my blog roll.

  4. yumm. These look so good. I cant wait to try these. I wold like to invite you to participate in the ONE DISH MEAL- Salad event i am hosting. The rules for which are in my website, i will look forward to a recipe from the innovative you :)


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